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i hope roger comes to visit her in italy so we can see her again!! mike is so annoying, ugh. sam and ron too. ughh!!!! snooki's adorable though.


i don't remember who it was - one of the girls was like 'these strawberries look messed up!' and jenni was like "those are raspberries." lol.

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i hope roger comes to visit her in italy so we can see her again!! mike is so annoying, ugh. sam and ron too. ughh!!!! snooki's adorable though.


i don't remember who it was - one of the girls was like 'these strawberries look messed up!' and jenni was like "those are raspberries." lol.


I think he does, I remember seeing a tabloid article about him visiting her. Snookie has lost some weight though! I liked curvy snookie.


Oh my god yeah! And jenni with the coffee machine that day, lol, priceless.

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I have heard this show referred to as a "documentary on the lifecycle of the Guido". I've never watched it, but I thought that was hilarious.


Yeah it def not that. I think the only one who doesn't embarrass the Guidos would be Vinny or even Pauly D. Although his hair just amazes gravity....

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So I went to work today for an hour to do our clinic. Since I wasn't going to be there for long I just wore jeans, L's MU shirt, and some flip flops instead of my normal non slick, dark brown nurses shoes that are my normal work wear. So I get there and I'm wetting the floor to mop it and I'm coming back through to get the mop and apparently flip flops don't get very good traction on wet floor so I went down.


Good thing I have a huge bum to pad my falls....

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Ouch! I've slipped in flip-flops before when i've mopped the floor. You're right, no traction.


Yeah, lesson learned, lol.



Why are people constantly asking me if I'm nervous about getting married? I wasn't nervous the last time we were close to getting married. I'm nervous I'll fall on my face walking down the aisle or trip or my eyes will be closed in all the pictures but actually MARRYING him, no, not nervous at all. Is it rare to not be nervous?

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Well, I'd be scared sh**less no matter who I married. But you were meant to be a wife. I wasn't. You know this is right for you, so why should you be nervous? Excited, yes. Nervous, no.


For some reason that made me lol Jig, just the way you said the first sentence.


I am def excited, especially since we had those fall like days last week.. really got my pumped and I even broke out this pumpkin scented candle I had stashed in the closet to help keep that excitement without the worry feeling going. I actually just looked at my phone - 45 days until he lands.

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So I have a bad migrain coming on. I went into the living room to get my mom to rub my neck some before I used her neck massager (having someone rub it always works the kink out faster than this machine does) and as I'm sitting there my nephew comes up to me and sticks his finger in my mouth! I pulled my head away and told him no and he looked at me like 'yeah, we'll see' and stuck it in my mouth again! I kept pulling away but he would just stick it right back in. Eventually I just sat there and let him put his finger in my mouth when he please.

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I used to take a little nip when my son did that and didn't listen to "no". It didn't hurt him, wasn't hard enough, but he was one kid who understood the word "no" when he was in school. Teachers never had problems with him. It's never too early to start them on that, although when they are being adorable it's a bit hardre.

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I used to take a little nip when my son did that and didn't listen to "no". It didn't hurt him, wasn't hard enough, but he was one kid who understood the word "no" when he was in school. Teachers never had problems with him. It's never too early to start them on that, although when they are being adorable it's a bit hardre.


I 100% agree. My mom was the mom that never had to get pass 2 when she was counting to 3 because I knew if she got to 3, I was in for it. He knows the meaning of the word no - as much as he can at 1 - like when we tell him no he'll stop what he's doing. Most of the time he goes right back to it so we have to tell him no again. 3 no's and we pop his hand a little bit - if he's reaching for something - or his diaper if he's doing something else.


He was really bad into this biting stage a few months ago and he bit my mom and she bit him back. Not to draw blood or leave a mark but he hasn't bit her since. It was the same technique she used on me. She said I bit her once and she bit me back and I never did it again.

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Yep. We had a huge issue were someone was 'play biting' with him, like nibbling at his fingers and toes and in turn he thought it was funny - only he used his 5 teeth. Big no no. He also was in the pinching stage but he pinched me one day on the nipple through my shirt and I didn't even think, I just pinched his arm back just a little. He hasn't pinched back yet.


Now he's in this slapping and playing rough stage. He hit me in the fact the other day and I had my glasses on and they dug into my nose. My natural instinct was to say 'ow!' very loudly and it made him cry. I think he knew he had hurt Aunt B and he didn't like it very much.

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I have done nothing this weekend, lol.


I web camed with L today - er, we tried. The internet one of his roommates has right now is crap-o-la and that roommate is moving out in a few months so L is going to switch the internet provider. But until then L has to deal with the crappy internet. So we had web cam on put it was lagging so bad I was only hearing every other word and the camera quality was crappy. So we just left the video on and used the Skype chat function. He's off tomorrow though - bank holiday - so I'll get up a little earlier than normal before work so we can grab an hour or so of web cam time.


So now I'm just sat here bored out of my mind, lol. I'll probably work on some wedding stuff I have been putting off until the last minute.


I actually need to track a book I ordered. Was suppose to be delivered Fri and it's been a no show. Hm.

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Finally became productive today. Threw a load of clothes on - actually need to go put those in the dryer now - and just hopped out of the shower. Need to straighten my room a little and then break out some wedding stuff to do. I took yet ANOTHER afternoon nap today with Jasper. So hard to resist not to nap when he was so cute and cuddly snuggled up to me. I'm ready to get back into the gym tomorrow night as well. I haven't been since Thurs because I was off for 3 days and I just feel blah. I'm ready to get back in and work hard this week because next week my shcedule is so convuleted, I doubt I'll make it into the gym after Tues of next week.

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