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Imagine that is it. A lot easier for a tractor trailer to take you out than a mini cooper.I am sorry about that OG.


The truckers around here drive me INSANE.......the main hwy that crosses the country east and west, well they occupy all the lanes of it trying to pass each other. They have controls on them so they can not go faster than 105 KM an hour so they all try and pass each other at 104.5 km an hour for like 100 miles and have a parade MILES long behind them. They are SUPPOSED to stay in the slow lane but they never do.

Well, it isn't the 'slow' lane - it is the driving lane and the other one or two are overtaking lanes. Trucks are usually, but not always, not allowed to use the left-hand passing lane but they are allowed to use the middle passing lane.


Not all trucks are governed.

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Well, it isn't the 'slow' lane - it is the passing lane and the other one or two are overtaking lanes. Trucks are usually, but not always, not allowed to use the left-hand passing lane but they are allowed to use the middle passing lane.


Not all trucks are governed.


There is only 2 lanes here though and they use BOTH of them and I have literally seen them trying to pass each other with one doing about 1 KM faster than the other guy.It is nuts.

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Pretty good day at work all things considering. We had a little glitch - well, a big glitch - when we walked in to find out one of the nurses had complained about something AFTER the guys left last night (and in which we can't even get confirmation that it happened) so now the guys are no longer to do said thing they were doing, even though it's part of their job. Screwed up, right? The higher ups complain about getting stuff done but then when it's getting down, those below them (above us) complain about it being done. No win situation. They just can't understand not everyone only works one job or isn't in school and that our first shift counterparts - who could do it when the higher ups actually want it done - aren't going to break their back like our shift will to get stuff done. It's just all messed up and put all of us in a crappy mood for the shift.


The guys and I did go to the gym though after work. I did 30 mins on the treadmill and then another 30 minutes on the machines. I'm feeling really good at this point. I haven't stepped on a scale yet but I can feel the difference in the size of my stomach. Before I could feel how large my stomach was and now I have to look in a mirror to remind myself I have a stomach, lol. And overall I feel better. I had to walk back and forth up repair's stairs today and I never once gave out of breath. So for right now it looks like my little routine is working for me. And I don't even question going to the gym anymore, it's just a natural thing to change into my gym clothes and hit it with the guys after work. I think the whole having someone there to socalize with helps. When your working out by yourself it can seem like a chore sometimes whereas if you have someone there to cut up with and to take your mind off the fact that your legs are about to give out, it makes it almost more enjoyable.


I'm working on odd days the next few weeks and I have a little over time but not much. That could change, of course. I asked for Wed off because it's my mom's birthday and then they still gave me my friday off (which I guess isn't that bad, means I'll get an extra day to talk to L on webcam if he wants) and they made up for that Fri by working me 7-12 this Sunday (it's my weekend off but I volunteered to help first shift out since we are still short staffed) and working three 10-9's this pay period. They are giving me 2 full weeks off for my wedding so hey, I'm willing to work whatever they need me to to be honest. And the money isn't going to hurt!

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Please be careful with those tanning beds, OG. They are as bad for your skin, or worse, than the sun. My best friend, who lives in Alaska used to use them, then she got skin cancer that spread. That killed tanning beds for her. They are DANGEROUS!!!

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Oh I am. I only lay in them once or twice a year - and I can't remember the last time I did, a few months I think. But since I got that sunburn a few weeks ago I need to even out my tan lines that the dress won't hide. I usually never lay more than seven minutes but I broke my own rule and did it for 20.

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Did anyone else know the serious amount of adultery blogs there are out there??


I was catching up on this blog I follow and I noticed one of the posters who was commenting on it everyone kept talking about her adultery blog. Me being the curious person I am - a bit of a blogger stalker, it rolls over from my ENA/facebook stalking - clicked on her profile and started reading and yep, it was that kind of blog. Kind of left me with a sick feeling in my stomach, TBH. Then I did a little more blogger stalking and discovered this whole network of adultery blogs were people go out and have affairs - most of the time through that adultery website thingie - and then blog about them. It's like this vast network!


Sorry, just had to share.

