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I think giving them a ring will be a good idea. In the meantime, drink lots of cranberry juice and water! I've had UTIs and the pain of urination makes me never want to drink anything again because then I will pee and it will hurt. I would literally go for a day or more without consuming ANY liquid. Soooo bad. But you need to keep hydrated, that's so important.

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I had to take my bag of trash out to the bin and of course Tyler started screaming bloody murder the second I dissapeared around the front door. So I picked him up and took him down to the end of the driveway with me so mom could have a minute of peace to start supper. On the way back I stood him up in the grassy area of our yard and let him walk. He's pretty much walking rather than crawling now. He still kind of walks far legged apart but he's getting more sure of himself and is gaining speed. At one point he started zig zagging toward the hill and I was like 'No, no, no, no' and he just started laughing and running the other direction from me. Then he wanted to flop down half way home and play in the dirt. He's his aunt's nephew, for sure.

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Well I just got an impromt visit.


I had just woken up from an afternoon nap (wasn't going to take one but seeing Jasper lied snuggled against the window sun bathing while sleeping made me sleepy) when I got the Skype call from L on the computer. Granted I didn't think it was sweet for the first few seconds - it was well over midnight his time and he never calls me this late, so I thought the worst like someone had died or something. But it was nothing bad, one of his room mates had rudely awoken him and he couldn't get back to sleep so he thought he would ring me to talk for a little while while he got sleepy again.


I miss him.

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Oh I see...six pence (English equivalent of pennies). I didn't know that was a tradition. That's pretty cool. I wonder where it originally came from.


I keep forgetting that "something..." rhyme. I thought it was something like "something new, something old, something white, something..." oh man I forget.


So what do you do with all that old, new, borrowed, and blue stuff? Are you supposed to wear it?


I'm clueless when it comes to wedding traditions as you can see >

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Yeah, I'm on a board for American expats in England and they were discussing doing English traditions at their weddings here and that one came up as a frequent one they do. For $2 why not?


The only "something" rhyme I know of is the 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue' - I think we just dropped the sixth pence tradition here.


It depends on what your stuff is really. My old is the st. christopher necklace L gave me (his gran gave it to him), my new are my diamond and pearl earrings (which I'll keep and wear at some other occasion), my blue are blue glittery ballet shoes, and my borrowed is a pearl bracelet from my mom. But yeah, most of the time all that is worn on your wedding day.

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Yeah I wasn't sure if those were all separate things, or if you needed to find something that was old, yet new, blue, and borrowed. Which sounds pretty darn impossible to me, haha. I'm pretty clueless.


Sounds like your stuff came together pretty well though.


I'm sorry to derail with another question, but I've always wondered: what does a garter do? Why do brides wear them? and do the grooms really have to take them off at the reception or is that not really done? That one always really confused me.

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In the Dark Ages the garter was symbolic of consumation of marriage and it was deeply symbolic to untie the garter (or in today's society take it off). Back then you know they would watch the marriage be consumated (talk about performance anxiety!) and the tossing of the garter was the tradition to keep the wedding guests entertained. In some English traditions when the ceremony ended, the groomsmen would rush the bride (still at altar) and take it off then (it was thought HUGELY good luck to have a piece of clothing froma bride) but that obviously caused said bride to be pushed down, trampled, and the custom slowly fell away to the groom taking the garter off and throwing it to the unmarried men at the wedding.


Grooms don't have to take them off, no. I'm wearing one but L isn't going to take it off or toss it.

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