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Took my mom out to AppleBee's to eat for her birthday today. She wanted me to take her to McDonald's so I wouldn't spend so much and I kind of had to fib and say L sent me some money. I had it to take her to Applebee's all on my own but I knew if she knew that, she wouldn't let me take her. I was feeling pretty girly today so I dressed up a little more than I normally would. I wore a tight blue tank top but pulled one of my black and white dress shirts over it (the dress shirt is pretty low cut and the tank top hid some boob) with white capris and dark blue glittery ballet flats (my wedding shoes) with my blue bangle earrings. I had the good old fish and chips with some broccoli - yum! - and then we went to my brother's high school since it's open house tonight (he starts his senior year of high school tomorrow).


I have to say being back in a high school was... weird. It's like all those old feelings of when you were there come back and it's a mixed emotion. On the one hand you miss the simplicity of those days when your only worries (for most teenagers, at least) was what to wear to school or socializing inbetween classes and barely making it to class before the bell rung or fighting with those damn locker combinations... but on the other your thinking 'My God I'm glad I don't have to do this anymore!' because when put back in that kind of setting, being an adult isn't so bad. While my mom was talking to one of my brother's teachers I sat down at one of the desks and instantly remembered why I didn't like school. God I hated those desks. I'm the person who likes the idea of school and can get excited about it but as far as actually DOING it - I was a horrible student, unless it came to history or the writing part of English. And it's amazing how those social levels of high school still exist. Just walking through the halls there were still the preppy girls who didn't have a hair out of place, designer shoes, and were surrounded by people and then the girls who didn't care what they had on. Notice which click I fell in school?


I did make my way to the band room - I am a former band member - and listened to a bunch of the band members play their instruments. I really miss playing the flute. I haven't picked on up in.. God... six years but I can still perfectly finger a B flat scale in mid air. I def hope our kids are musically talented because I'd love to pass that passion on to them. The one regret I have about our kids living in England is they will never have that marching band experience I had and those 4 years I was in the band were the best of my high school career. Band members didn't rank very high on the social scale within the school but within the band, we were all cool. Makes sense, right? lol. And for me as a loner, I enjoyed being around my fellow band members. I guess it was because we all had that same level of passion and wanted the end result - the State trophy - but I was probably my most social when I was in the marching band. Playing the flute really brought me out of my shell even though I could never read music. Yep. I played the flute and could not read the sheet music. I was a horrible music reader but all it took was me hearing a song a few times and I could mimic it very well and build on that. Hm.


I was also watiing on my mom and brother to get out of the school after awhile. It's been awhile since I posted a pic so I snapped one:


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Had a nice long, hot shower after tidying up my room and mine and my brother's bathroom (see? I can't even get away from cleaning on my day off!) and am going to work on wedding DIY stuff I have been putting off. Once my check drops in the bank tonight I'm ordering a bunch of the final DIY stuff. Like:


These are the girls bouquet flower: link removed

And these will be the flower colors on our cake: link removed

link removed (this is also my bouquet color)


Our 'guestbook': link removed

I'll wrap some yellow and white ribbon around the handle to decorate it a little, like the picture at the top of this page: link removed


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That's kind of what I have going down the aisle. Same concept but not as good I guess.

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Yes it is. It's like my entire body stops and doesn't know what to do with itself when I'm hurling. Ugh. If I"m still doing this in a few hours I'll have no choice but to use a sick day. I can't exactly be hurling cookies while cleaning the toilet. I could, but it would defeat the purpose.

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Yes it is. It's like my entire body stops and doesn't know what to do with itself when I'm hurling. Ugh. If I"m still doing this in a few hours I'll have no choice but to use a sick day. I can't exactly be hurling cookies while cleaning the toilet. I could, but it would defeat the purpose.


And you still have jokes amid a bad situation. Sweet. LOL

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Bless my mom. She was dead asleep and heard me hurling my cookies from accross the house and got up (even though she has to be up in a few hours to take my brother to school) and came and held my hair while I threw up. Then she ushered me to bed and is now making me chicken noodle soup. I have the best mom.

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Decorations cost me more than I was expecting - or more than what they were a few months ago - so I"m having to rethink some things for the wedding. I don't NEED aisle decorations and what I was going to use for aisle decorations I can instead use as our table centerpieces... save some money.

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If I do jump again (which I'm still undecided about), it will probably be another 3-4 months. I want to make sure I am

fully healed before I even attempt it.


This weekend, besides hanging out with my friends, I am also going to talk to my instructors about the possibility of

jumping again.


Don't take me wrong, I love my mom, but it's been almost 20 years since I've spent this much time at one time, at home, and it takes getting used to.

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I knew you would be out of commision for a while with the leg. So is it a matter of whether you want to or not, not that you can or can't?


Yeah, I know how that fills. I went from living on my own to living with my mom for the past 2 years almost. I love her, but she drives me batty.

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The ortho surgeon who originally did my surgery, told me that I could return to the sport in about 3-4 months. My only

concern would be the plates on either side of my left leg. They are pretty far down, close to my ankles. I can feel the

plates and the force of my landings, especially if I were to land hard again, could cause me a lot of pain. Pretty much, if I were to jump again, I might have to get the plates and screws removed, which would entail ANOTHER surgery. So, I

Am not sure what I will do yet.

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Yikes. Yeah, I see what you mean. So basically if you want to jump again (safely) you will have to get the plates and screws removed.


Yep!! I also don't do well with surgery, aka I always seem to get some "complications" that hinder my healing, so I am

very reluctant to go through another surgical procedure.


Otherwise, how is wedding planning coming along?


I agree, best to cut down on decoration expense, so u can spend money on other stuff

that is more memorable and lasting.

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Yep!! I also don't do well with surgery, aka I always seem to get some "complications" that hinder my healing, so I am

very reluctant to go through another surgical procedure.


Otherwise, how is wedding planning coming along?


I agree, best to cut down on decoration expense, so u can spend money on other stuff

that is more memorable and lasting.


Yeah. I have only had one surgery in my life - I had a cyst removed off my right wrist my junior year in HS.


Wedding planning is almost over, thank God, lol. I mean, I would have liked to have the aisle decorations but the outside of our venue speaks for itself, it was just a little extra something I wanted. But at $80 just for the hooks I don't want it that much, not when I can just as easiy use what I was going to hang on either side of the aisle as centerpieces for the tabels. I'll have to post a picture later of the one I have made up already.

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