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I know we have a few over here, although I personally have never drove in one because I would have died of a heart attack if I had, but yeah. I always thought L was making way too big a deal of them - nope. Not at all. No wonder the man doesn't want to teach me how to drive himself...


See the ones I go in really aren't that bad! They are ALL single laned though, and I remember in my drivers class going over them over and over again because we had several in my town, so I think that had a lot to do with my comfort level. But, again, I have only EVER been single laned ones, the one on wiki had like 3 lanes each.

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I do wonder how long it takes to get used to driving on the other side of the road. To me it seems like it would be as difficult as a righty deciding they'd like to be left handed, though I'm sure it's not as difficult as that, but for me it probably would be.


I think for the first few years it will def be a mind thing, me having to reteach myself not to cross over traffic to make a left turn, that to make a right turn i need to cross over traffic, etc. What's going to mess me up the most is I'm right hand dominated - I move my gear with my right hand (although I drive an automatic) and over there, it will be my left hand. And i have to learn how to drive stick. Bugger.

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See the ones I go in really aren't that bad! They are ALL single laned though, and I remember in my drivers class going over them over and over again because we had several in my town, so I think that had a lot to do with my comfort level. But, again, I have only EVER been single laned ones, the one on wiki had like 3 lanes each.


I think single lane I could handle. The whole triple lane has me going how do you know when to stop or go?!

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I think for the first few years it will def be a mind thing, me having to reteach myself not to cross over traffic to make a left turn, that to make a right turn i need to cross over traffic, etc. What's going to mess me up the most is I'm right hand dominated - I move my gear with my right hand (although I drive an automatic) and over there, it will be my left hand. And i have to learn how to drive stick. Bugger.


How long do you think you'll be there before you start to learn to drive? It sounds terrifying to me!! Do you have to go to drivers school? I wonder if they have classes that specialize in that?? People who are from a different country, I mean. I mean I'm sure that having the drivers seat on the opposite side that we're used to will help ease the transition too.

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How long do you think you'll be there before you start to learn to drive? It sounds terrifying to me!! Do you have to go to drivers school? I wonder if they have classes that specialize in that??


As soon as we pay for the classes. L refuses to teach me - which, after seeing that, I don't blame him! - but that's how L learned to drive as well, he paid someone to teach him. Was a very odd concept for me as an American because you know my mom took me out on the road to teach me. I can drive on my American's license for up to a year after I move over but after that year, I have to get a English license. So within a year I'll have to learn I guess.

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As soon as we pay for the classes. L refuses to teach me - which, after seeing that, I don't blame him! - but that's how L learned to drive as well, he paid someone to teach him. Was a very odd concept for me as an American because you know my mom took me out on the road to teach me. I can drive on my American's license for up to a year after I move over but after that year, I have to get a English license. So within a year I'll have to learn I guess.


Really? I'm surprised you can keep it for that long, that's good though, I mean there's enough transition I think add driving school to that like within the first few months would be A LOT. My parents took me out on the road but I had to do drivers ed before I took my test and do 'driving hours' with them (because I was under 18) but I did it through my high school so it wasn't a lot of money like some private schools are.


Yeah, I'd want a professional too, I mean it's a stressful thing (for me at least) and it's nice to have a stranger. I know my mom wanted to KILL me a few times and eventually refused to go anymore and my dad (who is anal beyond belief) had to take me.

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Really? I'm surprised you can keep it for that long, that's good though, I mean there's enough transition I think add driving school to that like within the first few months would be A LOT. My parents took me out on the road but I had to do drivers ed before I took my test and do 'driving hours' with them (because I was under 18) but I did it through my high school so it wasn't a lot of money like some private schools are.


Yeah, I'd want a professional too, I mean it's a stressful thing (for me at least) and it's nice to have a stranger. I know my mom wanted to KILL me a few times and eventually refused to go anymore and my dad (who is anal beyond belief) had to take me.


I was surprised too but yeah, as long as I get my English license at the year mark. I took driver's ed in school but I never got to do the driving part of it - my dad wouldn't pay the $100 fee - so I only got to take the 15 day class part. I didn't even get my license until a month before I turned 18, the 6 months before that my mom took me out and taught me. Oh yes, I gave her a few heart attacks. I took a sharp turn at 20 MPH - should have only been doing 5 - and she freaked. I have had my license for 6 years now or so and my mom STILL complains about my driving. She's the worst back seat driver and it drives me crazy. I hate driving with her in the car....

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I swear by stick shift. My car gets almost 40 mph and where I am, there is a LOT of snow so stick actually really comes in handy to navigate on ice. I feel like I have a lot more control.


Not to mention, no one my age is able to drive my car.

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Oh most definitely. Automatic is so much easier to learn on. I learned on that before stick and I can honestly say that I can see why people stick with automatic and don't go to stick.


Teaching a kid how to drive (I would think) would be less stressful than, say, letting your kid BORROW your car for the first time, then hearing he's in an accident, you FRET AND FRET, and then show up and learn that he just scraped the door and that was it.

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I'm trying to catch a summer cold. Boooo! At least it's not during our wedding/honeymoon I guess. I actually left work early tonight because I can barely breath right now and my head is just pounding like crazy. I checked my PTO hours and I have about 2 1/2 weeks worth (so even using 4 hours for missed hours today I still have enough for our vacation). Tomorrow is my last day until Saturday though - yay! I really need to get my hair cut but I'm trying to hold out until another week or two to get closer to the wedding. Nothing drastic, just layering it and taking the dead ends off. I'm sure the length of it is one of the reasons I'm having so many blasted headaches recently.


On my way home I passed a funeral procession. Well, I was topping the hill and saw the police escort up front and a long line of cars so it was pretty obvious to what it was. I'm always genuinely shocked when I'm only one of a few cars that pull over on the side of the road until the procession passes. I have always wondered if we are the only people that do it....

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If there are police cars with the lights on, aren't you legally required to pull over for them? That's what I was taught.


I don't know if it applies to the other side of the road though (like on a 4 lane highway with a medium in between), that's what the main road is that I take to and from work.

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Oh. I was told to always pull over but if you're on a 4 lane highway with a land medium or whatever in between, then you don't have to pull over. But that's only if there isn't a medium there.


There is a medium between our lanes on the thruway at home and I haven't pulled over when it's on the other side.

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I haven't seen a funeral procession on the thruway but I've seen cop cars go and I still keep on driving with the people around me. I haven't seen anyone else pull over when there is a medium so yeah I'd say you're one of the few.

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