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I had to move with my ex 400 miles away from my home town, my best friend from forever was horrible to me during the last week before the move. I knew it was her anger and let it wash over me. It's hard to verbalise missing friendships and knowing it's because of a guy basically! Lots of long teary phone calls helped!

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Thank you guys. I know it's hard on her, it would be hard on me too if I stayed and she left. I just have to remember whatever she says in anger isn't how she really feels. And for me I need to start putting effort into our long distance friendship because I have a portion to shoulder as well. She really is my best friend. I can't think of anyone else who would be standing next to me as my MOH on my big day or who I would WANT to be standing next to me other than her. It's just going to take effort on both of our parts to stay in contact, both before I move and after.

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It will. I'll have a best friend there, she will have one here, but she will always be my bestie. Just means I have to go OUT and interact with other females to get one, lol

Thats exactly what i did! And she did, it hurt to have missed out on so much with her while i was away but then I remember she felt the exact same thing.

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Today was rainy and cold and I must say, it was great. I love this kind of weather. Granted I don't like feeling the cold in my feet - def going to start keeping a pair of fuzzy socks in my car from now on - but it was pretty good. I sat outside on break at one point with a light jacket on and a steaming cup of coffee and was in heaven. Today was my last day working in the housekeeping department, next three days I'm working in laundry to cover for a girl. I have be up bright and early at 6 am tomorrow. >.

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Long day.


I was up at the butt crack of dawn today - literally. I can't tell you the last time I saw 5 AM. It was pitch black when I was driving to work. Before work though I was stood in my kitchen, bleery eyed and dishelved waiting on the kettle to boil for coffee and was trying to find something to put milk into so I could take the milk to work - I drink milk in my coffee and didn't feel like paying the price in our cafeteria. So I'm standing there looking and my eyes land on T's sippy cup. Oh yeah. I took my nephew's sippy cup to work today with milk in it. Got a few strange looks...


I also so THE biggest spider of my life at work. No lie. I walked by it and looked down and thought it was one of those water bugs we have - if you have lived down here for any length of time you know what I"m talking about. Then I looked more closely and noticed the 'waterbug' had eight legs and was so big I could tell, from a standing up position, that it's body did not touch the floor. You all know I hate spiders so I jumped on the clothes rack to get my feet off the floor and hollared for my co worker to come kill it. She obviously was dying laughing but it was a very scary situation... never have I seen one that big in 23 years. Ever.


I was going to clean my car out in preparation for the trip this weekend but guess who took a few hours afternoon nap? Moi. So I'm going to do my room and bathroom, go ahead and pack for the trip that way tomorrow morning when I wake up before work I can just clean the trash out of my car and when I get home tomorrow night from work just toss the stuff I'm taking with me in there. I'm going to get a lot of wedding DIY done this weekend so I'm looking to getting that done and over with considering we have 34 more days until L lands.


Speaking of L, we had another of our little 'pre-meeting' tifts again today. Over something that was not important, of course. But it def opened my eyes (in a good way) even more and I love the fact that after all this time of communicating with each other, we are still learning about each other. We are both believers that you spend your entire relationship with someone to get to know them - because obviously there are things you can't cover or even remember until it's brought up in conversation or via a situation. Today just reminded me that while our personalities are different - me the emotional one, him the more clinical viewing one - and that will and have clashes before on certain subjects, that even though we are vastly different in those areas, we also take the best from each other. L teaches me to be less emotional (if there is such a thing for me..) and to not take life as seriously and he said I grounded him to reality and what should be taken seriously. And this entire tift was resolved in under an hour due to our awesome communication skillz. Yes, I meant to spell it like that.

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Well, still taking positive steps in the LDF. She had an issue with facebook tonight and I told her what she need to do. Then I texted her about my spider incident and she texted right back. We talked a little bit, she said she couldn't believe my wedding was a month away (almost) and she's going to try to come down next week if I'm off Friday. Small steps.

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My BM just sent me a picture of our wedding gift from her and I LOVE it! I think only one of my journal followers will know what I"m talking about - I'd rather not name names incase they don't want that detail out about them on here! - but I'l do my best. My BM and uncle are in a association called the SCA. It's an organization were you dress up in period clothes (like Ren era, Tudor era, there are specific years you can do but it stretches like thousands of years I think) and do period things (sword fighting, scroll making, etc). You create a persona within that period and dress and do things at the gatherings that your persona would have done IN that period. Like I love to write so if I were to join the organization, I would try to do something with writing that was period era. They get together by going on camping trips and they have tournaments and such. It's pretty awesome. Well, my BM does scroll work for the organization and she is a MASTER at it. She studies real scrolls from way back when and recreates them for stuff within the organization - like you would get a scroll if you won a big tournament or you got promoted within your field in the organization. I know money is tight for EVERYONE nowadays so I asked her to make L and I one of her scrolls as our wedding present from her, just a simple scroll that you know has the date we got married, and such, something I can frame and hang up. So she me the picture and I have to say, I"m just blown and away touched at this gift:


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It's not even finished yet I believe (she has to do more coloring I'm assuming) but I love it. Like it's literally almost bought me to tears because it's just such a personal gift. She said she put something in their for L but she didn't think you could see it from the picture and she won't tell me until I see her and the scroll on Friday! lol.

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^ It is, Sherry. Def going to be framed and hung!


Blah, long 8 hours. I some how have a headache which came out of NO were tonight. Working on getting rid of that because my butt needs to be asleep by 11 at the latest since I have to be up at 5:30 in the morning. Thankfully it's only a 5 hour shift and then I'm headed to my uncle's for the weekend! Got the car packed with my scrapbook stuff already, just gotta pack my over night bag tonight and stick it in my car tomorrow morning as I head to work.

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Very productive day. Worked from 7-12, drove to my hometown and ordered our wedding cake (to tier, White with dots, yellow ribbon on base, buttercream). While I was in my hometown I stopped off and picked up some Chinese takeaway from my favorite place since I hadn't ate all day. God that smelled yummy on the 45 minute drive to my uncles... I found out what the thing for L on our scroll as. She had put LOTR writing around the border in gold - L and I both love LOTR - and she found a social copy that said something like 'one ring to unite us' and such, instead of the whole, you know, dark ring binding people together.

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