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I'm on my period. Ugh. I hate being all witchy and I was Superbad today. Although it wasn't like a real witchy, I was taking the Mick out of L and the cramping was trying to make me I'll at him but he would laugh and it would make me laugh. Weird.


We were going to watch a movie tonight but that quickly went down the drown, don't remember why. We had discussed doing a nap while on web cam, something else to just make it seem more 'normal'. We did today. Well, I napped, L sat up and watched tv... Kind of nice. The only thing I didn't like is I fell asleep and I knew L was watching and when I woke uo for a brief, brief second I rolled over expecting to find him next to me... And he wasn't. Sad moment there.

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A friend posted a link to trip advisor on my fb about our honeymoon location and I hjae been shifting through it. Some great stuff. There was this horse back riding on the beach thing I liked. About an hour and a half in the beach so I called the people and it's $80.... Per person. Don't want to ride a horse on the beach that bad.

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Lazy weekend off. I'm going to scrapbook some tonight I think, try to get some things done. I worked on the guestbook last night and the ceremony place cards for my family, nothing that took too much thought, lol. I didn't go to bed til like 6 am and got back up at about 11:30 and I'm no were near tired. Weird. L and I web camed for a bit and we took a eating break, so I'll see him again about 2:30 my time. Jasper is knocked out at the foot of my bed, lol

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Today is mothers day. I know I complain a lot about my mom and we clash so much because we are so much alike but I really am thankful for what she does for me. I don't always agree with what she does or what she says, but she is my mom. Sometimes she makes my life complicated but I still love her. I woke up at 11 pm - weird sleep pattern - and she was so tired but Tyler was still going so I sent her to bed - sent my own mom to bed, lol - and I put him to bed for her. Least I could do, she was nodding off while he was trying to torture jasper.

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L and I really didn't get to talk today. I went to my grandparents for mother's day and he went to the pub to watch some football games with some friends. We grabbed about five minutes on phone skype though. Every relationship needs those days were you aren't in as much contact as you normally are but it's those days I miss him the most. Guess that's how it's suppose to work. I start my 11 day stretch tomorrow. Bugger....

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I have laid in bed since getting back playing farmville and a multitude of other facebook games and snuggling with Jasper who has been ubber calm today. He needs a bath but I just can't muster up having my arms scratched all to hell to give him one....

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I love that we are at that comfort level of a relationship, even in our LD status. We don't have to talk, we don't have to try to find conversations... we are fine with sitting in silence while on web cam or just talking about mundane day to day things. Natural progression we always come back to finding something out about the other we didn't know before hand - such as L having a pierced ear when he was younger! - and that's another thing I love about us. We know so much about each other but we also haven't touched based on every little detail of our lives. It's hard to remember the mundane things of the tears before being with someone until a certain conversation brings it up but I Love that every now and then one of us says something and the other is like, "no way!"


It's a constant journey of discovering someone. I kind of don't ever want to know every single mundane detail about L... even when we are 80 years old I want to be able to turn to him and tell him a story and he go 'I never knew that'. Obviously the important stuff I do want to know.


I never had this comfort level with my ex, mostly because it was my first relationship and I thought it always had to stay in that passionate, honeymoon phase, that that was what relationships were - thank you Disney movies for screwing me up on that one... but just sitting here thinking about L and our daily conversations I feel warm and cozy. There is still that flame there, that spark of passion because the man drives me crazy like no one else but there is also that comfortable feeling, of knowing you have fund someone that both of you can be sitting in the room together doing separate things but are still THERE together.


I can almost see us in our first apartment. L fooling around on his Mac while sipping a cup of tea and me on the other end of the couch with my Ipad and a cup of coffee next to me, the tv on Air Crash Investigation, both of us half watching and half listening to it. And of course Jasper would be curled up between us. It's that moment that I hold on to when the miles seem so much longer than 4,000 and when I miss him the most.

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I give EVERYTHING away, but Alex always manages to surprise me with little tidbits of info. I never knew he ice danced (and won!), never knew he flew gliders, farmed, etc... until years into the relationship.


That's a lovely scene It's very true of my day to day life too...except Alex would be griping at me to get off the computer. I love when we're snuggled up and then Moe decides he wants to cuddle too. It's like ahhhh small furry preview of having an infant.

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Ice danced as in ice skated? I think the one thing he really threw me on was having the ear pierced. I remember looking at him on web cam going 'Nooooooo' because L just doesn't seem the type to have an ear pierced - although this was when he was a teenager - but it was also cool because it was a different side to him that I didn't know.


That's one thing L will never do, grip at me to get off the computer because he would be on his just as much as I would, lol. He may grip at me to give HIS laptop back to him. Aww, I know. L just doesn't understand how much like a child Jasper is yet I don't think. What I can't wait for is L to be using the bathroom and him to be home alone with Jasper and Jasper try to get in

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Alex doesn't talk a whole lot about his childhood because he was bullied and unhappy where he was living, so I find things out slowly. I don't press him for info because he is such a happy guy and he doesn't like thinking about unhappy things. Keeps it interesting finding out more and more tidbits. He ice skated/danced. His Mom has a bronze medal somewhere... Next time I am there (two provinces away, unfortunately) I am going to get her to dig out the photo albums.

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Yeah, L and I had not oh so happy childhoods but the one thing we haven't discussed yet is the years I was molested. He obviously knows about it but as far as details it's something we want to do face to face but we have such limited face to face time, we don't want to waste that precious time on rehashing those memories for me. But it's def. something we will get to one day.


I think it's super cool he danced!

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I feel exactly the same way too! I love how we're like this old couple, we can just lay in bed reading or whatever but are glad to have eachothers company even if we're not having a deep conversation. And I obviously know the important things but he'll still say things and I'll think "wow, I didn't know that" and it's really interesting.


Aww will you get to speak more today because Man U aren't playing? (Oh God, he does support Man U doesn't he... sorry L if you don't haha).

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