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Well L would be doing ATC with the NAtional Air Traffic Service, which is based in the uk so if we were to move around it would be within the UK, not to another country within the common wealth. Eventually I'm fine with wherever, although I am partial to living near the beach perhaps.

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I"ll journal more later but I get home and mom got McDonalds nuggets - thanks mom - so I grab my box and set it next to me on the bed. Jasper jumps up and starts meowing around me. Then he jumps off my bed and I can tell by the way my child jumps he has something. So I throw a pillow at him and do you know the little runt opened up my nugget box and grabbed one?!?! Little troll.

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Will be sooo happy when this work stretch is over. Just thinking about the over time pay...


L and I didn't talk on the phone today. He had his dentist appt. after work today and although they didn't pull it they put a temp. filling in and they advised him not to eat or open his mouth as much as possible while it bonded or whatever. Tomorrow is the 5 month mark until he arrives though. Slowly winding down. Although the bride in me is going 'ahhhh!! Five months?!' becuase for some reason six months seems so much longer than five, lol

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Oh yeah, he just has to meet certain requirments. He has to be up to date on his vacs and be microchipped. I'm hoping he can travel underneath my seat in the cabin - certain crate dimensions have to be met - bc Delta won't allow animals to fly in the cargo hold during summer months.

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How did your cat take the trip?


it was a 2 leg flight. the first 30 minute flight in the jet, he was shaking, very scared. at the airport, he was a bit zoned out, a flight attendant saw us at the gate and was petting him and he didn't care, he looked blank, i guess he was traumatized. on the second flight (longer - 4 hours) he was just ready for it to be over. I was by the window, there was a guy in the aisle seat and the middle seat was empty. so i put the cat and the travel bag on the seat next to me, and when I opened it so he could sit up, he tried to run away, lol. the guy caught him. he had enough. lol. on the ride in the car home, he was just sleeping. he was fine. i don't think he wanted to do it again though.

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it was a 2 leg flight. the first 30 minute flight in the jet, he was shaking, very scared. at the airport, he was a bit zoned out, a flight attendant saw us at the gate and was petting him and he didn't care, he looked blank, i guess he was traumatized. on the second flight (longer - 4 hours) he was just ready for it to be over. I was by the window, there was a guy in the aisle seat and the middle seat was empty. so i put the cat and the travel bag on the seat next to me, and when I opened it so he could sit up, he tried to run away, lol. the guy caught him. he had enough. lol. on the ride in the car home, he was just sleeping. he was fine. i don't think he wanted to do it again though.


Yeah, Jaspwer is not going to like me. 10 hour flight? He's going to get me back for doing this to him. But I know even if he could go in the cargo hold I wouldn't put him there. Loud noises scare him and he'd have a freakin heart attack down there. At least in the seat in front of me I can calm him down - somewhat. Aye. He's going to hide from us for like a week when we land....

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L and I got to talk today on my lunch break. Haven't seen him on web cam since Sunday - and won't til Saturday - but it's nice to hear his voice. Work wasn't too bad. Today was employee apprectiation day apparently and they gave us a hot dog, a hamburger, and my name was drawn for a prize. I wont a Liz Clairborne wallet - no idea who the name is, lol.


There is also like 15 girls at work pregnant - which only deepens my baby fever/depression - but one of the ones who I was the first to know she was pregnant told me tonight she was miscarrying. I felt so sad for her. We just sat outside and talked for about 30 mins after she told me. Well over our break times but hey, when a friend needs your ear 15 extra minutes isn't going to kill you.


I found a way to do my hair half back without it looking so flat. I'll post a pic later after I get out of the shower, I need opinions anyway on whether to wear this tiara or not. To me it just looks like too much is going on on my head with it on and it's a pain to not let the sides show. But i'll def. be posting pics with that.

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My mom loves Jude Judy and if I'm bored and there is nothing else on I"ll watch it as well. I was eating breakfast so I sat down in the living room with her and watched it. It was a case about this couple who were suing a dog sitter because their dog had gotten into the dog sitter's boyfriend's back medication, had to be put down, and they were asking for her to cover the bill. Her response? It wasn't her fault the dog ate the medication, she can't control how the dog acted, and it was the dog's fault.



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My mom loves Jude Judy and if I'm bored and there is nothing else on I"ll watch it as well. I was eating breakfast so I sat down in the living room with her and watched it. It was a case about this couple who were suing a dog sitter because their dog had gotten into the dog sitter's boyfriend's back medication, had to be put down, and they were asking for her to cover the bill. Her response? It wasn't her fault the dog ate the medication, she can't control how the dog acted, and it was the dog's fault.




Omg. I saw that episode yesterday. Ridiculous. She's a moron. She is absolutely responsible.

If she were babysitting and the toddler ate the meds, i wonder if she would say the same thing. She would be charged criminally and she should be.


I would have gotten her for pain and suffering too. If she's not going to be remorseful for killing a poor puppy, then she should at least be bled dry.


I loved it when Judge Judy told her not to have kids.

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I flew many years ago with several dogs, never a cat, and they were all tranquilized and did just fine. They were small dogs, too. 5-6 lbs. If you are concerned about tranquilization, then do not do it. If Jasper is with you, he will be fine. Just make sure he has a place to go potty and plenty of water.

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