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^^I'm jealous, but very proud of you.


Thank you MG. I didn't do as well as last night but I FIgured I would work my bum off one night on the treadmill and do other exercises the other night. I"m so fat though a normal crunch is all I can do. :s Any other kind of crunch I can only lift my head up and I can feel it - and since you aren't suppose to lift with your neck but with your shoulders - I'm just sticking ot the basic crunches. Would have loved to warm up on the treadmill but two girls had them for 40 mins (time limit is 30 when people are waiting) so I just said screw it.


Have you thought about making time to go back to the gym?

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OG, have you thought about cutting out liquid calories? Did you know that a can of pop has as many calories as a corn dog (if you use the brand currently in my freezer, anyway)?


Anyway, it's easy for me to say because I've never really liked pop all that much... so it's not much of a sacrifice to me. I do know when people suggest I cut carbs or eat a ton of vegetables, I tell them to shove it because it ain't gonna happen.

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I have and am working on it. Few months ago I was drinking a 2 liter bottle of pepsi a day by myself. :s so I'm whee ing myself off by going to one can a day and then after a few weeks I'll cut back to a can eery other day and so forth and so forth. I'm also going to start drinking tea more. I know it's still not as good for you but if I give myself no unhealthy option I know I'm going to break under the strain and over load again.


I don't want to cut caffeine out completely. I drink coffee a good bit and I love sweet tea. It's more of I have tricked myself over the years into thinking I have to have a soda when I eat and now its about unfrocking myself.

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I have and am working on it. Few months ago I was drinking a 2 liter bottle of pepsi a day by myself. :s so I'm whee ing myself off by going to one can a day and then after a few weeks I'll cut back to a can eery other day and so forth and so forth. I'm also going to start drinking tea more. I know it's still not as good for you but if I give myself no unhealthy option I know I'm going to break under the strain and over load again.


I don't want to cut caffeine out completely. I drink coffee a good bit and I love sweet tea. It's more of I have tricked myself over the years into thinking I have to have a soda when I eat and now its about unfrocking myself.


That's awesome! My husband was much the same way-- he practically lived off of soda. He stopped drinking it regularly when we got married, so I know it's a tough habit to break!

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Thank you MG. I didn't do as well as last night but I FIgured I would work my bum off one night on the treadmill and do other exercises the other night. I"m so fat though a normal crunch is all I can do. :s Any other kind of crunch I can only lift my head up and I can feel it - and since you aren't suppose to lift with your neck but with your shoulders - I'm just sticking ot the basic crunches. Would have loved to warm up on the treadmill but two girls had them for 40 mins (time limit is 30 when people are waiting) so I just said screw it.


Have you thought about making time to go back to the gym?


Actually I just suspended my gym membership for a couple of months. I didn't want to cancel it completely but didn't want to pay all that money if I wasn't going to use it so until July it's suspended. You know between my ridiculous work schedule and his never ending doctors appointments, there was just no time and yes oh god yes I want to go back, I need to go back. I put all the weight I lost back on so I am my old plump self again. Nothing fits and I am at that point where I hate what I see when I look in the mirror.


It will happen again for me, I just need to get past these hurdles with Jesse. We are making some headway, the transplant hospital has already contacted us and we should be hearing from them again with a date to meet the evaluation and transplant team. He has an appointment with the kidney doctor on the 6th, so we will know if he has to start dialysis or if we can still hold off. Just a bunch of little things that we have to take care of which will allow more time for me later. He even said that I need to get back in the gym. (not in a bad way, he knows that I used to release a lot of frustration when I would work out).

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I hope things clear up soon for you. I know what you mean, when I don't go I only lose $16 for my gym membership but still, that's $16!! Is therre any way you could set one day aside at least or two maybe for only 30 mins to go or is that just not possible til July?

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I honestly don't know if I could find time right now. I'm working a relief shift which is chaotic at best.... first shift on Saturday, second shift on Sunday and Monday, third shift on Tue and Wed, off Thursday and Friday. Now keep in mind that I have been working a whole lot of overtime this month and that continues through the summer. I do the overtime thing every year.


I only suspended it until July until I know what is going to happen with Jesse. I will have a training class that I have to take pretty soon for his dialysis treatments. Initially he was going to go with Hemo dialysis but has since changed his mind and wants to do the Peritoneal Dialysis. We both have to get trained on how to dialyze him through the cycler and manually. Once that happens and he actually starts with the dialysis, I think he will feel much better, he won't need to see the doctor as much, hopefully he will feel well enough to go back to work which will free up some of my time so I can get back to the gym.

