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Though i need to add - by the time you total up the accessories, the specialized tips you need to buy (if you need to buy them), it might be cheaper to get the $90 cake and pick it up.


Yeah, it's something I'm going to have to price. If I can swing it I may go up my next weekend off and see if they will let me taste test.

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The stacking is the same - wedding cakes are traditionally 4 layer. however, you can do as you please. the issue comes when making the tiers - you can't just put on cake on top of another - the weight might crush it, so you have to either 1- put in dowels for internal support, or 2 - use a setup like from wilton (separator plates or columns).

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The stacking is the same - wedding cakes are traditionally 4 layer. however, you can do as you please. the issue comes when making the tiers - you can't just put on cake on top of another - the weight might crush it, so you have to either 1- put in dowels for internal support, or 2 - use a setup like from wilton (separator plates or columns).


So on a 3 layer cake (like you stack the 3 cake parts and inbetween put the frosting - is that what a layer is? The number of frosting layers inbetween the what I would call the brick of the cake?

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So on a 3 layer cake (like you stack the 3 cake parts and inbetween put the frosting - is that what a layer is? The number of frosting layers inbetween the what I would call the brick of the cake?


Yeah, that's the layers. And then the tiers are the numbers of those cakes stacked on top of each other.

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I have to say, before I started cake decorating, I never understood why a cake could cost $1000. Now I know. It's a lot of work!!


I watch that cake show - I know there are many, it's like a show were they show a bunch of wedding shops doing cakes from around the coutnry- and some of them are OUTRAGEOUS!

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Yeah, that's the layers. And then the tiers are the numbers of those cakes stacked on top of each other.


Hm. So I may actually be thinking of a larger cake then. Idk. To me a tier would be like the separate sections... but those separate sections are comprised of more than one cake with frosting inbetween them?

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yeah, they are great!!


well, don't spend too much time pricing. you don't need another thing to be stressed over on your wedding day or around that time. it might just be easier to pick it up and be done with it, rather than fumbling around with pastry bags and tips and dowels and hacksaws. yeah, you have no idea what my kitchen looks like. very random, lol!!!

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oh yes. tasting is the most important part.


yeah.... lots of accessories. things i never knew!!!


I think that ordering 2 simple white round cakes and then doing the decoration on your own might be good and be the most cost and time efficient. I don't know if they would stack the cake for you or you would do it yourself. it's safer to transport unstacked (unassembled) cakes and do it at the site.


For the ribbon- here is a tip - choose your ribbon, and put tape on the back of it, if you are wrapping it around a non-fondant cake, so that the oil/butter doesn't soak into your ribbon, yuck!

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Well the white gerbera daisies I have are huge. I mean huge. Just freaking huge. lol. So I can't use them because I want them were the layers meet. And the dark blue ones I have are just like white ones - F-ing huge only, not as huge as the white ones but still too big I wouldn't want the cake layers to be that big. So I have to stick with yellow and light blue daisies (the light blue daisies are like the ones from my bouquet).

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I'll def keep that in mind, thanks Annie! I'm having to go to my hometown to do the cake so I think what I may do is hit a few other stores like Publix and what not and look at prices and tastes. I know for a 2 tier Walmart charges about $90.


Buttercream is different than normal like cake icing, right?


My cake came from Publix, it was very simple and buttercream, but Publix makes AWESOME cakes and everyone was excited to have a piece of 'publix cake'. I want to say we paid under $200.00 for it, including delivery and it fed 100 people (I believe). Also if you go to Publix and tell them you want to taste the cake they give you this HUGE sample platter to take home with all the frostings and fillings. It was awesome. Here is my cake, very simple, but it wasn't something I was really big about.

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What has happened with this generation of kids? I saw a kid today at work whose mother told him to stop running through the waiting room and he turned around and told her to F off and threw his drink at her. My eyes literally bugged out of my head!! If that had been me I would have been switched until I couldn't sit down for a week! Scratch that, I never would have even done it! Ever.

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I had my yearly physical at work. Not much, really. They did a PPD test (I think that's what it is called) and I can't eat after midnight tonight - yay - so I can have blood work drawn tomorrow to check for a host of things - kidney function, liver function, gluco levels, high cholestrol, etc. It's all free with the physical so yay. Although I am afraid of needles so the whole getting blood drawn thing never sets well with me.

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