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L and I web cammed today after he got off work for a good hour or two. No arguments lately - the last 2 months before we see each other is when we argue the most. His training is almost over - less than 2 weeks now - and I know he's so ready for it to be over and to go back to a normal work day.


I went in from 5-9 tonight. At 8 one of my co workers got a text from the boss saying one of the girls in laundry had walked out (got written up or something) and she was working tonight so that co worker and I had to do a last laundry pick up. I texted the boss to let her know I could work some 10-9s next week if they needed any help.

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I did the work of 2 people today, literally. I did my department and another department today since that girl just walked out yesterday. One of the first shift guys stayed over two hours to help me but I wouldn't call what he did 'help'. I helped him with the laundry pick up and we have the rule someone has to be down in laundry while the dryers are going - fire hazard I guess - and it was my usual shift, I had other things that needed to be getting done. My 'help' took the truck back up and was going to make a quick trash run. An hour later I'm sat down there wondering where he is - becuase the dryer is on and I can't leave with it on but this load had to be done for in the morning - so I radio him. He's buffing floors. >.


So I am exhausted. I didn't go to the gym tonight because when I clocked out, I was completely drenched in sweet. I did my work out for the day. Blah.

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when are they going to hire someone new?


We actually have someone in the works now. She was being hired part time but since this little debacle, she'll go to the full time position. The only thing is it takes foorreevvveerrrr to get hired here because of the background and physical checks.

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I am so mad right now. So furious.


As I was in the middle of doing my dayrooms tonight 2 CNAs come to me and tell me they have a clogged toilet. I politely tell them I don't have a plunger - nor do I know were one is. About an hour or so goes by and I'm on another floor and the nurse down there calls me to the nurses station. Someone from the previous floor was asking about a plunger, again. I again politetly told the nurse on the floor I was currently on I did not, nor did I know, were one was. Then 20 minutes later those 2 CNAs come to the new floor I was on and told me the upstairs nurse (from their hall) needed to see me. So I went up there only the nurse had no idea why I was up there. Hm. She mentioned something about the toilet being clogged (After I asked was that it) and a more veteran nurse happen to walk by and told me they use to keep a plunger on x floor. So I go down and viola - there is a plunger.


So I go back upstairs to do my job - I am housekeeping - although by this point I'm ircked. I'm ircked because it's the week before my period and these 2 CNAs have been hounding the crap out of me for this plunger. So. I go in and when someone tells you to get a plunger what do you think? You think it's clogged and you don't know whats clogging it because you can't see - hence why you need to plunge, right? So to my surprise I walk in and see a diaper in the toilet. No water covering it but it just sitting in the toilet. The word bugger came out so many times in place of cuss words.... so I went and got the nurse to show her and she was like 'ew, yeah, I"m not sticking my hand down there and neither are you.' She rigs a clothes hanger and pulls it out while I had a trash bag waiting. Then I flush the toilet and what do you know? It doesn't need plunging. >.


So I'm pretty mad at that point and happen to run into the 2 CNAs coming back down. I didn't get snappy with them but I def. left no doubt in their minds I thought they were the laziest CNAs there. I may scrub toilets for a living but that does NOT mean you are above me.

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Don't you hate that? Because they are in a different position they think they are better than others? Pisses me off.


I have to deal with dispatchers all day and some of them are so freakin stupid. They think they are better than me because they make 38 dollars an hour, however some of them are dumber than a box of rocks. Good luck, all the money you make isn't going to make up for the lack of brains you have. (not you, the dispatchers). LOL

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Thanks Dang. He really does. I have had a lot of cats in my life but none have ever been like Jasper. He really is a child. I have a three and a half year old, lol. When I come home at night i have to pet him for 15 minutes or he goes bat crazy. And he hates rain. Thunder he is fine but if it rains hard you don't see him for like hours because he is hiding under the bed. And he is OCD like me. He won't drink from his water bowl without moving it three times. And he moves it so much I had to put it in a foil try to keep water off my floor. He's my little stinker though.

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