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Work was not bad at all today. Relatively calm, got a lot done, and my normal co workers were there to keep me entertained. More drama from the girl who quit but we are all just eating pop corn and watching it from the side lines. I did tell my boss about the CNA incident - just in case they tried to come back and say I refused to do it or whatever - and she was not happy about how they handled it. I actually saw one of the girls tonight and just ignored her. Although I had the urge to say something sarcastic as the elevator door closed, I just walked into the dayroom. I'm working down in laundry tomorrow to help out so no housekeeping for me, woohoo! Then instead of working up on the floor this weekend for over time I'm working in laundry 7-12.


I'm working on the barrett that will hold my hair up for the wedding. I had a gold one that looked really old so I painted it white and bought some emhellisments to put on it to make it more wedding-y.

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I also made a dentist appt. for this Friday at 10 am. It was scheduled for NOv. 4th due to money but it's getting to were I can't take a drink of anything cold without ice - like cold water from the faucet - without it hurting my teeth. Not good. So L sent me some of the spending money to get it done.

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I also made a dentist appt. for this Friday at 10 am. It was scheduled for NOv. 4th due to money but it's getting to were I can't take a drink of anything cold without ice - like cold water from the faucet - without it hurting my teeth. Not good. So L sent me some of the spending money to get it done.


Awww.....that was sweet. Hope it gets resolved soon. Having a sensitive tooth sucks.

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Awww.....that was sweet. Hope it gets resolved soon. Having a sensitive tooth sucks.


It was. I wasn't going to say anything but he saw me grimace when we were on webcam after taking a sip of cold water and refused no for an answer.


It does though. I have always had them but apparently going so long without going to the dentist has made it worse. Use to be only ice in drinks or ice cream that would hurt my teeth but now it's anything cold. Hoping once they do the deep clean it will help.

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I have ants in my room. Blah! So I sprayed some last night were I saw them but I'm going to have to slowly take things out and clean and spray as I go - since I'm not off til Friday - and Jasper was not happy about being shut out of the room last night. But it was either that or he stick his paw in the stuff, lick it, and die. He can just get over it for a few days.

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Long day. Not a bad day but just, long. I have a 11 hour shift tomorrow from 10 until 9 - yay - but it was nice not to clean for a day, to just deal with laundry. Which has its own pit falls but hey, changing up work routine never hurt anyone. Before I went to work I was sat in the living room brushing my teeth and T crawled over to me and pulled himself up on my leg and was just staring INTENTLY at me brushing my teeth. My mom got his little tooth brush and tooth paste and handed it to him and he would mimick whatever movement I did with his own tooth brush. So adorable.


L and I did our 30 minute phone call on my way to work today. All I can really remember from the conversation was us talking about Air France crash, actually, lol. I still don't know everything about planes but at least I can hold a conversation with him now with SOME idea as to what I'm talking about. And I can even reference plane crashes before he can! Ha!


Still dealing with the ant problem, blah. Don't you love how when you know their are creepy crawlers around you feel them on you but they aren't? Bugger.


On the wedding front I dropped the venue payment in the mail today and the guys' ties arrived!! Here's a pic I took for L:

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The light blue one is L's, the yellow one is my brother's (the best man), and the 2 dark blue ones are my brother's best friend (groomsman) and my uncle (who is walking me down the aisle). So my huge shipment of DIY stuff should arrive in the next few days since I ordered both on the same night. Hopefully. It would give me something to do this weekend after I work 7-12 on over time.

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So I was being a good mommy and scooping Jasper's litter box when what do I find underneath the litter? A spider.




And what did my child do? He just flopped his over weight butt on the bathroom floor and stared at his mommy who was immitating a seizure victim (only standing up with a poop scoopper in her hand) until the spider dissapeared intl the AC vent in the floor.



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So I was being a good mommy and scooping Jasper's litter box when what do I find underneath the litter? A spider.




And what did my child do? He just flopped his over weight butt on the bathroom floor and stared at his mommy who was immitating a seizure victim (only standing up with a poop scoopper in her hand) until the spider dissapeared intl the AC vent in the floor.




LMAO. I HATE spiders too. I would've done the same thing. I'm seriously 'lol'ing because on Monday, I took Hayden for a walk and the pond/tank next to our house is almost completely bone dry except for a little mud in the middle. I decided to get hayden out of his stroller and walk down there to show him all he frogs and stuff..welllllll..once we get down here, I step on a section of what I thought was dried cracked mud..it kind of sunk in so I jumped back and when I looked down, there was a small snake that popped out of the crack and started slithering away..I was like 'ACKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!' Hayden was on my hip SO confused, bless his heart..he kept looking at the snake..and then back at me..like "*O.O* mom are you okay?" haha. I can just see jasper doing the same thing..hahaha.

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Lol. I am afraid of them. I hate them so much but Im so terrified of them, I don't even want my shoe to touch them to kill them! L doesn't like them either but the small ones he will kill (I don't even like small ones. If it has eight legs, I hate it) so I don't know what we are going to do when a big one comes in our house. Because I'm not killing it, neither will L, and jasper is just useless, lol. jasper did look up at me with his head on the floor (he was doing that thing were he lies on his back with all four legs in the air) like 'are you crazy mom?'


And then he wanted loving afterward....

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I just pulled a L.


So, lol, back story - when L was over last Oct. I bought him to my house to show him were I lived and spend just a little bit more time with my family before he had to fly back out. Now the steps to our home is not what you think of when you hear steps. They are literally cendar blocks stacked at different heights to form stairs (I live in the South, don't judge). Anyway, as L was walking in he didn't raise his foot high enough to clear the actual door frame and needless to say face planted in my living room - with my family in the living room. So every time someone does that now, we call it 'pulling an L'.


Now back to my story.


My headache eased off (finally, thank god) and I was straightening up and decided to go get the centerpiece stuff and work on those tonight. Well I was walking up the steps and my mom opened the door for me and was whinging about something (I'd never admit that to HER, of course) and I wasn't paying attention and viola, I tripped coming in and face planted in the living room, sending the stones for the centerpieces ALL over the floor and Jasper running down the hallway like I had shot him.


My mom was nice enough to ask me if I was okay before bursting into laughter.....

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Thanks Jig. I really hadn't thought about it, really. I'm kind of still an amateur when it comes to the DIY stuff like my scrapbook stuff and what not. I'm not sure I could handle Bridezillas either... you can't make money if you want to punch your customer out for being a witch, lol

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True, but you can pick and choose you clients if you do it for a side job. I was just blown away by your hairclip, flowers, and centerpieces. Your gown is pretty cool, too. You would be good at it and you will find annoying people no matter what you do for a living.

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Having some issues with our photographer and mulling over our options....


My big pack of DIY stuff arrived. Annnddd they didn't send the wicker basket I ordered. So I'll be calling them tomorrow for them to ship that to me. The dark blue daisies are a LITTLE bigger than I was expecting so I'm having to rethink our cake. This is our basic idea:

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Only our colors are yellow, dark blue, and light blue. I was going to do a yellow ribbon around the bottom of each layer with dark blue and light blue daisies like the ones in the picture but these dark blue ones are majorly large. So I'm going to take the yellow ones out of the centerpieces and put the dark blue ones in there (and see how it looks) and then maybe have a dark blue ribbon with light blue and yellow daisies.

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