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The more I think about Chris Meloni (the guy who plays Elliot Stabler on Law and Order SVU) leaving SVU, the less faith I have in tv. *sigh* And SVU will be the last of the Law and Order franchise on tv. Dang.


He can't do that! Not Stabler!

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He can't do that! Not Stabler!


Yep. He didn't renew his contract and Olivia's character will be part time after 13 episodes. Although this could mean Munch and Finn get more tv time - which I'm not going to complain about but still. I need to get on the ball, I'm still in my bathrobe and I'm leaving in about 20 mins. Gotta get dressed and find some pants for the gym tonight.

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Unexpected day off rock! I went to work and was looking at the shcedule after clocking in and realized there were 3 of us scheduled to work tonight - when only 2 are needed. So I let my boss know (to which she said a few choice words I Can't repeat on ENA) and asked did I Want to use a PTO day since the other girl working had the next 4 days off. I was like sure. Of course I Plan on spending it cleaning which is what I Would have done at work. *grumble*


I was in a witchy mood today as well so I ate a PIzone for comfort food. Really gotta get this comfort food thing under control.

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The more I think about Chris Meloni (the guy who plays Elliot Stabler on Law and Order SVU) leaving SVU, the less faith I have in tv. *sigh* And SVU will be the last of the Law and Order franchise on tv. Dang.


He's leaving?? What on earth for? Now what insanely hot actor...ummmm what show am I going to watch??

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Just found out Jasper won't be allowed to travel in the cabin with me - UK bans it for SOME God forsane reason. Jasper can travel as cargo but that means we might have to move my moving date back to Sept. because Delta won't allow pets to fly in the cargo hold during summer months (ends sept. 15th) because of the high temps. But the lady at Delta gave me the cargo company number because Jasper may not be on the same flight as me. Confusing. But the cargo company was closed for the day so I"ll try them tomorrow.

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If he's not traveling on the same plane why not keep to your original travel plans and have him shipped over later?


Because that would leave him here under my mom's care and when I'm not here for an extended length of time he goes bannas. That and it would be up to her to take him to Atlanta to get on the plane and that's a 2 hour drive and my mom refuses to drive in Atlanta traffic.


Is there a reason why he can't travel with you? What if you went with another airline? Personally, I would be too uncomfortable letting him go in cargo, I have read too many stories that didn't end well.


We couldn't find a specific reason other than the UK just bans it. I'm sure it has to do with other passengers allergies or something like that. Delta is all I have flown on and I Feel as comfortable as someone can on an airplane on a Delta one. Granted it could crash out of the sky as well. I'm def going to talk to the cargo company. I know Delta won't let animals fly during hte summer because of the temperatures that are reached in the cargo hold.

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Because that would leave him here under my mom's care and when I'm not here for an extended length of time he goes bannas. That and it would be up to her to take him to Atlanta to get on the plane and that's a 2 hour drive and my mom refuses to drive in Atlanta traffic.




We couldn't find a specific reason other than the UK just bans it. I'm sure it has to do with other passengers allergies or something like that. Delta is all I have flown on and I Feel as comfortable as someone can on an airplane on a Delta one. Granted it could crash out of the sky as well. I'm def going to talk to the cargo company. I know Delta won't let animals fly during hte summer because of the temperatures that are reached in the cargo hold.


Ok hypothetical question.... Let's say you are technically flying during a non summer month but there is extreme heat for that week for whatever reason, will they let you know that he can't fly or will they still fly him because technically it's non summer?

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Ok hypothetical question.... Let's say you are technically flying during a non summer month but there is extreme heat for that week for whatever reason, will they let you know that he can't fly or will they still fly him because technically it's non summer?


That's one of the questions I will have to ask them.

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I was going to the gym tonight but a migrain decided to rear it's ugly head about 6 PM and is still ragging. Ugh. I did still swing by Walmart and pick up some food. $50. Geez. I got some fat free milk and tried it and it wasn't that bad. It's def more watery like you guys said but I can def drink it. I think for a while I may have it in my cereal and drink 2% and slowly go to completely fat free. I also picked up some Lean Cuisines for the week, the stuff to make poor man's spaghetti, and broccoli to steam and take to work with me as a healthy snack.


L and I get to webcam tomorrow before I go to work since it's a bank holiday for him. Yay! Been a week since I saw him.


I also ordered my BM's dress tonight, should be here by July 21st.

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Is ready for bed, which is saying a lot for me since it isn't even midnight, lol I'm going to go to the gym tomorrow before work (since I Go in at 2) and since L won't be home to talk - something about it's the final football match of the season or something another, he'll be at the pub. We did get to web cam today though before I left for work and then we talked on the way to work since he went out bowling or playing pool - I can't remember which. I'm going up to see my best friend next Sat night (I have to work Sat on my weekend off to fill in for a co worker but I"ll leave work at 10 and just head to her house). She wants us to get our nails done but I'm just not going to have the money to do that - I do need to get up there and gas is high. We are also going swimming at her grandma's. I know I still have a takini top in her grandma's swim house but if not I"ll have to wear my bikini which I'm totally against since I Look like a pig in it but oh well.


Just got out of the shower so I'm goign to give my hair some time to dry before I lay down.

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I found it interesting because as I was reding it I was like i totally would have critized L's diaper skills not to be mean but because i have more experience. It def opened my eyes to the fact that when we get pregnsnt his emotional standing matters just as much as mine.

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That's true. I think that people do forget how tough it can be for a man to become a father. The attention is placed on women because they go through the physical difficulties... but men do face emotional changes and challenges when it comes to parenthood the same way women do.


I'd have the same reaction if a woman was just found innocent of murder because she was depressed...

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Exactly. It's def something I plan on reading up soon. I remember reading this one book years ago about ways to make the father feel connected to the baby while your pregnant but i cant remember the name of it. Depression is def no excuese. It's great to know the mindset of why someone did it but yeah.


It's hot here today. Blah. I hate summer in the south. Spring and fall I love - winter and summer are just miserable. Only two more summers to go though before I move to England. Seems far away but it isn't. I have already started a notebook, like my wedding one on all the things we need to get dobe and when for the visa.

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