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I'm glad you're ordering the cake, OG. Now you don't have to worry about making it yourself.


In the Dark, sounds like a hangover. I hope you get better. Next time drink a lot of water after you're done drinking and before you go to bed! That will help.


Another reason why vodka is my drink of choice. Vodka tends not to give you hangovers when you just drink it alone, not other drinks with it. When I drink, I make myself 1-2 strong screwdrivers and I call it a night. I don't like to drink more because that's when my memory becomes affected and the next morning, I don't remember the whole evening. But I've never been hungover.

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before you know it, your wedding will be here! How exciting! It will be really nice to have someone handle the cake, I'm sure. The only thing you should be worried about before your big day is, well, getting ready and all that. Not baking.


Alcohol has always made my stomach feel like it's "warming", aching almost. It's a slow, warm feeling in my stomach. I think if I were sober, I wouldn't like but by the time I feel it, I've already had some and I don't care as much.


I'd rather be hungover than wake up and wonder what happened the night before. I've done that and I HATE it, even though I know I didn't go anywhere or do anything, itstill sucks. Over the summer, post BU, I went through a period of drinking a LOT more. I had N with me so I would feel safer. I drank too much a couple times on accident and while I didn't get sick, I don't remember what happened that night. The most bizarre time was I guess I was talking about B and the BU (but I didn't get upset, just more venting), then I turned up the heat (in summer!), and then I was like "It's HOT IN HERE." and I took my shirt off. 0_0 And apparently I just sat there for a while.


Moral of the story: be very careful!

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Lol, are we nursing a hangover headache Dark?


Certainly was, now I just have the hangover shakes....


I'm glad you're ordering the cake, OG. Now you don't have to worry about making it yourself.


In the Dark, sounds like a hangover. I hope you get better. Next time drink a lot of water after you're done drinking and before you go to bed! That will help.


Another reason why vodka is my drink of choice. Vodka tends not to give you hangovers when you just drink it alone, not other drinks with it. When I drink, I make myself 1-2 strong screwdrivers and I call it a night. I don't like to drink more because that's when my memory becomes affected and the next morning, I don't remember the whole evening. But I've never been hungover.


Ha ha yes as mentioned above.

I know water is what I SHOULD be having before to stop the dehydration.

It seems it varies depending on the Larger I drink.

The Thai Larger I had is just as bad as Heineken!


I have the same reaction to alcohol as you by the sound s of things Fudge.

Spirits don't give me a hangover but at the same time it take a lot of Spirits to affect me in most cases unless I'm doing shots which I don't enjoy doing.

You're lucky to have not been hung over yet.

I guess I start to lose discipline after a few largers sometimes.

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Haha, I am like that too, I sometimes lose discipline after a couple. Once you're into it, well, it's hard because your judgement goes.


I'm sure if I drank a lot more beer and other things, I would get hungover. Vodka really doesn't tend to make people hungover and that's always my drink of choice these days, so that's probably why I'm not hungover ever. It may also be my age. I will probably get worse as I get older.


These days, when I drink, if I feel TOO drunk, I have a small bag of tobacco in my room with some rolling papers. I roll my own cigarette and smoke it. I feel much more sober instantly, much better. I wouldn't drive, heavens no, but it makes me feel better and more alert.

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32 more days til he arrives. It's close, and I'm just ready to see him. Lol, yeah. The cake people were super awesome, even offered to put the flowers on for me.


Counting days to certain things makes me anxious.

If I was in your situation I would be pretty anxious even though I'd be looking forward to the days.


Haha, I am like that too, I sometimes lose discipline after a couple. Once you're into it, well, it's hard because your judgement goes.


I'm sure if I drank a lot more beer and other things, I would get hungover. Vodka really doesn't tend to make people hungover and that's always my drink of choice these days, so that's probably why I'm not hungover ever. It may also be my age. I will probably get worse as I get older.


These days, when I drink, if I feel TOO drunk, I have a small bag of tobacco in my room with some rolling papers. I roll my own cigarette and smoke it. I feel much more sober instantly, much better. I wouldn't drive, heavens no, but it makes me feel better and more alert.


I had to drink vodka straight out of the bottle to get me feeling somewhat drunk.

My spirit of choice is usually Jim Beam with Coke or Jamesons Irish Whiskey with Red Bull.

Never noticed smoking a cigarette sobering me up

Must have different effects on different people.

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OG, I'm soooo glad that you went with buttercream and not fondant. Buttercream is delicious. Fondant may look pretty but it is N-A-S-T-Y to eat. You made a good choice. Wedding cake is supposed to be delicious.


Fondant is like that almond flavoured icing right?

Like Marzipan?

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Fondant is like that almond flavoured icing right?

Like Marzipan?


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It's this stuff that you can like, smooth out and create figures with. It's like an icing but it's a really different sort of substance too. It's very versatile. The fondant on wedding cakes has gelatin in it so it's "mold-able"


But it tastes nasty.

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Fudge - yeah, and for what I wanted the lady said she was use to working with buttercream. And their buttercream is the same one they use in their birthday cakes - yummy!


Dark - The only thing I'm anxious about is getting him here. That is still there beneath the surface of me being excited, def, but I'm trying to ignore it.

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It's this stuff that you can like, smooth out and create figures with. It's like an icing but it's a really different sort of substance too. It's very versatile. The fondant on wedding cakes has gelatin in it so it's "mold-able"


But it tastes nasty.


The stuff looks like play dough.

I think I have seen the stuff mainly on fruit cake which is already pretty nasty IMO.


Fudge - yeah, and for what I wanted the lady said she was use to working with buttercream. And their buttercream is the same one they use in their birthday cakes - yummy!


Dark - The only thing I'm anxious about is getting him here. That is still there beneath the surface of me being excited, def, but I'm trying to ignore it.


I can understand your anxiety of getting him here after the last fiasco.

Lets all hope it doesn't happen this time!

I'd be yelling in frustration and disbelief over this side if something does hold up him getting there.

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Very unproductive day. Slept in, took my uncle and his son to get their hair cut, we grabbed lunch, and now my uncle is making dinner. Mmmmmmm. Being around my uncle, for some reason, always puts me in the mood to write on my novel. I don't know if that's because I associate him with my only happy childhood memories - watching him play D&D around the kitchen table - and that's always put me in the mood to write or what but for the first time in a while I'm itching to break my worldich out and work on it. But that won't happen until after the wedding.


Whch, btw, tomorrow is a month until L arrives - even though my thoughts tomorrow will be on a entirely different thing....

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Lazy Sunday. I left my uncle's about 10 or so and got back home a little after noon. I talked to L for about 45 minutes on the drive home then we web cammed for half an hour before he got an early night since he starts work again tomorrow. Most of the time we talked about American history, actually. And he squared away the last bit of ceremony music we needed so all we have to do is burn the cds when he gets here and all.


After L and I got off the phone I snuggled up to Jasper - who went crazy when I walked through the door - and had about an hour or so nap. Mom is starting to get sick so I'll be helping her watch T tonight (he's had her up since 4:30 this morning) - as I type this he's actually sitting in my lap watchign the computer screen, lol

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