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I think sending them a quick message over FB would probably do it. I think calling them up may put them under a bit of pressure to RSVP right there and yeah, I can see why you wouldn't do it- I wouldn't either. The FB message would be more of a friendly reminder.

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I will probably do that like the day after the RSVP deadline.


Jig - I agree, it's just something about weddings and alcohol, you know? I mean, I know L and I will have a glass of something at our wedding dinner later that night (I know for me it will be a strawberry Daq) but that's more because we can't have champagne when we do our toast at the wedding.


I started my period today as well. Blah. First day cramps. >.

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I have had a pretty productive day today.


Went to town a little earlier than my meeting with the photographer to stop by the local GNC to pick up some stuff so I can start making protein shakes. Found some for a relatively okay price and then popped next door to the uniform outlet that supplies our scrubs and went ahead and ordered 2 more pairs of pants. Major draw back from having thighs that rub together constantly is the fact the thigh part of my pants always wear out quickly. Then I dropped into Rue 21 to get my best friend a gift card from there for her birthday next week. While I was there I looked in the sales bin (the only area I will shop in the store at) and found this cute black top originally marked $20 and it was on sale for $5. I also stumbled accross a zebra printed pure marked down from $30 to $3. Score! I love that store - it's the only one were I can buy a shirt and it actually fits me properly.


After my little thrifty shopping spree I had about an hour or so to kill so I went ahead and went to the gym and got a good work out in before the meeting. 30 mins on the treadmill (again hit the 250 mark) and did the machines.


The meeting with the photographers went great! They asked all the basic questions and both awwwed when I told them how L and I had met and about how it's been a whole year since we last saw each other - and how we totally did not plan to make it a year to the DAY I last saw him at the airport. We went over family size, the run down for the wedding, etc. and signed the contract and we are ready to go! The 2nd photographer gave me a business card to look at her stuff so I'm going to do that later. I also only had a chocolate milkshake while there - which isn't really GOOD but it's better than me eating there in my world, believe me.


I had to stop on the way home and get some BC powders because I could feel a headache coming on. Popped 2 of them before I even left the parking lot. Got home and took the trash out for mom, made my spaghetti to take to work with me this weekend (and to eat tonight) and I must say I didn't do to bad a job at seasoning the sauce. Now I have a load in the wash and am going to straighten up my room a little bit.


We also got another RSVP card in the mail today.

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I was reading back through some of our very earliest emails to find the important ones for our visa application, and it always makes me smile when I read them. It's so cute to see were we were then and have hindsight to see were we are now. He won't admit it but L is a little romancer when he wants to be.

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I loved Sex and the City - still do, when I'm down it's either that show or my Golden Girls I go to for a pick me up - and I even loved the first movie but really? A third? There IS such thing as beating a dead horse you know. If you wanted to continue the franchaise why did you take the tv show off air and start making all these movies?? Why not just keep the show on??

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lol - I don't know why but I found that so funny Annie.


I wasn't a fan of them making them into a movie but the first one I really did like. It was just so 'Big and Carrie' how it all happended and ended. I remember watching that movie over and over when I was going through my own break up. I haven't seen the second one because I have heard so many bad things about it.

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The first movie was awful. The way Carrie absolutely just fell apart was terrible. She's supposed to be this example of a strong confident woman and she just crumbles. The second movie was just dumb.


Does L ever know who the characters in your favourite shows are? I think it's adorable when Alex will be like "oh look hun! It's so-and-so from Gilmore Girls", or "Isn't that Charlotte?" Hahaha. He's always the first to recognize too. When we saw Luke from Gilmore Girls on a different show, we were both excited

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I kind of liked the fact that she crumbled though, it kind of showed that even in the most confident woman can lose herself when it comes to heart break. That and she was a great example of NC, lol.


Not really, most of the time I have to explain the show to him. The only 2 I'll ever ask of him to actually sit and watch are Golden Girls and SATC.

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The third movie is supposed to be a prequel with a "young Carrie"...sounds AWFUL and I really hope it doesn't get the green light though from what I have read, it already has. I never watched the two movies even though I am a HUGE SiTC fan! I have the collector's edition box set and I can't even tell you how many times I have watched each episode...I just LOVE that show. However, when I heard the bad reviews for the movies, I just couldn't bring myself to watch them. The one where they go to the middle east just sounds SO lame. I wish they would have just known when to leave well enough alone!

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Had my first protien shake tody. It was...interesting. Lol


I also found this Forum about Americans living in the UK with a bunch of information we will need. We even learned DEFRA has changed the rules and as of Jan 2012 Jasper won't have to get the blood test done and the wait time is lowered to three months instead of six.

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We're almost at the 50 day mark. 1 more day - I think. My phone is currently under my 13 lbs. child and he looks too cute to move him to verify.


A week and a half left of August though. It's went by FAST the closer we get to the date. I'm just ready to see him, to not have to type out a email when I want to tell him something or only being able to see him on the webcam, or only hearing his voice in my ear as I drive to work. I want to be able to roll over and see him there or be able to grab his hand whenever I want or steal a kiss just because I can. I'm ready to be this man's wife. Screw the gown, the veil, the fake flowers, the timing of the bridal party coming down - I just want to be his wife. That's all. I want to be Mrs. CS and to start the process of me and Jasper moving over there. *sigh*


Ignore me, I'm in a mushy mood tonight for some reason. Damn period...

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You are amazing. I can't, I repeat "can't" do long distance relationships. I need three dimensions to keep the love going. I also would be very reluctant to move for anyone. I've done that and it never worked. I love where I live too much. You are doing what is right for you and doing it well. I applaud you both!

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L and I were suppose to webcam today - well, we did - but we were both just so exhausted, we actually did our 'thing' were we took a nap with the webcam running. He starts work tomorrow - as in, what he spent the last 18 weeks training for work. I know he's ready for a vacation... so am I tbh.


Been doing some research and stuff and getting our ducks lined up to get Jasper ready for the big move. I learned that I'll need to have him at the airport SIX hours before our flight 0.0 God that's going to be a long day... six hours before we fly, a 10 hour flight, and then probably another 3-5 before we actually get to the house on the other side of the pond. But I did find out I can just buy a kennel through the cargo company (medium sized one is about $65) that is exactly what they require and everything. I'll have to pick it up like 6 months before we go though because a) it has to be put together and b) Jasper hates kennels. I'm going to have to get him use to it or at least use to being in one for a long period of time for the flight. But with PETs reducing some of the stuff, it's making our life a little easier.

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So I was trying to be all stealthy and go to the kitchen to get something for my headache - I got half way through the living room before I tripped on my nephew's car that was lying in the middle of the floor. The sound of a 200 lbs. woman hitting the floor (and taking the baby gate out at the same time) is apparently loud enough to wake the entire house hold.... >.

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Aww I'm sorry OG. I hope you are okay.


If it makes you feel better, I have done the same thing. Only it was a chair...and I was sneaking a piece of chocolate cake...and I weigh a bit more than you so yeah, it was loud. I got frosting everywhere and my little sister was really angry that I finished off her birthday cake.

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