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I hope you have a great time! I have only been out to that side of the country once when I was 18.


I'll have a good time. The lady I am going with, she seems to like to gossip so I should be able to find out some interesting things about people we know . She's also kinda airheady in the OC kind of way (for those of you who are from CA, you'd understand).


It should be quite interesting. "rolls eyes"

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I'll have a good time. The lady I am going with, she seems to like to gossip so I should be able to find out some interesting things about people we know . She's also kinda airheady in the OC kind of way (for those of you who are from CA, you'd understand).


It should be quite interesting. "rolls eyes"


OC stand for Orange County?


lol! My only time out west was when I took a grey hound bus at 18 - 18!!! - by myself to see my ex graduate basic training at Fort Sill. While it was crazy stupid, I will always remember that feeling of setting out into unknown land. I was scared but excited.

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Yep, that is what I am referring to. Stuck up, narcissistic type. I didn't realize she was this way (I only know her a little bit from the DZ) until she called me last night to finalize plans. She was on the phone with me for 2 hours, and most of that time, she spent talking about herself. Since the plans are all made and training sessions set up with the coach, I didn't want to back out.


That's cool though about you taking the greyhound bus at 18 by yourself. Very brave. It's always fun to go out and explore new places.

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Ha. So we have 1400 minutes on our phone plan - which is shared with me, my brother, my mom, and my step dad. My phone is the main one on the acct since it was the first bought (mom bought it when I went out to OK in 2006). I got a text message this morning saying we were in danger of occurring charges for being over our minutes, date, etc. I know with my Droid I have unlimited data and our texting is unlimited so I called mom. Needless to say she was not happy. I went online to view each phone and come to find out it it wasn't me or my brother - the most likely canidates - it was our stepdad. 1,045 minutes of our 1400 minute plan. :s

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Is missing L tonight. I was touching up our New York scrapbook page and it just made me miss him. This time last year I was getting hyped up to meet him. I was so scared we wouldn't have the same chemistry in person we did online - and we both knew it was possible - but after 20 mins we fell into that routine we had and it was like we had always been together. I remember we were standing in line to get food at Burger King - the landing made me sick and I needed something on my stomach - and L was pulling my luggage for me - such the gentleman - and he just hands me his wallet and was like, I'm going to get us a seat, k? Literally someone who had just walked off a plane and met him and he hands me his wallet. That's when I knew 'we' were there.


It's been almost a year since that trip. And we still have less than five months to go. I just want to see my fiancé, to be able to reach over and hold his hand or hug him.... I would give everything I have for five secs in his arms right now.


Now I have gone all mushy, lol

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I hope you have a good weekend and I'm sure the wedding will come round quick, must be hard!


LOL that reminds me of something Tom always teases me about. I can't remember this but apparently on either our second or third date when I barely knew him from Adam we went to this Italian restaurant. Apparently I went to the loos and left my bag with him and my purse on the table. He always jokes that he could have just been there to steal my money, I must have just not thought about it that much because I trusted him.

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It is but after a good cry last night I'm better. just an over whelming moment of missing him. He actually called on me Skype and we talked for about 20 mins last night. Hearing his voice helped. I'm thinking I want to get my first tattoo on our honeymoon. My uncle got his on his honeymoon and he said it's a nice memory to go hey, I got this on our honeymoon. That and L has four - he's been around the block a few times when it comes to knowing about tattoo places, lol


I'm sleepy. My uncle had to go help his mom for a little while today and his wife had to work so I'm by myself now. Thinking of taking a nap since I got up at 830 to go with my uncle to his sons soccer game. Then we are going to tbe drive in movie theatre tonight to see pirates and Thor.

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Pretty soon those memories will be replaced with many more newer memories. Look how fast time has gone, a lot of us here have been on this journey with you and I know it's going by fast for me anyway. LOL Soon enough, you will have him in your arms and then all will be well with the world.

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Pretty soon those memories will be replaced with many more newer memories. Look how fast time has gone, a lot of us here have been on this journey with you and I know it's going by fast for me anyway. LOL Soon enough, you will have him in your arms and then all will be well with the world.


Thank you mamma met. it has been a quick journey, and the next year can only lead to positive times.

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Good day. Went to find the BM dress, my BM plucked my eyebrows for me so I didn't have bushy brows in my bridal portraits, lol and painted my nails for me - a flesh tone pink. Actually she did a little manicure on it so that's pretty awesome. And she volunteered to do my hair before I left her house tomorrow morning so it's 8:30 wake up for me. Blah.

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What a long, long, long day.


I went to bed last night about 2 am and got up at 8:30. *grumble* I got my car packed with everything and then my BM did my hair for me. This is how it looked right after she did:

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And this was a few hours later, a side view:

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Then my MOH and I met up with my niece and we went to my wedding venue. i showed her it - since she hadn't even seen pics of it yet - and she liked it. I told her what my plans were, were I was going to put stuff. Then she helped me measure out our aisle length. about 160 ft. Now THAT'S a walk. then we grabbed lunch and I headed to my grandparents. I did my make up and mom and I waited until her friend got off work. Then we met her and we all headed to the picture site with Tyler in toe. And boy was he in a mood today.


The pictures went great though. I felt beautiful but we will see if I like the pictures. I forgot how annoying bugs can be in the South late in the afternoon. Between every picture I was scratching a place that itched and then quickly falling back into pose, lol. It was pose, scratch, pose, scratch, pose, scratch. No lie. We got a lot of different angles though. The way I wanted to do the airplane shot couldn't be done - the Concorde belnded into my dress too much so the photographer had me sit down and they fixed my dress around me then put my bouquet behind me on my train and L's airplanes on my knees with my hands to either side of me.


Now it's 10:30. I'm exhausted, itchy, and my hair looks like a rock star from the 80's due to all the hair spray that was put in it through the day to keep it up. A tornado could not move this hair!

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