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So I'm on web cam with L and he got paid this morning and went ahead and sent me the rest of our hotel money. Now L has the password to everything I have on the net - including my PayPal - and because I'm a technological idiot he's the one that always sends the money, logs into my Paypal, and then hits the button to transfer it to my bank account. So we are sat here on web cam and he asks me why I haven't transferred it to my bank account yet. I literally just tilted my head and gave him 'the look' and he goes 'oh right, because I normally do it.'


Ha. L and B moment of the day.

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While L and I were on web cam today we got to talking about the kind of cat we would like to get one day. Jasper does really well with other cats and we would def not get one for a while after I move over to give Jasper time to adjust to a new setting and everything but we def want to get the new cat before we have a baby or, really, before we even try to concieve since I can't be around litter boxes while I'm pregnant and even litter trained kittens need help when you first bring them into a new setting. I have always thought Scottish Fold cats were SOO cute. L googled some and these were for sale actually not far from were he is now and they are TO adorable!


image removed

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There is only 2 lanes here though and they use BOTH of them and I have literally seen them trying to pass each other with one doing about 1 KM faster than the other guy.It is nuts.
Blame 'just-in-time' delivery schedules.
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I was going to work on wedding stuff today - finish off the aisle decorations and get those boxed away into the storage building, redo the programs and finish off the guest book cards - but I got side tracked. L and I web cammed and then Jasper and I took a about a two hour nap. Yes, Jasper and I. He literally laid curled in the crook of my arm like a child would. Then I got up, ate, helped mom with T for a while, and then cleaned my room. I was going to work on the wedding stuff after cleaning but I saw my scrapbook bag where I keep all my paper to use and I remembered I had wanted to organize it for ages so I went and did that. And in the middle of doing that I some how started working on T's birth page - he's over a year and I'm just starting it. I'm very behind. And now I have wrapped all that up and am waiting on L to call for our, ah, quiet time.

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You keep posting pictures of adorable cats and telling adorable cat stories. It's making me cute-crazy (in a good way)!


lol, you should get one!


I have another one. I put the Ipad down for like five seconds, turned back around and saw this:

image removed


I don't have the heart to move him...

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So cute! We're actually saving right now... all of our spare change goes into our "kitty fund." The pet deposit where we live is $400 which sucks and makes it much more difficult to get a cat than it should be!

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Wow. Yikes. Yeah, I just picked up a local paper and found were a couple had some free kittens listed. We went, I picked Jasper out, and that was it. I wouldn't mind having a British Shorthair to round out our American-British family though.


L and I web camed for a good bit today. He was ubber tired from getting up so early this morning so he stayed on through his lunch and just took an early night. I'm tempted to join Jasper in a nap but I really can't. I work 7-12 tomorrow (although if I finish up about 11 or 11:30 I'll just go ahead and leave) and I want to try to be in bed by 9, 10 at the latest to try to stick on this seven hour time sleep. I just grabbed a bite to eat so I'm thinking I'll pull out my scrapbook stuff and finish off what I started yesterday and possibly start on some of that wedding stuff I have been putting off.

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L and I rearranged some of the things we are going to do while he's here. That first day was pretty packed and I didn't want to over exhaust him (he would have been traveling for over 24 hours by the time he lands in Atlanta) so we pushed him shooting (he's never shot a gun and wants to and because we live in the South, well, you just have to walk next door to find one to that Monday after we get back from the beach. So our week looks like this (barring any more changes!)


Tues - L arrives at 2 something, I think

Grab lunch

Come back to my house, spend an hour or so with mom, and pick Jasper up

Take L to my work and show him around/off



Wed - Up bright and early to go file for the marriage license


Take L to Pretty Place and Caesar's Head (maybe if we feel like it, it isn't that long of a drive really)


Thurs - Decorate the venue for the reception from 9-12


Rest of the day free, although I would like to try to have dinner at the local Irish Pub


Fri - Rehersal Dinner and all that that entails


Sat - WEDDING!!!


Sun - leave for the beach, woohoo!


Sun-Sat - at the beach


Sun - leave the beach to come back home, lazy day since I'm having to drive 5 hours


Monday - L shoots and otherwise another lazy day


Tues - drop L off at the airport at 3.

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