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^ I plan on doing just that M&H, lol.


I did talk to my BM on my way home from work. She has made this wedding process SO stress free-er. L and I will go to her and my uncle's house the morning of the rehersal dinner to help clean - or just clean, as she may have to work that morning - and to get the food ready and everything. She's just been so great through all this and has caused me the smallest stress of anything wedding related. She's def one of the ones who stops me every now and then goes, "It will all work out. Nothing will go the way you want it to on the day, just breath, smile, and relax.' And God knows control freak me needs to hear that!


I actually have to go to my hometown the weekend of Sept 11th so if they are free I may just go the extra hour and stay the weekend with them as it's been over a month since I saw them. That's if I have the gas money though, this close to the wedding we are getting pretty tight with the pences.

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Today is my best friend's 23rd birthday. I couldn't ask for it off - not with my having already asked off for 2 weeks in October - but I sent her a card with a gift card as a present to a store I know she loves. Lately we have hit a rocky road in our friendship with her feeling like I'm not making enough time for her and me feeling like she's throwing a guilt trip on me because of my decision to move to England but looking back on our friendship it's about that time in our friendship we usually part ways for a little bit. In many ways we are the same - we both have that 'my way or the highway' attitude, emotional reactors - I have always described us as me being the brunette version of her and her being the blonde version of me.


But, like with any friendship, we also have those differences that put us at opposite ends of the spectrum. She loves shopping, I hate it. She's kind of into fashion - or at least trying to put an outfit together - and I'm more of a whatever feels comfortable kind of girl. She loves purses, I like them. She's not fond of jewlery, I love it. So on those fronts we clash quite a bit. And with a hour inbetween us, both of us working full time jobs, me planning for a wedding/move, her raising my 2 year old niece, we just can't 'fit' like we did when I lived in my hometown and that's the nature of friendships though. They grow and mature and change over the years but I think I'm dealing with it far better than she is, which is odd. She's very out going and makes friends easy whereas I am a homebody and don't make friends easily but I feel like I'm handling the friendship seperation better than she is. Weird, huh?


But no matter what our differences or how we feel about decisions we make, she is and will always be my best friend. Even when I'm 4,000 miles away and gaining a British accent she will still be my best friend.


So happy brithday Bestie!!!

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I hurt my ankle at work today. I was in another department from 12:30-8:30 and I was climbing out of their truck to do a pick up when I felt my ankle turn a weird way and ever since then it's hurt. Owie. Like it got to the point I was limping - reminded myself of House - and whenever I put pressure on it I would almost stumble over. Great. By the end of the shift though it wasn't that bad but I still went to the gym. Yes, I went to the gym with a hurt ankle which very well could have been a good excuses to NOT go. But I went. Granted I only concentrated on my mid body and arms since I didn't want to bother the ankle anymore but I still went for 40 minutes.


And I am now off for a 3 day weekend! Woohooo! Well, I have to go in to do the clinic tomorrow but that's an hour or so and I'm going to hit the gym afterward so it's not a complete waste of gas. But then I'm off! lol I also work a few more days in in the other department the next few weeks to help out since someone in that department is having to take a week off. And it gives me one day of overtime.


Have I also mentioned we are under the 50 day mark? It's like 47 days I think.

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Lol, well it's the thing that is holding what is taking the place of our guestbook. I made these little slips of paper with daisies on them and then they can either write us a little message or some words of advice and then putthem in the basket. Then when I scrapbook our wedding, those little slips of paper will go throughout it and then at the end.

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Why do we treat them like this? They are just an animal, doing what they were born to do and have been doing for far longer than we have been on this Earth. Don't they deserve our respect? How is strining them from a tree and gutting them respect? They are a majestic creature that should be respected - and yes, feared. Yes, it's horrible to lose someone to them but we are entering their world when we go into the water - not the other way around.

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I want to "like" that.


Jenni's the only one with some sense. poor girl. she's just trying to keep the peace between the roommates so she can enjoy her italian vacation. ugh.


I notice that they're not featuring her a lot - probably because she has no drama going on...

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