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5:30 came way too early today. I worked from 6:15 until noon on my weekend off in laundry and am seriously thinking about a nap right now. L is at a friend's house so we won't be skyping at all today since he hasn't seen this friend in forever. This up coming week is his last week of training - we made it through it! - and if I'm not mistaken Thurs is his last day. They are going out to dinner Tues night or something and then doing something Friday together.


I stopped by the local Carter's and Osh Kosh B'gosh store to look at dresses for my niece (she's our flower girl) and it's the age old thing when you are looking for specific color dresses, you never find them. When you don't look for them, you find them. Bugger. I'm going to check online thought and a few other stores around town.

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My fiance gave me a mini heart attack tonight.


I went to sleep about 2 since I thought we wouldn't be web camming and I couldn't set my alarm because my phone had went retarded. So about 4:30 I'm a woken by the skype ring on my computer. For about ten seconds I thought it was Oct. 11th and L was calling me to tell me he wasn't going to make it on the plane, again. I'm sure I had a heart attack in that moment. Then I realized what date it was and everything. -.-

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Another day of over time. I'm thinking my next weekend off I'm not going to volunteer and just take the 3 days off in a row. Been a long time since I didn't work on my weekend off...


I have had some weird dreams for the past few nights and I think it's one of the side effects of the Melatonin. Not weird and not nightmares but just bad dreams, if that makes any sense.... and the back of my left knee is hurting, like were it bends. Ouchie.

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L's going to be on the plane this time, damnit. don't worry!!!


lol - I know. It's so silly to worry about but I guess once something like that happens you are always prepared for it again, you know? Before that we had had near misses far out of him might not being able to come (that Iceland volcano, the London strikes) but never something that made him NOT come. I have a friend whose husband is from the UK - he moved here and they got married - and right after Feb she was telling me the very first time they were trying to meet a snow storm stopped them from meeting. Kind of made me feel a little better at the time.


I'm actually going to ask off for that Monday before he comes though. Or at least ask to get off at like six or something because I know I"m not going to sleep well - because I"ll be afraid of the scenario mentioned above - and his plane lands fairly early Tuesday afternoon... I'd rather not sleep through his arrival.

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How about having an emergency fund so that if he has to buy a new ticket or change his ticket you (both of you I mean) can afford to do that, just in case?


Well this time we have done everything we can to prevent what happened last time. He's going to the airport the day before his flight and staying in a hotel - he literally just has to walk out of his room and into the terminal he's that close. The only problem with having to have a emergency fund is both of our incomes solely go toward out trips. His for the flights and hotel, mine for our food money for the duration he's here. Add on that I don't make a lot as it is and inbetween now and the next 3 times we fly, we have a lot more to pay for. Right after the honeymoon I have to get my passport and plane ticket (so we can get it at the lowest price) as well as getting everything with Jasper ready so he can move over. Then after I visit him in april, all our income will be put into my visa and last minute preperations.

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Yes, I think the $ you're putting into staying at the hotel the day before is as good as an emergency fund. I just thought since it is so top priority to you and giving you stress that perhaps you can budget differently for your wedding reception/honeymoon, etc and have a small emergency stash.

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Yes, I think the $ you're putting into staying at the hotel the day before is as good as an emergency fund. I just thought since it is so top priority to you and giving you stress that perhaps you can budget differently for your wedding reception/honeymoon, etc and have a small emergency stash.


Well this close to it - less than 2 months out - it's just not feesiable (sp) with what we have left to pay toward the wedding and everything. Well, the photographer is the last thing we have to pay that's big, other than the money to feed our guests. It's just one of those things that no matter what, the trip after the cancelled trip it's going to give me high stress. I guess it's kind of like if your in a car accident, your first time back in a car it's a little scary because you know what can go wrong and your anticipating that, when in reality it may never happen again, you just have to get back in the car a few times for that stress to go down. We will both def be staying in hotels the day before flights from now on (well, I will. This will be L's last time flying here until after I move) so it's something that came from that.

