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In her blog it sounds like she was banned from posting in this journal. She said she doesn't have access to this one...I'm sure if you're a regular reader and you PM her she can send you her blog addy.

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I was checking out the LS+OG blog and I'm having a hard time understanding why you two can't be together. There are all sorts of option for OG to either go to school in England or work in England, in the meantime, until she's able to stay permanently. Why not just apply to a school in England? Or get an employer to sponsor her?

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OG does not want this discussed in her journal. The forum has rules, she broke them, and she accepts this. If anyone has any questions they can PM me. Again, please do not talk about this subject in her journal as she does not want it to be shut down by the time she comes back. Thank you.

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I was checking out the LS+OG blog and I'm having a hard time understanding why you two can't be together. There are all sorts of option for OG to either go to school in England or work in England, in the meantime, until she's able to stay permanently. Why not just apply to a school in England? Or get an employer to sponsor her?


You make it sound oh so simple, however im afraid to say that OG has neither the highly skilled talets to fulfill the strick employment immigration criteria (which were tighted alot last year) or the relevent pre-education to wualify as a student. Even if she were to enter the UK as a student, it would means she would be unable to work anything other than part time, placing a huge burden on my one salary. Obviously it will be only me working for the first few months of her here, but obviously the short term gial will be to find her work so we can begin to buold a nest egg.


in the end, it's short term suffering (in being apart) verses the long term gain of her finding a job and us starting a family.

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You make it sound oh so simple, however im afraid to say that OG has neither the highly skilled talets to fulfill the strick employment immigration criteria (which were tighted alot last year) or the relevent pre-education to wualify as a student. Even if she were to enter the UK as a student, it would means she would be unable to work anything other than part time, placing a huge burden on my one salary. Obviously it will be only me working for the first few months of her here, but obviously the short term gial will be to find her work so we can begin to buold a nest egg.


in the end, it's short term suffering (in being apart) verses the long term gain of her finding a job and us starting a family.


I feel like you are berating your fiance. It's not as hard to be together as you both make it. OG seems EXTREMELY intelligent to me. Oh well. I wish you guys luck as well.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm baaaacccckkkk!!!!


You guys know you have missed me. So before anything I have to say please do NOT ask why I have been absent (if you don't know already) directly on my journal. PM me because if you ask on here I'll flag it for the mods to delete. Now that we have that out of the way, on wards!!! I have missed my journal SOOO much. Whenever something happened I thought, "I can't wait to tell everyone!" only to go "Oh. Yeah. Bugger!" - lol. I mean, I had our blog to go to but it's so much different to get feed back from my ENA family. But I'm back!


So this will a short recap of what's all happened (that I can remember, of course) since I have been gone:


1. Let's get the big thing out of the way. WE ARE UNDER THE 3 MONTH MARK!!!! 78 days to go exactly til L arrives and 82 until we are married. Of course those of you who have our blog link know this. lol L is also almost done with training - Aug 19th his last day! - so we are also counting down the days until that is over as well. Both of us are ready for our talk time to go back to the way it was although we have adapted to the situation better than we thought we would.


2. I took Jasper to the vet at the beginning of June. Big boy weighed 15.5 (yikes!) and was over all healthy (aside from the weight, of course) so the vet put him on a diet. He is not in love with this diet either. Before the visit he was getting like a large cup of cat food 2x a day. Now he gets 1/3 of a cup once a day (the vet gave me a measuring cup. When I bought him back home I had to measure out 1 cup and then 24 hours later check the level. Whatever he had ate I had to cut it by a quarter which is how it was determined to be 1/3 of a cup). Then a few weeks after his diet I noticed this place on his face which looked like something had just ripped a chunk of his fur off his face:


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So needless to say I was worried! I took him back to vet ($95 I will never see again) and they gave him a steroid shot and a antibiotic for him to take for a week, twice a day. He loved that (sarcastically said, of course) but almost a month later it looks much better:


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And on that last vet visit he had lost 2 of the 4 lbs. the vet said he needed to!


3. My nephew turned 1 this month! Holy cow! We had a party for him - were we learned he does not like cold icing on a cake - and I bought him this bathtub octupus thing that plays music and blows bubbles. He loves it. I'm the best aunt in the world. He isn't walking yet but he's a super fast crawler. He goes down on all fours and I swear gets like 10 MPH while he's crawling. He's also pulling himself up with more speed and letting go and just standing there so not long until we walk! Well, he has taken a few wobbly steps unassisted to me but they were wobbly and he more like lunged the last 2 at me. That's another thing he has gotten into, slapping. Gotta break him of that....