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Yeah, you are pretty much working all over the place right now. What about at home work outs?


I think you and I did talk about that before huh? You know sometimes I think about it but usually the home workout thing doesn't really come to mind. I wonder why? I suppose if I made an effort I probably could do a home workout. It's not like I don't have the space, my living room is free of kids and clutter now that they have moved out.


I should probably stop being a cheap ass and buy a dvd player for the living room. LOL I guess I can't use that as an excuse forever can I?

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I think you and I did talk about that before huh? You know sometimes I think about it but usually the home workout thing doesn't really come to mind. I wonder why? I suppose if I made an effort I probably could do a home workout. It's not like I don't have the space, my living room is free of kids and clutter now that they have moved out.


I should probably stop being a cheap ass and buy a dvd player for the living room. LOL I guess I can't use that as an excuse forever can I?


I think we did. I got this DVD from best buy years ago, has 5 diffent workouts (aerobics, ab, butt, warm ups, cardio) and each lasts ten minutes. So on a busy day if you can only squeeze ten minutes in you can do it. I don't have the room to do it - and someone is always in th bloody living room here - but when I get home I can pm you the DVD title if you want. I remember when I tried doing the cardio, omg, I about died. 1 minute in I was lying on my pilates mat red as a beet, barely able to breath. :s


Does your son keep his xbox in his room or in th living room? You could always borrow it and hook it up and play them on that.

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I think we did. I got this DVD from best buy years ago, has 5 diffent workouts (aerobics, ab, butt, warm ups, cardio) and each lasts ten minutes. So on a busy day if you can only squeeze ten minutes in you can do it. I don't have the room to do it - and someone is always in th bloody living room here - but when I get home I can pm you the DVD title if you want. I remember when I tried doing the cardio, omg, I about died. 1 minute in I was lying on my pilates mat red as a beet, barely able to breath. :s


Does your son keep his xbox in his room or in th living room? You could always borrow it and hook it up and play them on that.


His xbox is in his room, however he did just order a Sega Dreamcast (soooooo old but he wanted it) so that will free up the xbox for me to use. Hey, I can go back to being a cheap ass. LOL

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His xbox is in his room, however he did just order a Sega Dreamcast (soooooo old but he wanted it) so that will free up the xbox for me to use. Hey, I can go back to being a cheap ass. LOL


Lol, that's what I used in my old apartment. I wish I could use my xbox but my room is tiinnnyyyyyy.

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Sweet Jesus a resident just shaved ten years off my life. I went into a day room to clean it, no residents. Now, in the dayroom there is a small room attached to it that is the little kitchen. I go about my normal routine - clearing the tables off of trash nd throwing it away (in the little kitchen) and begin whipping the tables down. As I finish and go to grab my broom to sweep I turn and there is suddenly a little old woman standing 2 feet behind me. I yelled and did this little voodoo dance - never let go of that broom though. Apparently miss J had been sitting in the little kitchen when I came in and I didn't see her. She heard me and walked out.

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An hour on the treadmill at a 5 incline, 2.79 miles, and 470 calories. I am one sweaty woman!


Awesome! I could never do an hour on the treadmill, I always got bored. Now the elipitical, an hour easy especially if some sports were on the tv. LOL

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Awesome! I could never do an hour on the treadmill, I always got bored. Now the elipitical, an hour easy especially if some sports were on the tv. LOL


Usually I can't either, at about 30 mins I'm bored but tonight everything just fell into place. I wasn't tired, my legs weren't too sore, and I was completely absored into Savage Garden on my ipad while serfing ENA.


Breakfast - 2 blueberry waffles w/ a 1/2 glass of OJ

Lunch - spaghetti w/ a can MD.

Dinner - Salmon patties (2), mashed potatoes, and Mac and cheese with a cup of Dr. Pepper

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Were you jogging at the same time you were surfing ENA? LOL. Good for you, that's a boatload of calories burned!


I'm trying to cut a lot of wheat out of my diet, so I am a teeny bit jealous of your waffles and spaghetti. Brown rice pasta is NOT the same.


I was fast walking, 3,0 to be exact, lol. I don't do jogging, especially when there are guys staring at me just while I'm walking - if I jogged it would be a free show to them. I think it's the most I have ever burned at one time to be honest....


lol, I know they aren't the healthiest thing but for me portion control is my enemy. Even after 2 days of watching how much and when I eat and exercising I can feel a difference in my stomach. And I so totally just stepped over Tyler's baby gate with more ease than I have since they went up.

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