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lol. this feels like a missing piece of the OG puzzle, yo! new understanding.


pretty sure i've got the whole collection in a box around here somewhere. lol...you want em? kinda sad actually. should really get around to letting them go. books are like instruments...they're meant to be engaged!


actually...i don't think i've read any terry brooks. i know my dad has...and my mom as well. we actually had a cat named after one of the characters (a cat character!). ''edgewood dirk''...we just called her 'edgy' aw...good memories.


what about ''the wheel of time''. i got five books in and quit. lol. apparently it's for only the most hardcore fantasy nuts. you oughta give it a try, OG. sounds like you might fit the bill.


lol, I rarely talk about my book and my love for fantasy on here but believe me, it's there. The one cool thing my dad ever did for me was read LOTR as a bedtime story to me. It's something L and I plan to do with our kids. I like to poke at him and tell him the reason I fell for him was his LOTR tattoos.


That would be a bit of a shipment considering our locations, lol. I think my uncle still has his Belgariad (I remember reading it when I lived with him after the break up with my ex) but I know he did a deep clean but surely he wouldn't have let those go... oh yes. That's one reason I love re reading my books. I may put them back on the shelf but once a year or every other year, I pick them back up. And they never get old.


Oh you should. His Shannara series is really what got my world kicked off - besides LOTR, of course. I just finished restocking on that series, although I haven't read his newer ones for that world. L bought me the first book of the series back last October when he was over here. I never could get into his Kingdom of Landover series but I did give it a world.


Do you know who wrote it? I'm willing to give any fasntasy book a try at least once. My other hands down favorite series is the Drizzt Do'Urden series by R.A. Salvatore. It's one of those that is set in the D&D world but it's just awesome, been around for God, over 20 years now I think.


See, I could talk fantasy all day long.

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lol. maybe i'll check that out.


''the wheel of time'' is by robert jordan. he's actually dead now. died before he finished writing. i think someone else took up the task...but i'm not sure. they're monumental books. i think three or four of them would be about the same as the entire TEN BOOK eddings series.


happy fantasy time, OG.

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We all have our treasured books, don't we? I love autobiographies and history books on 19th and 20th century European and American history. I don't like fiction or fantasy very much but differences in taste are what make the world go 'round!

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Actually that brings up a good point Jig. I love history (if I didn't want kids more I would get a masters in it) but I hate hisotical books, at least fact based ones. Now give me a fiction one set in that time period and I love it. Which is odd considering how much I love history...

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We all have our treasured books, don't we? I love autobiographies and history books on 19th and 20th century European and American history. I don't like fiction or fantasy very much but differences in taste are what make the world go 'round!


i concur.


noticed it seems to go in waves though. been ages since i read anything fictional. haha

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For real! lol



I slept pretty well I guess. Knocked out about 1:30 or 2 and never woke up until like 7 something. Then I just say my alarm and went back to sleep and am up now. An extra hour would be sweet but I'm trying to stay on this sleep schedule and I"m off tomorrow - I can sleep in then.

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I went to go get some breakfast and my mom came out and told me my stepdad may lose his job. Apparently the company - he's a truck driver - has a rule that if you get found guilty of excessive speeding it's automatic termination. I don't know. So apparently my stepdad got pulled over by a cop and the cop said he was going 75 in a 55. My stepdad says when he got pulled over he looked down at saw the speed gauge at 65. The company does have computers were they can see how fast the driver was going and all that. So he's fighting the speeding ticket and praying he can get it reduced to 12 miles over the speed limit instead of the 20 that the cop said it was. Even with that reduction, mom and him are still looking at a $2,000 fine probably.


So, yeah....

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$2000 fine? That's crazy! I've done 80 in a 65 mph zone in my little car and got off with a $235 ticket. It stung but that's nothing compared to $2k. I guess truck drivers are subject to higher fees for speeding and other violations?

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$2000 fine? That's crazy! I've done 80 in a 65 mph zone in my little car and got off with a $235 ticket. It stung but that's nothing compared to $2k. I guess truck drivers are subject to higher fees for speeding and other violations?


I think it mostly has to do with tbe size of what you speed in. Car vs. Tractor trailer is s large difference but idk.

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I think it mostly has to do with tbe size of what you speed in. Car vs. Tractor trailer is s large difference but idk.


Imagine that is it. A lot easier for a tractor trailer to take you out than a mini cooper.I am sorry about that OG.


The truckers around here drive me INSANE.......the main hwy that crosses the country east and west, well they occupy all the lanes of it trying to pass each other. They have controls on them so they can not go faster than 105 KM an hour so they all try and pass each other at 104.5 km an hour for like 100 miles and have a parade MILES long behind them. They are SUPPOSED to stay in the slow lane but they never do.

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I don't know what my mom will do. I can't help her out, even after the wedding with all the stuff we have to do. So she is winging it they can get the fine reduced.


Ours are pretty good about being safe most of the time. I don't like being stuck around them as L knows. when we were going to Gatlinburg and going up the mountain - so to the left of me was a wall and to the right was just like this wall of tractor trailers back to back - I freaked.


Imagine that is it. A lot easier for a tractor trailer to take you out than a mini cooper.I am sorry about that OG.


The truckers around here drive me INSANE.......the main hwy that crosses the country east and west, well they occupy all the lanes of it trying to pass each other. They have controls on them so they can not go faster than 105 KM an hour so they all try and pass each other at 104.5 km an hour for like 100 miles and have a parade MILES long behind them. They are SUPPOSED to stay in the slow lane but they never do.

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I don't know what my mom will do. I can't help her out, even after the wedding with all the stuff we have to do. So she is winging it they can get the fine reduced.


Ours are pretty good about being safe most of the time. I don't like being stuck around them as L knows. when we were going to Gatlinburg and going up the mountain - so to the left of me was a wall and to the right was just like this wall of tractor trailers back to back - I freaked.


Yeah, that is a massive financial hit especially if he loses his job. I would fight that too. My husband almost never ever speeds but the one time he did he got nailed doing 120 in an 80 zone and I think his fine was over $300. He took it to court and because he never had a violation in 26 years of driving they let him off with $50 fine and no points so the insurance company never saw it.

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Yeah, that is a massive financial hit especially if he loses his job. I would fight that too. My husband almost never ever speeds but the one time he did he got nailed doing 120 in an 80 zone and I think his fine was over $300. He took it to court and because he never had a violation in 26 years of driving they let him off with $50 fine and no points so the insurance company never saw it.


Yeah, I'm sure he can get it reduced. I have never got a speeding ticket *knock on wood* but my ex had a few run ins with the police.

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I live in L.A. and we all drive super fast here! We are taught to drive way before the legal age, about the age of 14, and most of us are more comfortable driving than walking. Even the cops here speed all the time! You have to be doing over 90 mph for a cop to stop you here. I LOVE TO DRIVE! By the way, I know a girl who is married to a truckdriver and he lost a job one time because he got lost, seriously. They are not even allowed to get lost.

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I live in L.A. and we all drive super fast here! We are taught to drive way before the legal age, about the age of 14, and most of us are more comfortable driving than walking. Even the cops here speed all the time! You have to be doing over 90 mph for a cop to stop you here. I LOVE TO DRIVE! By the way, I know a girl who is married to a truckdriver and he lost a job one time because he got lost, seriously. They are not even allowed to get lost.


I LOVE to drive too.

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