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This is going to be an awesome wedding!!!!!!!! i hope you order enough cake for the munchies! and chips!


LOL!!!! OMG I thought that too when I read the list but I didn't want to say anything!

Bring lots of soda for cottonmouth! >

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This is going to be an awesome wedding!!!!!!!! i hope you order enough cake for the munchies! and chips!


LOL!!!! OMG I thought that too when I read the list but I didn't want to say anything!

Bring lots of soda for cottonmouth! >


lol - you two are too funny.


Naw, my family is huge in smokers (it's a disgusting habit, really. I'm very glad L quit years ago...) but because it's a historic house they can only smoke outside so I figured I'd buy like a $1 pot with some sand in it and that's were they will put their butts out in.


Speaking of cake.. Annie, you are the cake lady. Do you think 2 tiers will be enough for roughly (maybe) 50 people?

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It has been 26years since I graduated HS I still remember my grad though. I got asked by 4 guys to the grad. I did not want to hurt anyone's feelings so I went to the ceremony with one, the dinner with another, to the dance with the third, and to the after party with the 4th. The colour that year was pink.......almost every single girl had a pink dress. I never went to my 10th or 25th reunion. I live accross the country from where I graduated.

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It has been 26years since I graduated HS I still remember my grad though. I got asked by 4 guys to the grad. I did not want to hurt anyone's feelings so I went to the ceremony with one, the dinner with another, to the dance with the third, and to the after party with the 4th. The colour that year was pink.......almost every single girl had a pink dress. I never went to my 10th or 25th reunion. I live accross the country from where I graduated.


You guys had a dance? See L had something like that (but not the ceremony). For us it was the you put the cap and gown on, walk accross the stage, get your diploma, sit back down, and all that. Most families had a graduation party afterward (I know mine did for me and my cousin who graduated from another school that year) but then most kids had ANOTHER graduation party in which lots of alcohol was consumed - the kind of party you don't want your parent at, pretty much. I didn't go to those. But we didn't have a dance. That sucks, lol.


Speaking of high school I really didn't like prom either. Blah.

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You guys had a dance? See L had something like that (but not the ceremony). For us it was the you put the cap and gown on, walk accross the stage, get your diploma, sit back down, and all that. Most families had a graduation party afterward (I know mine did for me and my cousin who graduated from another school that year) but then most kids had ANOTHER graduation party in which lots of alcohol was consumed - the kind of party you don't want your parent at, pretty much. I didn't go to those. But we didn't have a dance. That sucks, lol.


Speaking of high school I really didn't like prom either. Blah.


Yes, our grad ceremony was at the Convention centre because we had a lot of grads. We had a dance as well, and official dinner. Then we had parties after the dance that people had that had a lot of alcohol and drugs. I went to a really ritzy HS that had a lot of oil executive's and milionaire's kids. The kids drove BMW and Mercedes and went to Europe and Israel every summer.

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Yes, our grad ceremony was at the Convention centre because we had a lot of grads. We had a dance as well, and official dinner. Then we had parties after the dance that people had that had a lot of alcohol and drugs. I went to a really ritzy HS that had a lot of oil executive's and milionaire's kids. The kids drove BMW and Mercedes and went to Europe and Israel every summer.


When I graduated we had it at the local Civic Center - were we held our prom, too - but they have since moved it to the local big name college stadium. We had a few BMWs in my school but not many, lol. I remember my ex going to one of those parties and I didn't. Even then it wasn't my scene...

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I was a big party person from 14 to 22. I was never into the guys though.Guys just creeped me out. My husband is my only relationship. I just wanted to get drunk and take prescription pain killers and be stupid and crazy, and numb out the pain in my life. I was so tired by the time I hit 22 and was amazed I had a liver left.

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hmm... 2 tiers? depends. Traditionally, the 6" top tier is saved for the bride and groom to eat on their first anniversary. but, if you're leaving and don't want to save the cake, it can become something you guys eat. The 6" round tier is 8-10 servings. An 8" cake is about 12-16 servings, 9" is 16-22, 10" is 23-34, 12" is 36-48.


the numbers are different for oval tiers or square.


You could do an 8" and a 12" - that would be 48-64 servings.


It depends - is this going to be the only dessert? If you will offer other desserts or a scoop of ice cream with the cake, you can make smaller pieces. If it's the only dessert, then stick to the smaller serving numbers. From the book i have on wedding cakes, it says "for a party of 50-75, plan on 5 extra servings."


do you know if you want round or square?


Another possibility is to have 1 small cake, and 1 sheet cake.

