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I really hope you guys get at least part of your deposit back. That guy is a jerk. He essentially stole your money and didn't provide the services.


If you can, I would find photography review sites and write really bad reviews about him so others can know to STAY away.

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We def plan on reviewing him Fudgie.


He's been in the business for over 25 years, which astounds me that I'm having this much aggrevation and feeling like I'm being the run around here. Every photographer I have talked to about the time frame for these prints are all amazed that I still don't have them.

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Does the guy have a Facebook page? Is he ever active on it? what did yalls contract with him say?


He does, and when he would take up to a week to respond to a call I would use my facebook stalking skills and sure enough, he was active on there. So it wasn't like he was lost on technologly. Basically all we had paid him up to this point was the deposit. Like I said, neither of us are expecting to see that but with all the hassle of it being 4 months after the shoot and still no print, L nor I feel comfortable with him shooting our wedding. What if he takes this long with wedding shots? I mean, I know they take long to get back too you but we just completely lost faith in this guy - and if I don't trust you, I'm not giving you close to $1,000 of our money to capture the most important day of our lives.\


So we are kind of going on that to see if we can at least get 1/2 the deposit back.

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hahaha,. thanks Sherry.


I'm also waiting to hear back from my co worker about her price. We only need her for 4 hours (not the 8 she quoted us) so even if she takes off $150 or something, it would help. I can still pick up a bunch of shifts inbetween now and then and I have some jewelry from my ex that I still have - never got around to posting it on Ebay or something - that I could always pawn or sell. Not much but a few of the pieces are pretty nice.

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Me teeth fell so weird since I went to the dentist this morning. I suppose that's a good thing - I had a deep clean done - and need another cleaning but that won't happen til after the wedding ($50). After that cleaning I start the process of getting my root canal done - yay. Sarcastically said of course. I about punched the dentist in the mouth though if she had scraped my gum one more time with that hook thing. I hate weird noises and the sound that thing makes as they scrap your teeth almost sent me over the edge. I literally had to start tapping my foot to ta beat in my head not to go crazy, and then she kept scraping my gums as well.... -.-

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I love this stage my nephew is at. He's taking more and more sure steps - up to five at a time before lunging at whoever he's walking to - and he does this thing were he'll get SO excited, raise his hands in the air, and go up and down with them while doing the pig snort thing he does. So adorable. Mom was having trouble putting him to bed - and he was screaming every time we tried putting him in his bed but then he would rub his eyes like crazy when he was in the living room - so I took him and his bottle to mom's room, lied on her bed with him, and he was out in like five minutes.


Then of course came the age old dance of picking the sleeping baby up (without waking him up) and putting him in his bed (again, without waking him up). I mangaged it though, lol

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