4. I finally got use of my dentist insurance and went to the dentist mid June, I believe. They did the normal x ray thing and oh boy. Now, I hadn't been to the dentist since I was 18 (no insurance equals can't afford to) so my teeth were super over due for a cleaning. I get 2 free cleanings with my insurance but the dentist told me my teeth were so bad they couldn't do the free cleaning til they got over things out of the way. Yikes. So before anything they need to do a deep clean ($90 that I have to pay for). Then while doing the x rays they discovered the tooth I chipped in marching band (very front one on the lower set) is dead. Deader than a door knob as the dentist said. So I need a root canal on that one. Then I need to get fillings (for the cavities. Never had cavities in my entire life until this point!) and after that I an get my free cleaning. $900 out of my pocket I have to pay for (insurance covers half of everything) so this is obviously not getting done until after the wedding. I actually have the deep clean appointment scheduled for the first Friday after L leaves to go ahead and get that process started.


5. Jasper costs a crap load to move to England. If you have our blog you know this but for those who don't... holy cow!!! We discovered it's going to cost us $680 just to put Jasper on the cargo plane (because for some reason the UK won't allow pets to travel in the cabin) and then the UK charges $700 as a 'import' and handling fee. Yeah. Jasper is very lucky that mommy told daddy when they met mommy and Jasper were a packaged deal. But we did all the research for what needs to be done with him and I have to start that process in January.


6. L and I have decieded to split the year from when we get married to when I move over up as neither of us are keen to do a whole other year without seeing each other. That and while the UK doesn't require you have been to their country before moving it's not going to hurt to have a UK stamp in my passport. So I'm going to start the name change process while we are on our honeymoon and then ASAP get my passport (yes, I actually don't have one) so we can get my flight booked ASAP to get the lowest rate. No idea when in April but I'm thinking maybe mid April. I would go over on my birthday but it'll be my last birthday here and I can just hear my mom now if I were to spend it over there were I"ll be spending my birthday for the rest of my life, you know?


7. My bum is currently burnt. I got a sunburn a few weeks ago while swimming with my best friend and wanted to even out the tan lines for the wedding so I went to the tanning bed Friday. *sigh* I usually don't lay in there for more than 10 minutes but for some reason I chose to lay in their for 20 minutes - naked - and a few hours later couldn't figure out why my lower back and bum were hurting. Went to my full length mirror, pulled my pants down and yep - bum was as red as a lobster. Do you know awkward it is to be 23 and have to have your mom rub Aloe Vera on your bum? Very awkward.


8. Weight loss. You all know I'm an emotional eater so it's been... yeah. I fell off the wagon again the last few weeks but Wednesday I started over fresh. I have been watching my portion sizing and have went to the gym every night since Wednesday for 30 mins. I rotate my nights as well. Like Wed I did 30 mins on the treadmill hared core, like just pushed and pushed myself. Then Thursday I didn't do any cardio, just worked the machines like the ab machine, the inner and outer thigh machine, and a bunch of arm machines for 30 minutes. So far it's worked in keeping me going back having the different paced nights.


9. I have worked like 20 hours of over time this week. It's going to be a NICE pay check. I worked on my weekend off last week (7 am to noon) to help out and then Mon- Thurs worked 10 am to 9 pm. Yeah, long shift but right now I'm on pure over time for the rest of this week. I also kind of, sort of, got a raise. They upped the shift diff so mon-fri I now make $8.25 and on the weekends I work I'll be making $8.50. Not much but hey, it's something!


And I think that's it to be honest. lol. I'm just so happy to be journaling again!!!

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We're glad to have you back! I don't mean to be nosey, but does the UK still do the impound thing on animals coming from here? Most countries in the UK would impound animals from another continent for up to six months when they arrived. I hope they don't still do that.

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We're glad to have you back! I don't mean to be nosey, but does the UK still do the impound thing on animals coming from here? Most countries in the UK would impound animals from another continent for up to six months when they arrived. I hope they don't still do that.


Thanks jig! Not nosey at all! They only do that if you don't follow the PETs scheme. Under the PETS thing you can bring an animal in without it being quarantined for six months. Basically you have to get them microchipped, vaccinated, blood tested by a EU approved lab -only one in this country - (but that has to be done six months before you enter the country, so this whole process takes some planning), your vet must certify the pet is healthy to travel, the pet thing in London has to send you a letter certifying you have done all that, and then no less than 24 hours and no more than 48 the animal has to be treated for tapeworm and ticks. It's a lot but if all that is done and properly documented on his pet certificate (which takes the place of the pet passport) he can enter, they check him in, and we can take him home that day.

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