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ROTF - I just re read your question Hers and completely misunderstood. I'm going to pass that off as a sleep deprieved moment.


We are shooting for me to visit him for a week in April to split the Oct-Oct time apart. After the week in April the next time I will see him is when I move over.

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ROTF - I just re read your question Hers and completely misunderstood. I'm going to pass that off as a sleep deprieved moment.


We are shooting for me to visit him for a week in April to split the Oct-Oct time apart. After the week in April the next time I will see him is when I move over.


Haha, I just reread my question and got confused myself!

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Mom and I were just talking about T growing so fast and some how we got onto the subject of me moving to England and mine and L's future kids. I know she's still bummed that I'm moving 4,000 miles away with an ocean between us but she said she could be happy for me because she knew I could take care of myself and that although it broke her heart, I was one of the kids that didn't really need her to live my day to day life. She knew she was still there when I needed help with a big problem but because I didn't have her in those pivotal teen years, I grew up without having to lean on anyone. And she knows that my life with L over there will be far easier than if he moved here.


I gave her a big hug after that.

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It's 6 AM - why am I up again? Oh yes, over time. At least I'm only working for 4ish hours. I think I'll reward me being a dedicated worker by grabbing a McDonald biscuit on my way to work. That and I haven't had fast food since Tues when the co workers and I Had Subway (and I had healthy Subway!!). Yes, Hell hath frozen over people.

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OG - the EggMcMuffin is not that bad, calorie-wise. it's one of the better things on the menu if you are watching your calories. that and the fruit and yogurt parfaits and the fruit and walnut salad. Though I went to New Orleans a few months ago and was disappointed they didn't have the fruit and yogurt parfait. Maybe they have regional differences?

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I know. I went to Spain and McDonald's had some hindu burger???? It was weird. no, I didn't eat McDonald's in Spain - I just went in and got a bottle of water, lol.


watching portions is good too. why deprive yourself totally of food you like? not worth it.

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That sounds... disgusting, lol. I can see me losing a bunch of weight when I move to england with the difference in food taste.


Exactlly. I can really tell a difference in my stomach since I have been doing 30 min cardio one night, 30 on the mqchines the next night. This week I went three days and I bought my gym clothes to go today after this shift.

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I know. I went to Spain and McDonald's had some hindu burger???? It was weird. no, I didn't eat McDonald's in Spain - I just went in and got a bottle of water, lol.


watching portions is good too. why deprive yourself totally of food you like? not worth it.

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L and I got off the web cam - which the connection was crappy today and making both of us ill - at about 2. I set my alarm for an hour and a half and snuggled to Jasper. I woke up just now at 6. :s *sigh* Will be using some melatonin tonight to help me stay on the sleep schedule I have been on.

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This has been the worst day. I was walking outside to talk to L - reception inside is crappy - and I was trying to balance my bowl of spaghetti o's and answer the phone and well, it didn't work. I spilled the bowl ALL over my scrub top. What made it worse was that was all I had bought to eat today on a 12 hour shift. So I wasn't in the best of moods and took that out on L. Then I was walking down the hallway a while ago and spilled my coffee on my pants. And THEN I was cleaning a toilet and the part you raise up and down slipped out of my hand and broke, just broke. Then I had to run through the hallways to catch the co worker on first who had borrows my work keys and was about to walk out the door with them!


Tonight is th night I need a drink....

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Well the rest of my day didn't get any crappier after the earlier part, thank God. Probably because I held the guys with the floors after I got finished early before I had to start on my day rooms. I went to the gym after work, even though I really didn't feel up to it. I only did one round on the machines (10 minutes, I guess) but after working a 12 hour shift, my body was lucky it got that! I'll do cardio tomorrow night for at least 45 minutes to make up some lost time.


I stopped by Wal-Mart and picked mom some drinks up along with a birthday card for her. I also grabbed a grandma one and am going to give it to her from T - even write left handed so it looks like a child did it, lol. She didn't want any knick knack or anything so I'm going to take her out to eat at Cracker Barrel Wednesday after L and I get off web cam.


I worked on our programs last night and did them a way that I liked them - I'll post a picture later - and it stays in uniform with our daisy theme. When I get paid Wednesday the big DIY stuff is being bought and taken care of. All the flowers will be ordered and from those both BM bouquets will be made and the wicker basket for our 'guest book'. I really need to hot glue the ribbon to the aisle decoration bowls but that is going to wait until Wednesday night.

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I can feel the baby fever creeping it's ugly head back in. >.


A woman at work found out what she was having - it's a boy! - Friday and she was telling us how they discovered the sex in a very untraditional (but one I wouldn't rule out us doing) way. They had the ultrasound done and then the tech didn't tell them what it was but wrote it down and put it in a envelope. They then took that to a baker and had the baker bake a cake for a family gathering and depending on what the baby was, put either blue or pink on the inside of the cake. She said her and her husband danced with each other when they saw the blue filling. So of course we were all baby talk and I swear I felt a pain in my womb. It sounds so damn silly but that's what it was. It was like this tugging sensation and I thought 'Great, baby fever is coming on'. And having T here 5 days a week is not helping me ignore this on set!

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You can have my baby any day when he does not have a nap, I promise I will not fight you that! ;-)


I just recently went to a "gender reveal party" where everyone bit into a cupcake at the same time and then the frosting in the middle of it was pink, so it's a girl. They already knew it was a girl, but no one else did. Personally, I found that a little over the top, but these people are very over the top, so I wasn't too surprised. I like how the lady you knew did it, I think that's neat to have a family gathering, and everyone (including yourselves) find out together. The party I went to included games, a rented room, and about 40 people--- that's why I say it's a little OTT. But, whatever floats your boat I guess!

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