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I liked him. He was very precise in getting the perfect lighting since we had the time - he told me the day of the wedding he would be faster as it's more fast paced but as we were trying to do portraits he was taking his time to get the lighting. My mom didn't like it but that's because we had Tyler with us and he was grouchy all day - especially when a bug flew into his ear. :s But I really liked him. I hate smiling with my teeth but he and I got into a routine of I'd smile in a pose with no teeth, then teeth, and back and forth. He said I didn't look like an insane clown - I only half smile with my mouth open - so we shall see.

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I just think I look like an insane clown. I have been working on it though, if I smile with my top teeth touching my bottom lip I don't look SO insane then if I do just a big crapping bum grin. We'll see. I wish this damn bug bite would stop itching! Didn't get bit til the last pose when I sat on the ground. *grumble*

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I would love to have 4 days off. I get 7 weeks of vacation time starting June 1st, I seriously need a long weekend to decompress. I'm thinking San Diego or Vegas. All I know is if I don't get some time to myself soon, I am going to crack.

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To me, it's the same as any other milk, just not as thick. If you're used to whole milk or 2%, it'll taste watery and too thin at first (I didn't like it at first) but I think it's so good now. Doesn't hurt my stomach either. Like i used to eat cereal with whole milk before school when I was in high school and it'd always hurt my stomach and make me feel well, "poopy" if you catcch my drift. But skim milk never does that to me now so I like it much mroe.

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There are some brands that are low-fat but still have the creamy taste. I use 2% in my coffee which I drink dark. It's not worth the bad fat/risk to cholestorol and body weight to drink milk that's not low-fat.

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My thighs are killing me and I haven't been to the gym in weeks. Apparently walking up and down those stone stairs with a 21 lbs. baby on my hip yesterday was a workout in itself. :s I'm going to the gym after work tomorrow night though - gotta kill an hour anyway since my check won't deposit until 10 PM. I'm going to take it easy since I haven't been in weeks, some fast walking and a little bit on an incline. I'm thinking I'll switch up my gym routine so it doesn't get boring. One day do treadmill and a few machines and the next do the cross country machine hard since I can burn more calories on it. I'm also going to try to plan my meals out for the week - and I know they aren't good but the best thing I can get cheap are Lean Cuisine dinners for work. Might pick up some broccoli that I can take as a healthy snack at work and pick some can sodas up, have one a day and slowly ween myself off them.


I just need to stay focused on that pre baby weight I want to be at when we concieve.

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My mom and I were talking about my brother's graduation and I just realized, I Have NO idea were my high school diploma is. :s I had it framed hanging in my apartment with my ex but I"M not sure if it's in my stuff at my best friend's house or if I have misplaced it since the move. Yikes.

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