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lol, I'll take that sweet little chipmunk cheek baby any day of the week.


Yeah, I think when you know and then do a reveal it's... Idk. I didn't like how my co worker did it but when she got to telling us she didn't want to find out while laying on a hospital bed or whatever I was like, 'hm." And it would def be something we could get my family in. Break out mine and L's laptop and have them on skype when we cut into it.

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Yes, that would be neat! My sister lived in London for 6 months and my parents ALWAYS skyped with her. I was so shocked my parents knew how to use it. I should really learn so my mom could see the baby since she's a plane ride away. She's coming to visit in 2 weeks, so maybe she can teach me. I'm not great with that stuff.

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I don't even want to think about teaching my mom how to use it... *groan* She caught onto texting though so she has some ground work laid, lol. I'm giving her my web cam and so I"ll just need to install Skype on her computer and then the REAL feat is going to be teaching her how to use my touch screen phone (she still has a flip phone). She wants to keep my line on the family plan since the phone has skype on it - so if she's out and about and I can get on skype as well, we can be talking while she's shopping and I'm sat at home with a five hour time difference.

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That sucks for them though, when you think about it.


It is, but at the same time it's kind of like a slap in the face for me, you know? I have supported them in whatever decision they have ever made - even bad ones - and I'm not expecting them to be jumping for joy that I'm moving but at least lay off the guilt trips.



Another poor night of sleep. I think I finally knocked out about 3? I slept in til 10:30 and jumped in the shower and had a quick breakfast. Catching up on Master Chef now before I leave for work and talk to L on the way. I'm off tomorrow, thankfully (although it is mom's birthday) so I'm ready for tonight to be over with!

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I would go easy on them, it's not easy have one of your family move to another country, especially one that's far away. You love L and are excited. They like him, but probably also kind of resent him for taking you away. It's normal and you can't blame them. In time they will be happy for you.

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I don't blame them, at all. I would be disappointed too if someone I loved moved far away but the whole negative 'i won't be an aunt to your kids because I won't be around them' just makes me feel bad. I'm not around my niece but I dont view her less of one because I don't see her every day. And the people who say 'how can you move some place with no fmsily or friend's are the ones who always talked about moving out of the small town.


Idk. Saying you'll miss me yes, I understand. Trying to make me feel bad for making the best decision for my future family, not cool.

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well, my friend, the one who moved accross town with her bf, I rarely see her anymore. actually, i was quite irritated with it today. just realizing that i only hear from her when 1- she needs something or 2 - is having boyfriend problems. when he was going to go out of town for a week for work, she said I had to come over and stay with her because she doesn't like being in that big house by herself. excuse me?? (the business trip never happened). I'm super allergic to cats, he has 2 cats, and I need to get asthma for a week so this grown woman isn't alone?


hahah, sorry this is your rant space, not mine. I say that even if you were staying in the US, you and her would naturally not see each other as much any more. it just happens to all couples, they have children, they spend more time running after the children, doing more family things, etc... well, as it should be, right? but she should not be saying ridiculous things about your reproductive schedule. that has nothing to do with her.

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Lol, your fine Annie.


Yeah, people naturally drift apart when life takes over. The someone I'm referring to should know this as she has had things in th past (marriage, kids) who naturally slowed our time together down even though we lived 20 mins from each other. But I'm a bad person because I'm doing what's best for me, L, and our future kids. *sigh*

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What a long butt day.


Someone in laundry called out today so I got moved from my housekeeping position down to there and one of the guys who work on the floors was put down there with me. Neither of one us had ever done laundry in it's full capacity so, yeah. Basically a normal laundry person would go and pick up dirty linen from the hospital, wash and dry it, fold it, and of course they have to hang resident's clothing. Well I have hung resident's clothing before (it's not rocket science. You look at the name on the clothes, compare it to the name on the wall, and hang). But picking up dirty linen and washing it - no, never done before. So my co worker and I go and pick up the first load and we think everything's cool. We do a load of resident's clothing, dry them, and hang them. After we have completed our last pick up of dirty linen at about 8:30 and we are standing out back shooting the breeze with another co worker we realize that on our first pick up that day, we forgot to pick up from 2 areas of the hospital. 2 areas that will need their linen cleaned before 7 am tomorrow morning. We literally just looked at each other and said F.


The reason we were like F is it takes 40 minutes to wash the clothes and 40 minutes to dry. Plus hanging or folding. So we threw 2 loads on at like 9 (which is when I was suppose to be clocking out) and we didn't clock out til 11:30. Yeah. I mean it's just more over time for me but it made for a looonnnggg day. And what really ticked me off? On Tuesdays me and 2 of my co workers go out to eat. We will pile in my car and grab something and bring it back to the hospital to eat. Since 2 of our shcedules were muddled today the other one went and grabbed the food. We had Subway and I have been eating healthy Subway so today I was like you know I'm going to get extra chiptole. Wouldn't you know the co worker forgot to get it, even after I wrote it down? I was just like really??? *sigh*


I also have volunteered to come in and clean an area on Fridays (when I am normally off, mind you) for my boss. I hope they realize just how thankful I am they gave me those 2 weeks off for the wedding. They didn't have to, of course, and that's part of the reason why I'm willing to work over and beyond what is really needed of me because they did not have to do that. That and the money is not going to hurt one bit.


