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I LOVE autumn! It's so sad it's not pretty here in Florida like it is in New England where I grew up. I will be pulling out all my fall scented candles this weekend-- I have a ton of them because I love it so much. I have a cabinet full of fall/Christmas candles (and I'll probably still buy more!) because it's the only way I feel at home.

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It's been feeling more and more like fall here. Not humid or hot, just warm with a slight breeze. Still doesn't have that bite to the wind that fall does but it's made me more excited for L to come because I associate his coming with fall from last year.


I had 25 boxes of nothing but Christmas decorations in storage. :s I can't bring all of it but I'm going to try to ship certain valuable pieces I want to have over there.

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I hate bladder infections!!!!


It started today and I'm about to just DIE here. I was going to go to the gym - well, I DID go - but 2 minutes on the treadmill that over whelming urge to pee hit so I got off and went to the bathroom. 3 minutes later a few drops come out - the wonderful process of an infection! - and I got back on the treadmill. 2 minutes later, the process repeats. After the 4th time of getting off the treadmill I said screw it and packed up and went home but not before I stopped at Walmart to pick up some cranberry juice.

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UTI is when you have an infection in your urethra. That's when it really hurts to go pee. This is really common, esp in women, and this is probably what you have.


Bladder infections usually don't hurt to pee but you'll get really dark urine and kidney pain. Bladder infections are a bit more uncommon and it can happen when you get something like E Coli in there. It can spread to your kidneys and do massive harm. But it sounds like you have a UTI to me.


Cranberry juice will help a bit but I do think you are going to need an antibiotic of some sort. Can you get those cheap at wal-mart or something? That will solve your problem.

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Yeah, it's a UTI. It doesn't hurt to go pee so much (mine never do for some reason) it's just this massive pressure in my abondmen area and it takes fooorreeevvveerrrrr to go pee and when I do, it's like 2 or 3 droplets. But the pressure is slowly lessening with the more juice I drink. I didn't know you could get antibiotics over the counter for UTIs - I know my local health department doesn't give medication for them, WHY I have no bloody idea....

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Yeah, it's a UTI. It doesn't hurt to go pee so much (mine never do for some reason) it's just this massive pressure in my abondmen area and it takes fooorreeevvveerrrrr to go pee and when I do, it's like 2 or 3 droplets. But the pressure is slowly lessening with the more juice I drink. I didn't know you could get antibiotics over the counter for UTIs - I know my local health department doesn't give medication for them, WHY I have no bloody idea....


Ugh! I had 4 when I was pregnant and I took antibotics for them because they can cause pre-term labor. They were so annoying and painful. I think I had one bladder infection (rest were UTI's) because I remember it was actually painful to walk and I had sharp pains. The antibotic cleared it up, though.

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Ugh! I had 4 when I was pregnant and I took antibotics for them because they can cause pre-term labor. They were so annoying and painful. I think I had one bladder infection (rest were UTI's) because I remember it was actually painful to walk and I had sharp pains. The antibotic cleared it up, though.


Yeah, the pain isn't so persistent now and more than a few drops are coming out when I try to go to the bathroom but I still sit there and it's like I'm right on the edge of going to the bathroom but just CAN'T - and then it slowly comes out.

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You can't get antibiotics OTC but I think I remember seeing Wal-Mart ads saying that they can fill a 30 day prescription or so for really cheap as long as it was on the list of antibiotics that they cover. They cover the really common ones. I'll check for you and see if it requires you to have health insurance. I'm not sure.

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You can't get antibiotics OTC but I think I remember seeing Wal-Mart ads saying that they can fill a 30 day prescription or so for really cheap as long as it was on the list of antibiotics that they cover. They cover the really common ones. I'll check for you and see if it requires you to have health insurance. I'm not sure.


Okay, thanks Fudgie. Yeah, can't afford a doctor's visit right now. And the local heath department infuriates me. My hometown one covered yeast infections and UTIs but this one doesn't. *rolls eyes*

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I'm sorry it looks like you can only get antibiotics through a Rx.


Some OTC stuff are cranberry juice, AXO (or whatever) pills for the pain and urination, diuretic pills, cranberry pills...but this stuff only treats symptoms (if it works) and if you do indeed have a UTI, that means that there is bacteria and you need antibiotics to treat it.

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Yeah, the pain isn't so persistent now and more than a few drops are coming out when I try to go to the bathroom but I still sit there and it's like I'm right on the edge of going to the bathroom but just CAN'T - and then it slowly comes out.


is your pee cloudy?

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well, if you catch it in a plastic cup and it's cloudy, then it's probably a UTI. or i should say, likely. I'd rather you get antibiotics sooner rather than later - it's very dangerous if it spreads to your kidneys. Have you had UTIs like this before?

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well, if you catch it in a plastic cup and it's cloudy, then it's probably a UTI. or i should say, likely. I'd rather you get antibiotics sooner rather than later - it's very dangerous if it spreads to your kidneys. Have you had UTIs like this before?


Not often but I have had them before, yeah.

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You really do need antibiotics, OG. If you don't treat this at the source, it can cause more problems and that will cost you more down the road.


I wish I could call up my dad and be like "Yo, OG needs a Rx for a UTI. Can you write her one?"

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You really do need antibiotics, OG. If you don't treat this at the source, it can cause more problems and that will cost you more down the road.


I wish I could call up my dad and be like "Yo, OG needs a Rx for a UTI. Can you write her one?"


lol - why do all my ENA friends live so far away?


I'm going to give the health department a ring tomorrow morning. I have a appointment on the 14th for my yearly exam (groan!) and birth control renewal (since as of right now I will run out during our honeymoon and don't want to do that!! Will that be too late?

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