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Yeah, taking the top tier is out of the question. I mean, we will probably take some for the honeymoon but as for saving it for the first anniversary, yeah. Not gonna happen.


It is going to be the only desert, yes. I haven't gotten many reply cards back (like 5, at most) but we invited a total of 50 (well, that's including us, the officiant, and the photographer) so more like 45-46 people. If they reply. I refuse to be the bride that has to call people when I specifically put on there RSVP by Sept. 18th.


I don't want square (I have an aversion to square things, lol) but more of the rounded shape, like in the picture I posted a few pages back. That's how I want it to look.

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I am afraid. My mom is going with me though.


Aww, I'm sorry Vic. I know how you feel. I was so freaked out when I had the cyst removed from my wrist when I was a junior in high school. When I went to the dentist Friday all she did was a deep clean but just knowing she was in my mouth scraping my teeth set me on edge.

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Aww, I'm sorry Vic. I know how you feel. I was so freaked out when I had the cyst removed from my wrist when I was a junior in high school. When I went to the dentist Friday all she did was a deep clean but just knowing she was in my mouth scraping my teeth set me on edge.


I am glad in a way they are sedating me so I do not have to cling to the arm rests and dig my nails into my hands and pour sweat and almost hyperventilate. The part I also do not like is I am sedated.......because that leaves you vulnerable, but thankfully the entire office staff is female.

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I am glad in a way they are sedating me so I do not have to cling to the arm rests and dig my nails into my hands and pour sweat and almost hyperventilate. The part I also do not like is I am sedated.......because that leaves you vulnerable, but thankfully the entire office staff is female.


That's exactly what I was doing when she was just cleaning my teeth. Just the scraping noise the tool made against my teeth or when she would go inbetween my teeth or scrap my gum... I wanted to punch her, lol. I hope all goes well for you Vic, I'm sure it will and it will be over before you know it!

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That's exactly what I was doing when she was just cleaning my teeth. Just the scraping noise the tool made against my teeth or when she would go inbetween my teeth or scrap my gum... I wanted to punch her, lol. I hope all goes well for you Vic, I'm sure it will and it will be over before you know it!


I hope so, it is all so much freakin money. If there is a verticle fracture then she can not save it and will just sew my gum back up and send me to my regular dentist and have it extracted, then a partial denture to replace it. If there is no fracture and she can save it then she will repair the root canal and cut the infection out of the tissue and bone. Then I need a crown later. Either way I am looking at about $4000 for this tooth, but it is the front of my mouth so it has to be done.

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I hope so, it is all so much freakin money. If there is a verticle fracture then she can not save it and will just sew my gum back up and send me to my regular dentist and have it extracted, then a partial denture to replace it. If there she can save it then she will repair the root canal and cut the infection out of the tissue and bone. Then I need a crown later. Either way I am looking at about $4000 for this tooth, but it is the front of my mouth so it has to be done.


That's what I'm having done after the wedding, actually. The very front tooth on the bottom row was cracked when I was in marching band and is now dead. So they have to do a root canal and crown. Thankfully I have insurance which covers half but that one procedure is still going to cost me about $500

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That's what I'm having done after the wedding, actually. The very front tooth on the bottom row was cracked when I was in marching band and is now dead. So they have to do a root canal and crown. Thankfully I have insurance which covers half but that one procedure is still going to cost me about $500


Yeah, tomorrow's operation is going to cost me $1100 if she can do nothing but open and close my gum again and if she can save it then it will cost me $2100.

To extract it might be $200 and then I do not even know what a partial will cost me but insurance only pays 50% of a partial. Mind you I get 90% for other stuff. I only have $1700 a year for coverage though so this operation will wipe me out for the year so I might be paying for the partial myself because I am not going around with a hole in the front of my teeth, know what I mean?

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When i was on nitrous, i really couldn't feel anything, or hear noises. well, what i heard, it really didn't register with me. i was really out of it. it will be ok.


That might flip me out all on it's own.......lol.


And all this crap because I got slammed in the mouth with a swing when I was 8.

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Yeah, tomorrow's operation is going to cost me $1100 if she can do nothing but open and close my gum again and if she can save it then it will cost me $2100.

To extract it might be $200 and then I do not even know what a partial will cost me but insurance only pays 50% of a partial. Mind you I get 90% for other stuff. I only have $1700 a year for coverage though so this operation will wipe me out for the year so I might be paying for the partial myself because I am not going around with a hole in the front of my teeth, know what I mean?


Oh yeah, I know how you feel. I had heard you can easily get an infection from a root canal so I was just going to have them pull it but it's in the very front of my mouth. I'm very vain, lol

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