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I've been sleeping quite well lately but Saturday night a neighbours teenage son had an almost all night house party, now I feel all confused and can't sleep properly again

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Made it through day one. Whew. So tired right now... goign to put my head down and get a good nights rest since I'm off to the gym before work tomorrow. L has his dentist appt tomorrow after work so it's up in the air if we will talk. If they pull it and it's bleeding we obviously won't.

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I also got to hear more than I normally do about L's work day. Well, not MORE but in the training he has tests and he was telling me about his test today - which I admit I had to repeat back a lot to understand but in the end I did! - but it was nice to be able to hear what he did during the day. Normally because of what he does I can't know which you would think would drive me crazy - which in any other situation it would - but I think I take it in stride because I know I CAN'T know certain details but I still want to ask that basic question: "How was your day, hunny?"


Of course I ALways get "It was okay" but it was nice to go a little more in depth with it.

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My sister is too, guess she does 'secret' stuff so she can't talk about it lol. I'm like ya they're probably listening to our conversation anyway. Nothing to joke around of course. Can't joke about bombs or anything nowadays.

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I think even as his wife I have to have one. Bugger. But we are hoping that once I get settled in and everything L will apply for the Air Traffic Control school so he can become a Air Traffic Control person. It would mean moving around a bit the first few years but the pay he would get in the long run would be well worth it, even more than he gets now.

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Oh god I would so not qualify. My ADD will crash those planes left and right


rotfl... this had me in tears Sidehop! For real though, so would mine. You can actually listen to live air traffic calls - I know this becuase my fiance does it. Plane nut, I'm telling you - and I can't make out a word of what they are saying. Not becuase of the accent but just the pace at which it's happening. I'm horrible at math as well. I'd end up crashing a plane of course or something.

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Ya...send me to an airport where they land a plane every two hours. Even then I'd be afraid giving them wrong directions. "Tower 5 to Mother Goose you may land on...oh hey look a kitty!" I don't know how those people like at O'Hare and super busy airports do it. Taking off from that airport was literally waiting in line between several planes. So many incoming/outgoing planes at the same time

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lol - I can mutli task but the way they keep track of what plane is were with those little strip things - gah! - it would drive me crazy. I couldn't. The only one I have ever flew out of was Atlanta (and LaGurdia) but God Atlanta was Hell, and it's the SouthEast's busiest airport. They pay is wonderful though - for all the stress you must go through on a daily bases - I think L and I converted it to be about $75,000 a year.

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L has one on his IPhone as well - and his Mac if I'm not mistaken. Althought now that I think about it, it may be a flight simulator that he has. He was telling me about a online game - kind of like WoW - were you literally landed planes as a ATC, that was the game. I thought, "i'm never going to see you ever again', lol

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I had a bf once whose niece was married to an air traffic controller. They were from Australia, so I guess they were considered Citizens of the Crown. Be prepared to live in some interesting places. In 5 years they lived in England, Kuala Lumpur, and Hong Kong. I broke up with him after that, but I'm sure they moved again. They said until you have "x number of years" at it, you get transferred a lot. Just like a flight attendant or a pilot.

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