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I always look away and ask the nurse to distract me (ie, tell me about her family, the last movie she watched, whatever).


That's what I have to do as well. If I watch them prep my arm (put the orange stuff on, get the tubes ready, the needle ready) I freak. It takes two of them to hold me down to get the blood. But as long as I look away from the second I sit down, I'm okay.

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You won't like being pregnant, then. They draw a vial of blood or two with every visit. You have to pee in a cup, first off (I got real good at that) and then they take blood from you like vampires. I don't mind needles at all, so that part didn't bother me, but they weigh you every stinkin' time you come in and draw up a diet for you to follow. My doc also had a tough exercise program for me to follow, also. I was so sick most of the time I lost weight the entire pregnancy. I hate pregnancy! Having a kid was soooo cool, though.

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It's def something I'm going to have to deal with with each visit, yeah. As long as I don't watch them prep I'm fine, it doesn't even bother me. That's how I donate blood all the time - I just don't watch them prep. But when I went to the hospital when I was 19 with a stomach ulcer the nurse kept talking to me and asking me questions that directed my attention to the arm she was about to jab me in and I saw one look at her whiping the Iodine on my arm and I flipped. My aunt had to come into the room to calm me down. But as long as I don't watch, I'm cool as beans, they can take however much they need.

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LOL, OG, I am the opposite of you. I don't like to get shots or draws unless I see the prep happen in front of me. I always have a fear of dirty needles so if the nurse took the needle out of the package BEFORE she got into my room, I ask her to get another one. Even if she doesn't like it, she still has to, because the hospital I go to has a policy that if a patient is concerned about cleanliness, they can ask for hands to be washed, new needles, etc. LOL.


It definitely helps to have someone nearby when you are scared of needles. I used to have a fear of them until I had to give shots to my grandmother at home so it just went away...but before then, I always had my mom or nanny in the room with me and I'd squeeze the living CRAP out of their hand as I got blood drawn.

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I have small veins that collapse, but I now know where the good one is and always direct them to that one. I am fine with needles and give blood to the Red Cross all the time! So when they needed to draw blood every visit, I was a pro and watched the entire process with interest and always told them where to find that one, usable, vein.

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It wasn't too bad, thankfully. The lab girl who did it knew I was afraid of them so aside from a hello and how are you doing before we went into the room, she didn't speak to me. Just like I like it. I sat down, she put the thing around my arm, stuck the needle in, and got the blood. Fast and quick.


L also got his certificate saying he had completed training today!! they have to wrap up the next two days but he passed the promotion training, so we are one more step closer to getting ready for the move. I'm so proud of him!

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I have been on like Cloud 9 today because I'm so proud of L for passing. Everyone at work knows he was in this training this - and that passing this training meant he would get a promotion that was the whole crux on me moving there - so they all handled my happiness very well, lol. They still give me a funny look when I tell them I can't tell them WHAT he does but usually when you throw the word 'government' around, they tend to realize it's a no talkie situation....


I also watched the fianale of Master Chef and who I wanted to win won!!! I use to not like to cook but I watch a lot of cooking shows - figure that one out! - and it's really got me excited to get into cooking for myself once I move to England. I'm actually thinking of going ahead and getting a cook book ready for when I move over, make sure to get reciepes from mom on certain things and find my own reciepes.

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Long, productive day at work today. We had six surgeries (which meant there were 6 rooms I had to clean) and on top of that my boss caught me as I was clocking in to let me know they had seen a few mold spots in the rooms and asked could I take care of it. It happens about twice a year - something to do with the way the vents are in the rooms, idk - so I went and got some bleach and concentrated it and took care of the problem. Of course by doing so I can smell nothing BUT bleach now. Blah. And on top of that I had to go clean a doctor's office AND clean PT up for them (even though I did that weeks ago) as well as my normal stuff. So I barely sat down at all today.


I went to the gym after work. Did 30 minutes on the treadmill and then about 10-15 minutes of the stretching machines. One of my co workers, J, was there and I had him show me how to work the leg machine (you sit down and lay back, unlock it, and then bring your knees to you and then push back up). I had always wanted to do it but had no idea how to operate it but J showed me. So I told him I'd see him tomorrow after my work out and went out to my car. I hadn't been sat down for like 30 seconds and turned the car on to get some air going when all of a sudden - BAM! BAM! - something crashes into my driver's side window. I had a heart attack. No maybe, I did. And if I had had to pee at that moment, I would have wet myself completely. I KNEW who it was though and upon looking out my window yep, I saw my other co worker, N, lying on the ground in a mixture of tears and laughter. I calmly rolled my window down and called him the D word for the male sexual apendage, although I was giggling at this point because pass the point were he scared the crap out of me, seeing a 200 lbs. guy crash into my driver side window was pretty hilarious.


