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I just finished day 4 of 11 days. Ugh. Tomorrow is my over time day. I'm suppose to be off (normally) so I'll be making over time pay tomorrow and for the hour early I went in today. We had 17 surgeries today which meant 17 rooms I Had to clean. Blah. Thank God tomorrow is only one. Also had a co worker try to pawn their first shift duities off on me: "I had to pick up x's work because she's out so I haven't gotten to y part yet." You're telling me this at noon when your shift doesn't end til 3 why? Are you physic and know you won't be able to finish? Not the first time said co worker has pulled this stunt and I quickly nibbed it in the bud by going to the supervisor. I have 17 rooms to do - I'm not going to pick up your slack on a day like today.


I also have to write a statment about an altercation with two residents last night. Wasn't even an altercation, they were just snipping at each other and tried to swing at each other - both are in wheelchairs - but the nurse asked me to wirte one and turn it into the unit manager tomorrow.


Since I came to work ealry I took a break at 2. I spent it running to Wal Mart to withdraw the money to pay my car payment tomorrow. Since I was free L called me and we talked while I was on break and he caught a super early night. Poor guy. His last test in training was a 2 day test and I know it wiped him out. At least I get to see him on web cam before I go to work this weekend.


And we are officially under the five month mark. Wooohoo!

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Funny L and OG moment of the day:


I was telling L that a co worker was asking me why I go to gym. My normal response is to look at myself - although to be fair I look slim in scrubs - and then ask her to guess my weight. Remmeber I weigh 205, she guessed 145. To which when I told her my real weight she was like no way! Were?! In my stomach of course.


So then L, without skipping a beat goes: "145? Your boobs alone are 2 stone!"


I think he's too proud of my big boobs sometimes....

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how can you tell????


Next to the like button it says something like 'someone likes this'. Doesn't show a name - which I assum means it's not someone I'm friends with on facebook. Another thread I was commenting on - not that I started - was liked as well. I"m a bit paranoid about it but it is what it is.

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L has done it. He was logged in as we on facebook one morning and was surfing ENA from his phone and hit the like button - which meant it showed up on MY facebook page. He said he sprung a ninja move to get to his laptop to delete it from my fb and unlike it, lol. I was paranoid about it showing up in other people's newsfeed but I got RW to check her's and L checked his and it never showed up. Still paranoid about it but what can you do?

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I hate when L sleeps this heavily. I'm so paranoid, lol. I worry about him too much really. We said good night at like 2:30 yesterday and I haven't heard a peep from him since. He hasn't even checked his mails - good thing about having the password to his email. He needs the deep sleep though.... if he's sleeping. God, I'm a basket case.

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He's well into the stages of teething but we think he had an upset stomach. His tummy was SO tight and you could just look at him and tell he wasn't feeling well. My mom made a comment how I was going to make a great mom though. She has a migrain so she didn't even pick up on how he was crying -she thought he was just fighting sleep - and I was like 'no mom, something is wrong'. Always nice to hear that from your mom...

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Dropped my wedding dress off at the alteration shop, it looks sooo much better with straps on it. I checked at my local dry cleaners as well, $120 to steam it. :s before the wedding okay, I can stomach that. For hridal portraits? No. I guess ill get my own steamer and give it a try.

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Day 5 of 11 days is over. Half way there. Thank God.


Work was actually pretty slow today, I forgot how Fridays can be. Slow but steady. They had another employee apprectitation thing today and gave us ice cream. Of course it was a slim selection of ice cream and I had a choice to a) eat caramel, which I Hate or b) be sent to the ER but ingesting strawberry flavored stuff. I just stuck with nothing. Although it did give me some time to gossip with a couple other people in my department. While everyone on first shift takes their last break at 2 I don't because I clock in at 1 and I"m not wasting one of my breaks an hour into my shift. So normally the only time I See other people from my department is when we pass each other in the halls.


And boy do I miss some juicy moments!


One floor tech got written up for sexual harrasment (to which he claims was false, although to be fair he HAS made me feel uncomfortable a few times)... a housekeeper stuck her finger in another's face (both elderly, I"m the 2nd youngest, we just hired an 18 year old floor tech and there is a girl a year or 2 older than me but as far as us, the next youngest one is in her late 30's, early 40's) over something stupid... then another housekeeper is taking credit for what another one did. I swear I hate working with women. Give me a group of rowdy, sexually charged men and I can handle them - a bunch of women together drives me crazy.


And it must be a full moon coming up because the residents were c.r.a.z.y! I literally had to bar the dayroom door at one point with my fiber mop handle (wedge it so they couldn't open it) and this one resident, G, just kept trying to open it. I hate when they get in that kind of mood. Then another one took a swipe at me and yet another one tried to run me down with her wheelchair! Never a dull moment in this hospital.....


L and I didn't talk on my lunch break. He was ubber tired again and I told him to go to bed, we were web caming the next 2 days and I knew he was knackered. And for some reason Blogger has decided to delete the 2 recent posts L and I made in our LDR blog. Hm.

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My blogspot has my posts back up and running (though I did figure out that I had left the blog up on my tabs on my computer's browser so Iw as able to copy/paste it all in case I had to re-post them!). Have you checked yours?

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