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Aww I'm sorry OG. I hope you are okay.


If it makes you feel better, I have done the same thing. Only it was a chair...and I was sneaking a piece of chocolate cake...and I weigh a bit more than you so yeah, it was loud. I got frosting everywhere and my little sister was really angry that I finished off her birthday cake.


ROTF - for some reason I found that completely hilarious Fudgie. Not that you tripped or anything, just that frosting went every were. Yeah, I'm good. Scared me more than anything - although mom said it wasn't so much the initial hit that woke her up, it was the steady stream of curse words mixed in with the word 'bugger' that awoke her. But I didn't wake T up, that's what counts!

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I am always tripping on things.


One time, in high school, I was in charge of running the slide show for this presentation we were giving to the school. I was trying to move the slide projector around a bit, and while standing up and clicking on the slides and giving an explanation of each slide, I managed to get the cord wound around my foot. While moving back, I tripped over the cord, brought down the whole projector, and issued a bunch of cuss words. "facepalm"

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I am always tripping on things.


One time, in high school, I was in charge of running the slide show for this presentation we were giving to the school. I was trying to move the slide projector around a bit, and while standing up and clicking on the slides and giving an explanation of each slide, I managed to get the cord wound around my foot. While moving back, I tripped over the cord, brought down the whole projector, and issued a bunch of cuss words. "facepalm"


Aww, Renny! My last year in marching band we did a clown show. We were suppose to act stpuid at the beginning of the show and I ended up tripping (which I had not entended to do) in front of a football stadium PACKED with people and fell flat on my face.


Everyone thought it was part of the show, I didn't correct them.

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Today has felt like a fall day and I must say it's def gotten me more excited than I have been knowing L is coming soon. Isn't that weird? How we tie memories and sensations into things? When I stepped outside today to go to work it just kind of hit me. The sky was as a blue as could be, the air was clean (if that makes any sense), it was sunny but not hot... The only thing it didn't have to make it a fall day was that brisk coldness to the breeze. But by every other aspect it was a fall day today in the south and it brought me back to Oct last year when L was here. It had that mountainy air feeling to the day and it reminded me of our time in Gatlinburg.


I think for the firs time since Feb I'm really letting myself look forward to this visit without the 'what could hsppen' over my head. Amazing what a fall like day can do to you...

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I did not want to go to the gym tonight but I'm here. How many days do you have to do something for it to be a habit?


yeah, people do say 21 days.


at weight watchers we say, 'it's about persistence, not perfection.' just keep going, keep working on it, and you will reach your goals.

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yeah, people do say 21 days.


at weight watchers we say, 'it's about persistence, not perfection.' just keep going, keep working on it, and you will reach your goals.


Yeah, it's only the 6th day of me going. I took a 2 day break Sat and Sun since I went Mon-Fri last week. I'm shooting to go Mon-Fri again this week, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. I try to tell myself when I don't feel like going that I will feel much better after I go, so unless I have just had the crappy day from Hell, I usually push myself to go. I really don't have a goal in mind at the moment, or a set deadline (like I'm not trying to slim down for the wedding) but not being as 'big' for the wedding I wouldn't mind.


I got the refund check from our photographer, so gotta deposit that in the bank tomorrow. My basket for our guest 'advice' also arrived so I guess I"ll be working on decorating that tonight or tomorrow. I think it's so cute that everyone at work is just about as excited for my wedding as I am, lol. Even my male co workers every now and then will say, "Not much longer til the big day!"


L and I talked on my way to work and kind of touched based on how I had been feeling lately. I really didn't want to talk about it because a) today was his first day in the new department b) he had just come off of training and c) I knew we wouldn't have very long TO talk about it and I hate to leave things up in the air until the next day. L being L though pretty much deduced what was wrong and said he would stay up until my lunch break to talk to me (which to me was a romantic gesture). However, his internet and my phone signal were pieces of crap and we couldn't hear each other and the calls kept getting dropped, we were both flustered and it gave me a headache so we axed the lunch talk about 10 minutes into it. Maybe next time, lol

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It might be good to set mini-goals for yourself. Might help motivate you. I should do that too - when i lost weight before, I would tell myself if I lost x amount of weight, I would buy something i was looking at. And have mini-goals. Like when you lose 5 lbs, you'll buy yourself a CD or something. 10, you'll buy something else. When you get to 20, you'll have to buy a new outfit!

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lol. I really don't like stepping on the scale because when it doesn't move, I get discouraged. I guess I have set some goals, I was doing 200 cal in 30 but the last 4 times I have went I have pushed myself to do 250 in 30 and have done weight machines after that whereas I was alternating the days I did the treadmill and the weight machines.

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lol. I really don't like stepping on the scale because when it doesn't move, I get discouraged.


i understand, i am like that too. though as they say at weight watchers, "It's feedback, not failure." learn from what worked, what didn't work, and try again.

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I just eat healthy and stay active and never weigh myself. That way, I never get discouraged and give up on my diet, though I never call it that, I just live a healthy life. The only thing sweet I have had in months was a cookie one of the girls from work baked. She offered them to everyone and I didn't want to be rude, so I ate it. It was just one little chocolate chip cookie and it didn't kill me. If I want something, I have a tiny taste, but my major meals are salads and lean, grilled chicken. I eat noodle sometimes and I have been know to have a baked potato with low fat butter for breakfast. It must work, I'm losing weight and don't feel at all like I'm on a "diet".

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I just eat healthy and stay active and never weigh myself. That way, I never get discouraged and give up on my diet, though I never call it that, I just live a healthy life. The only thing sweet I have had in months was a cookie one of the girls from work baked. She offered them to everyone and I didn't want to be rude, so I ate it. It was just one little chocolate chip cookie and it didn't kill me. If I want something, I have a tiny taste, but my major meals are salads and lean, grilled chicken. I eat noodle sometimes and I have been know to have a baked potato with low fat butter for breakfast. It must work, I'm losing weight and don't feel at all like I'm on a "diet".


eh, for some of us, it is hard. I have a major sweet tooth and a 'side business' as a baker. while i love salads and lean grilled chicken, I also love the cookies, cakes, pies, chinese food, etc... and it is a struggle for me.

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For me my 2 biggest devils are sodas and fast food. I really don't have a sweet tooth - I have to crave chocolate in order to eat it and I eat it about 5 times a year - but sodas and fast food, God. I have to leave my debit card at home! Which is why I know when I move to England I'll probably lose a vast majority of my weight because a) I won't have easy access to it and b) it's more than likely going to taste completely different than ours.

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