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Oh I totally can relate. Again you two know where you want to spend your money and what your priorities are. My perspective shifted a bit after we had a baby - I decided that I would spend money to reduce stress -and that meant if it would give me more time with the baby and more time to rest/sleep, less to clean or cook, less to worry about - I don't think I'm wasteful at all -I'm pretty thrifty - but to me time is money and reduced stress can be priceless.

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Oh I totally can relate. Again you two know where you want to spend your money and what your priorities are. My perspective shifted a bit after we had a baby - I decided that I would spend money to reduce stress -and that meant if it would give me more time with the baby and more time to rest/sleep, less to clean or cook, less to worry about - I don't think I'm wasteful at all -I'm pretty thrifty - but to me time is money and reduced stress can be priceless.


Yeah, we have taken every measure we can to make sure he's on the plane. Once he's on the plane, it's up to the universe whether he gets here or not. Bad weather, plane crashes (don't even get me started on that...)... it's things we can't control. I would like to control them, lol, but I can't. So we have done everything we can control and have controlled it to the best of our ability.


I know for a lot of people photography isn't that important but for us it's the one thing we were willing to spend a lot of money on (my dress is even less than our photographer payment) because in the end, our pictures are going to be the only thing materially that lasts from our wedding. My dress will be handed down or stayed in our closet, the fake flowers will be given away, and the cake will be eaten. Pictures will be put in albums, hung on walls, and scrapbooked and passed down.

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L and I were talking this morning on my way to work about how schooling is so much different here than there. Like here in America your Senior year in high school is HUGE... and expensive. My brother is a senior this year and mom has to fork out $120 for his senior portraits, about $100 for his yearbook, and a couple more hundred for his senior supplies, and mine wasn't much cheaper 5 years ago - wow, has it REALLY been 5 years since I graduated high school?? Over there that same importance on finishing up that senior year - although their schooling is structured a little differently - isn't applied. L never had senior portraits or a graduation because they just don't do it, they don't really do a graduation unless you finish Uni (which is our college, like 4 year, not tech).


In a way I guess I'm glad they don't because at least I don't have that headache of a senior year to look forward to! But at the same time, it's part of my American tradition and one my kids won't really get to go through. Although L is very okay with throwing the kids a graduation party - by our standards, at least. Good to know the world over 'graduation party' can mean disruptive teenagers. It's just one of the small ways he shows me how serious he is to keep my American side alive with the kids and to really let them know were their mom comes from. One of the many reasons I love him.


But we got on to the discussion of high school reunions - which my 10 year would be 2016 - and how if we can swing it at that time I'd like to pop over to attend it and of course bring my English husband back with me. I come from a very small, southern town and only a few of us made it past the red light in my hometown. It's sad that it's something to be proud of, but I am. Er, will be. There was only 80 some odd people in my graduating class - compare to my ex's school which had like 200. We were just your average, small high school. I didn't mind my small town up bringing though. I loved the area and the setting which is why I'm pretty stoked to move to were L lives. It's basically the same thing, only, Englishier. That's a word btw.

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58 days.


This is what I have left:


x. Pay new photographer by Sept. 15th

x. Order GM gifts (found these swiss army knieves and we can engrave them w/ their initials for $6 a piece

x. Garter (getting from the some place as the GM gifts for $8)

x. Put back for the reception food

x. Put back for the rehersal food

x. Flower Girl dress

x. Finish up Guest 'basket'

x. Put cake order in

x. Finish doing programs (coloring)

x. Finish guest 'cards' (again, coloring)

x. Get Table Cloths

x. Make sure we have all the music for the ceremony ready for L to burn when he's here

x. Smoking pot for the reception

x. Signs for the day of

x. Finish picture list (I need to have this done by Fri when I have the meeting with the new photographer)

x. In memory stuff (simple printing of verses)

x. My uncle's gift (DW flashlight that's actually a sonic screw driver).


Annnddd that's about it really.

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