It's after midnight as well and it's my mom's birthday. I have no idea how old she is (isn't that sad?) but I got her a card from me and my brother and then I got her a grandma card from T and held his hand and helped him write out the stuff in the card.

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I'm torn. I really would love to jump back into my soap operas but seeing as 2 of them are ending (one next month, the other in Jan) I don't think I want to. I hate when a soap opera ends and they try to tie up the ends with a nice little bow, one is currently bringing back everyone and their brother back from the dead. I haven't watched them in.. God... six months? I don't know.

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I'm torn. I really would love to jump back into my soap operas but seeing as 2 of them are ending (one next month, the other in Jan) I don't think I want to. I hate when a soap opera ends and they try to tie up the ends with a nice little bow, one is currently bringing back everyone and their brother back from the dead. I haven't watched them in.. God... six months? I don't know.


If our life was a soap opera we would never die, we would just keep coming back to life. LOL

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If our life was a soap opera we would never die, we would just keep coming back to life. LOL


For real. Whenever someone dies in soapland they ALWAYS find a way. I remember AMC bought back someone who had been dead for 20 years (before the cancellation). I read something about some web project has picked the soaps up but I don't know in what kind of format or how that will go.

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L and I are on webcam right now chatting before my mom and I go out to dinner later. We sorted out the ceremony music and how to get the songs and what not and picked which versions of the songs we are using.


The bridal party entrance song:

I usually hate Canon in D but I love this Celtic version, plays on my Irish background as well.


My entrance music 3TjflQKA

Princess Bride is my favorite movie of all time. And it's the perfect wedding song.


Recessional music 0oCmDXrVk

L picked this one.

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Princess Bride?! That's so awesome!!!! Had I actually had a "ceremony" I would have loved to do something like that. It seems like the delay in your wedding has worked out well...you will have the wedding you really wanted I'm sorry to hear your family is not as excited for you as you'd like them to be, but they surely are just sad to know you are moving so far away. I bet your wedding day will still be 100% joy...do you plan on visiting the US after you move to England?

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lol, yeah. It's one of those corny movies but it's my all time favorite. I heard the instrumental version someone else used in a wedding but I liked the one with the actual words to it for when I walked down the aisle. It has. I mean, we were compromising on the big white wedding that we wanted to move there faster but it did work out in the end. And this year apart has shown us we can make it - even if there are times we want to rip each other's heads off.


I"m sure they are sad but a few of them bring that accross in a MAJOR guilt trip fashion. Whether they mean to or not, I can only tell them so many times my reasons for moving there. I have always considered everyone else when I have made a life decision before - it's time I did something for the betterment of ME, not everyone. But we do have those who while they say they are sad, support us 100% and I know they will do whatever they can to make our day special for us.


I do. How often I don't know. Once L and I start a family I obviously can't just pop over whenever my family wants to see me. If they want me to come at a certain time then they are going to either a) have to help with the plane ticket or b) come see me.

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Half of my family lives VERY far away (South Africa) & the price of airline tickets makes it pretty tough to visit though there is always the option of Skype...even my 85 year-old Ouma uses it...LOL! It's hard not to be selfish when it comes to keeping loved ones close to you...I'm sure it's especially difficult for your mom, but in the end they will see how happy the move has made you & I am sure they will support you. You could probably even realistically visit once a year. When do you officially move? October 2012?

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Most of my family moved to Oklahoma a couple of years ago. You think you will visit back and forth, but you never really do. I miss them but have resigned myself to never really seeing them in the flesh again. They have a better life there, so I am happy for them, but the relationship is not anywhere near as close as it used to be. Life goes on as they say....

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Half of my family lives VERY far away (South Africa) & the price of airline tickets makes it pretty tough to visit though there is always the option of Skype...even my 85 year-old Ouma uses it...LOL! It's hard not to be selfish when it comes to keeping loved ones close to you...I'm sure it's especially difficult for your mom, but in the end they will see how happy the move has made you & I am sure they will support you. You could probably even realistically visit once a year. When do you officially move? October 2012?


Yeah, and it's cheaper for me to visit them than them visit me but with us wanting 4 kids -once a year will probably be all we can do and even then L won't go on every trip. I plan on giving my mom my web cam and teaching her how to use Skype on the computer and on my phone so she can some what have contact with me whenever she wants. And I'm getting everyone a clock that is always set on English time for them. Yep, October 4, 2012 is our tentive move date. We have to put a date down when we file the visa application and that's the one we picked. It's a few days before L's birthday and goes in line with everything I have to do with Jasper to get him over.

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Most of my family moved to Oklahoma a couple of years ago. You think you will visit back and forth, but you never really do. I miss them but have resigned myself to never really seeing them in the flesh again. They have a better life there, so I am happy for them, but the relationship is not anywhere near as close as it used to be. Life goes on as they say....


It does. I mean, I never thought I could live with being an hour away from my best friend and niece but we have. Yes, we aren't as close as before in the sense we can't just pop out and run errands together like we did when we lived in the same town but I have never been a huge social person - so to me being in person isn't a requirment for friendship or connection.

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