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Sorry if I offend anyone here, but I LIVE for football season. It's my faorite sport by far!! Don't worry, I won't post a word about it here. I'm one of the rare female sports nuts. Football, basketball, boxing, etc... I love them all except baseball.


lol - you are fine Jig. I hadn't logged onto facebook all day and then as I'm scrolling through my news feed EVERY status from my friends was about bloody football. I was like first game people! I'm glad I booked our hotels well in advnace.. my hometown is in the area of a well known college football team and on a Sat in October, if it was a home game, our hotel room price could have SKY rocketed...

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After the wedding, I really need to hunker down and finish out some scrapbook pages so I can then start sending my stuff over to L. Actually, I need to find a stopping point and not scrapbook past a certain event - since I'm YEARS behind - and work from there.


Also, there is a cricket in our house and Jasper is going bat crap crazy.

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Just a crazy emotional day. I woke up with a roaring headache, work was slow as ever because it's a holiday so no one was there. The weather made me sleepy. There were some CNAs I wanted to punch in the face for thinking I was their personal house keeper and cleaning up THEIR mess. Then L and I got into a disagreement on my lunch break that ended in one of the rare times we hung up made at each other. And due to the bloody forsaken time difference I haven't heard a peep from him since then (4 o'clock). So I went from angry, to mad, to sad, and all over the place. Then my best friend texts me about one of the guys we went to HS having cancer and we got to talking and I apologize for not being as attentive of a friend as I could be (because I could be. Me being a loner tends to take over too much) and how I felt like I was pulling away from her because I was afraid she would see me moving to England as abandonding her and she wouldn't pursue our friendship.


And when she texted me back saying of course it wouldn't it was just like everything from today just came down and I'm having one of those for no good reason cry fests right now.

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I'm sorry about the headache. yeah, today was Labour Day. I didn't get much done. All the offices were closed.


I hope you hear from L soon. Everyone gets into disagreements from time to time. It's just one of those days, it sounds. I'm sure once you talk to him, things will be better.


I don't think it's just you being a "loner". Your best friends lives a ways away, right? That's probably a big part too. You're busy with planning a wedding and working. I think you guys are just having some distance and right now, that may be necessary and okay. Life sometimes just takes certain turns and you may not be able to be as attentive right now because of all that's going on but that's not necessarily your fault.

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They do, and we do, naturally, we just rarely (this is like the second time in our relationship) were we have hung up without resolving it. I don't know, what we were discussing just struck a nerve in me and it was all down hill from there.


We do. We live about 45 minutes away from each other and both work full time jobs and she's raising my 2 year old niece. I find it odd that I'm content with dealing with the distance between L and me because I know it will end, but I'm acting like a novice when it comes to the 45 min distance between me and her. How odd. It isn't the first time our friendship has evolved or we have had that 'away from each other' period. It doesn't help she's drop dead gorgeous, thin, and she's fashion oriented. So since she lost her weight, I feel a bit like a frumbled gnome standing next to her. Not her fault, it's how I percieve myself compared to her but it's there. I'm going up to my hometown this weekend and I think I'll drop by her work Fri on my way and Sun on my way back down to see her, even if it is only for a few minutes.

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Both of my best friends are gorgeous!!! One is tiny, cute, was a bathing suit model and looks more than a little like Kim Kardashian. The other is a tall, lithe, brunette with lime green eyes and dimples. I'm cute, blonde, curvy, blue-eyed and not as expotic looking as either of them (think girl next door with big boobs). I don't care. I like me and they have been my friends for over 30 years, so I must have something going for me. Beautiful women generally hang together, so I must be sort of attractive. Right? Actually I don't care. I have good friends and that is all I care about.

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If I may ask, when you talk with L, do you usually talk about the future and possible issues and such that will come up then? See, I did both with B. I found that talking about the future, well, I couldn't do it a lot, only sometimes. Because I sometimes found it stressful. Usually, I talked about things day to day and such, especially when I was down, because it wasn't really anything to get angry about.


