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L is so sweet. He was looking up 9-11 documentaries to watch I guess today and he stumbled on a website with a whole bunch of documentaries and he sent it to me because he knows how much I love documentaries. It's small gestures like that that I find romantic.


My heart burn finally went away, thank God! I thought I was going to die on that treadmill but I pushed through the heart burn and did my 30 mins. I didn't do any machines because I had to stop by WalMart and pick up some colored pencils and get a few bucks in gas so I'll work on those tomorrow night. My schedule won't be so bad next week at the gym. I'll go all this week (except Friday when I'm off) and then Mon and Thurs the following week. Tues of next week I work 12-8 but I have to be up at 6 the next morning to work in laundry so I won't be going that night and I won't be going Tues after work so L and I can get some talk time in. I won't be going Fri either because as soon as I get out of work I'll be heading down to my uncle's for the weekend.

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I was also watching HLN at work tonight while I cleaned a day room and they were talking about hurricane Irene and how we can stop super storms (we can't, duh) and they had Bill Nye the Science Guy on there. I felt SO flippin old in my 23 years when the girl next to me said she had no clue who he was.

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I am F. I am just F. L and I had a discussion about roundabouts on the way to work today and I apparently did not have the right impression of them. I thought they were a circular thing you entered and drove around around in until you could get out - apparently not. So I was blogging our little conversation on our funny things blog and I was curious so I wikied roundabouts.




The wiki page has a little animation to the right side and I'm sat here watching it thinking there is no way. NO WAY. I'm going to kill someone if I try to go into one of those things! How in the world do you even know when to get out?! Or when to turn?!



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tglad you are having this conversation now with L, and not a year from now with a police officer who pulled you over, lol.


lol - I mean, the more I watch it it makes sense and I can kind of see the reasoning behind it but still. People who do this are going what, 60 mph? I can barely do that on a straight road here!

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They have them in Mexico too. If you're ever bored, drive on one. Puts your reflexes to the test I'll tell you that! Good luck.


Oh Jig, that doesn't make me fell better... my reflexes were born and bred in the South were the biggest thing we have to manuever not to hit is a deer. 0.0

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Opposite side of the road I can handle, I'm even trying to train my mind now into thinking 'okay, when I turn to go left here I pull into the lane furthest from me but there it will be the lane closest to me' etc, etc. This? This is the first thing I have come accross that genuinely scares me about England. How are you suppose to know when to stop before going in without plowing into someone?

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Where I grew up they called the 'rotary's', Boston is funny though! I still call them that sometimes. But, yeah when I first saw this post I was thinking like ummm I use roundabouts all the time, didn't think they were bad! But then I wikied it as well, and those appear to be MUCH more serious that the ones I'm used to! I'm used to single lanes and definitely not the opposite side of the road that we are used to!

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Where I grew up they called the 'rotary's', Boston is funny though! I still call them that sometimes. But, yeah when I first saw this post I was thinking like ummm I use roundabouts all the time, didn't think they were bad! But then I wikied it as well, and those appear to be MUCH more serious that the ones I'm used to!


I know we have a few over here, although I personally have never drove in one because I would have died of a heart attack if I had, but yeah. I always thought L was making way too big a deal of them - nope. Not at all. No wonder the man doesn't want to teach me how to drive himself...

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