After our co worker, J, came outside, I discovered N had been meaning to just tap on my window but you know those things at the end of parking spaces (I call them bumpers but they let you know you can't go any further?) Well the parking lanes at the gym are uneven and the parking space next to me ended right at the back of my door which meant the bumper was right before my door as well. N was running - in the dark, mind you - to tap on my window when his foot caught the bumper and he the BAM! BAM! effect was him trying to catch himself (on my car, of course) and just plowing into it. I know he had to have hurt his leg but good God I couldn't stop laughing for like ten minutes afterward.


After THAT I went to Walmart to do some shopping since it's payday. Picked up some shampoo, deo, my sister's birthday presents, and some food for the week. We thought my nephew may have had ring worm earlier in the day (some place on his arm looked like it so my sister took him to the doctor). It's not ring worm but apparently he IS allergic to polyester. 0.0 Yeah. That's going to be fun....

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Went to the gym after work (4th day in a row) and I feel pretty awesome right now. I really didn't want to go and felt super bloated but I pushed myself. once I had changed into my gym clothes I was pretty much raring to go. I hit above the mark I was aiming for on the treadmill tonight (to go from 200 calories in 30 minutes to 250) and did the 30 minutes with one of my light jackets on. Def. made me sweat more, no lie. I looked like Princess Toadstool when I was done... then I hit the machines afterward. I did the ab and lower back machine, the inner and outer thigh machine, 3 of the arm machines, and the leg press machine J showed me how to use last night. I have to say that machine makes me uncomfortable because it reminds me of the GYNO visit for some reason.....


Meeting with the (new) photographer tomorrow at Chick-Fil-A (I don't plan on getting any food but I think I will indulge myself in one of their yummy chocolate milk shakes!). So I need to hunker down and work on the photo list of the photos I want so she can get an idea as to what I want. She went up to the venue this past weekend (she couldn't go in but apparently the grounds are accessiable even on off hours) and she loved it, she's excited about doing this and so I am. Then after I finish up with her I have to clock in for about an hour to do the clinic (I could wait until my shifts this weekend but I need to make up an hour from earlier in the week anyway) and after that probably see what the co workers are doing at work before hitting the gym. I'm really tryign to hit it as much as I can before my period comes (it's due this week) and I know that first day or two on it, I'm not going to want to work out, at all. Period.


No pun intended there.


I also need to stop and get my best friend a birthday present (probably a gift card so i can send it with her birthday card) and pick up some stuff to start making protein shakes.

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do you want them there? i would try one phone call, and then if they don't call back, consider them a no.


i agree it is very rude of them to not at least tell you, when you have invited them to your wedding. they can take 3 seconds out of their day to tell you.


the worst would be if 20 more people show up than you expected, and you don't have food or chairs for them.

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do you want them there? i would try one phone call, and then if they don't call back, consider them a no.


i agree it is very rude of them to not at least tell you, when you have invited them to your wedding. they can take 3 seconds out of their day to tell you.


the worst would be if 20 more people show up than you expected, and you don't have food or chairs for them.


I do. The 40 some odd people we invited are people that are very close to me and that are my pseudo family. Now technically they still have until Sept. 8th to RSVP - it's the dead line I put on the RSVP card - but I have gotten maybe 4 reply cards back.


When I asked before I even sent the invites out they all said yes. Now I would like confirmation of said yes so I know how many people I need to buy food for when the time comes.


I'll more than likely shoot a facebook message to them pretty much saying I need your RSVP card or your concrete yes or no if you are coming. If I don't get it and you show up while we are more than happen to have you, we can NOT guarantee seating and food when all our guests have had ample time to respond

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Tell them if they don't respond soon, you cannot guarantee there will be drinks from the bar for them. That ought to do it.


Oh we aren't doing alcohol. The venue doesn't allow it (due to it's historical value) and even if they did allow it, I wouldn't. Which I know would upset some but I am of the belief you don't have to get pig faced drunk to enjoy my wedding.

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