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I think this mucus is finally breaking up in my nose. I woke up from my nap after getting home from work and when I say up it just started running. Good sign I guess. I can also feel it starting to break up in my chest. Still a little stuffy and nose is redder than a tomato from rubbing it but I"m alive.

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Well I feel a MILLION times better than I have the last two days. Evidence: I cleaned my room just now. Since I have been sick it had just gotten filthy. Kleenex every were, my straightener in the floor, scrapbook stuff from this weekend piled in the floor... basically when I'm sick all house stuff just ceases. I can't deal with it. But even it gets to a point were I can't handle it so I cleaned up tonight. Still need to vacum and what not but everything is out of the floor.


I stayed all for work today. I still felt like crap and at times was still stuffy but I'm at that stage were I'm blowing my nose every 15 secs and for the most part, I'm clear. Of course having rubbed my nose raw the last two days it not hurts like a witch to blow my nose properly. >.


I'm about to sit down and work with this steamer on my dress. I picked it - my dress - up from the alteration lady and it looks SOOO good with the straps! I took a picture but it's not the best - I didn't have the dress zipped up - so the dress looks like it's just hanging on me - which, to be fair it is. But now I get the joy of working on steaming the wrinkles out. Lovely.


L and I have barely talked this week with both of us being sick. About 20 mins on my way to work each day and then he gets an early night since his test was 4 days this week. Of course since we are both still sick we got a little bit snappy with each other today - although a bit playfully, if there is such a thing - and when I'm being witchy but not serious witchy L likes to say, "I wanted to talk to my loving fiance today. Is she there by any chance?" I told him today, "One day I'm going to look at you say 'no, sorry. She's out right now. Leave a message at the beep... BEEP'. I can have a few funny moments when I want to.


*fingers crossed* I think baby fever is over. For the most part anyway. I always get a little pull when everyone else talks about their pregnacy or kids but I didn't have the urge to cry while walking down the baby aisle the other day. Improvement.

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rotfl - I was half asleep when i read the email notification for this this morning and even then I laughed - although I thought Bat wings said 'Bat Walmart' for SOME reason....


Yes bat walmart indeed, because even bats deserve lower prices. LMAO

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