Well, you talk to L a lot and that distance does have an "end date". It's easier to manage. There is no "end date" to the distance between you and your best friend. Some people just aren't as great with long distance. No one is to blame. You'll see her when you can and it sounds like you're making the effort when you can so that's good.

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Yeah I think most of my friends are more attractive than I am, lol. My best friend is REALLY handsome and always has girls crushing on him. My oldest childhood friend has gorgeous skin and legs. My roommates are also very thin with beautiful hair.


It's kind of backwards but I feel prettier when I am next to them, haha.

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Both of my best friends are gorgeous!!! One is tiny, cute, was a bathing suit model and looks more than a little like Kim Kardashian. The other is a tall, lithe, brunette with lime green eyes and dimples. I'm cute, blonde, curvy, blue-eyed and not as expotic looking as either of them (think girl next door with big boobs). I don't care. I like me and they have been my friends for over 30 years, so I must have something going for me. Beautiful women generally hang together, so I must be sort of attractive. Right? Actually I don't care. I have good friends and that is all I care about.


lol, this had me smiling Jig. She really is gorgeous. Thin, about my height, blonde hair. I always say I'm the brunette version of her, she's the blonde version of me. I guess her going from being curvy to thin kind of threw me off balance. I loved her curvy, that's how I had always known her and one day I walk into her house and she has no hips, no butt, no boobs. I didn't know whether to congratulate her or ask where was my best friend.

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If I may ask, when you talk with L, do you usually talk about the future and possible issues and such that will come up then? See, I did both with B. I found that talking about the future, well, I couldn't do it a lot, only sometimes. Because I sometimes found it stressful. Usually, I talked about things day to day and such, especially when I was down, because it wasn't really anything to get angry about.


Well, you talk to L a lot and that distance does have an "end date". It's easier to manage. There is no "end date" to the distance between you and your best friend. Some people just aren't as great with long distance. No one is to blame. You'll see her when you can and it sounds like you're making the effort when you can so that's good.


We do most of the time. It has bred arguments before (like the whole me wanting L to always chose the baby's welfare over mine one day) and actually we have steered away from those type of conversations. This was just about something in the immediate future dealing with my move there and a timeline neither of us agreed on about this certain thing.


lol, this is priceless. I can handle being in a LDR, 4,000 miles away from my fiance but I can't handle 45 minutes LDF. haha. Oh, universe. Oh funny you are.

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Yeah didn't she take some sort of diet pill and lost all of that weight? What was it called again? *don't remember*


It can be unsettling when someone dramatically changes their weight, for better or worse. I can understand the feeling.


She went to some kind of doctor, yeah. Pill or shot, I can't remember. I mean, she looks great but I guess with the distance it's taken me far longer to adjust to my 'new' friend that it would if I had seen the change gradually in her.

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It all boils down to some relationships not handling the distance. Depends on the relationship. Obviously you and L seem to fare quite well but not everyone is that way. There are only a couple friends that I've stayed close with while at school, since I'm 3 hours from home. Most I've grown apart some and it's more of a "I'll hang out with you when i'm in town" and that's it. Kinda sad at first but you come to accept it. They are still friends to me.

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Yeah. I plan on getting her a web cam and showing her how to use said web cam and Skype so we can have some means other than facebook to chat. I think this is just more proof that if you start in a relationship (of any kind, romantic or friendship) 'normal' and go LD, it's more work than just being LD from the beginning. Never looked at it that way before....

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It may help having planned "Skype" dates with your friend like you do with L. I know someone who moved away who does this with her old gal pals. Because of this, they remain close. Plan it for once a week or as often/infrequent as you like.

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My absolute best friend moved from Cali to Alaska when she got married many years ago. We are still best friends and have been since high school. Distance doesn't mean much to us. She is in town now, sad occasion her mother's funeral, but we have made plans to see each other before she goes home. If it' a good friendship, it will survive.

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