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Oh goodness, mama met has been thrown into the mix. LOL Seriously, subway is not that bad if you don't overload with extra meat or cheese and keep the sauce down to a minimum.


Yeah... I get extra chiptole on th sandwich and then, you know their soup cups? The big ones? I get extra chiptole in it and then dip my sandwich in it. I have such bad heart burn are ward but it's soooo worth it.


But then it wouldn't be a sandwich! Steak & cheese is still my favorite.


Such torture...thanks OG lol.


It's so MG and RW's fault, lol


I miss Jack in the Box


I only ever had their spicy chicken biscuit. Once I got food poison though I stopped going but it was convent because they werr open 24 hours.

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Yeah... I get extra chiptole on th sandwich and then, you know their soup cups? The big ones? I get extra chiptole in it and then dip my sandwich in it. :s I have such bad heart burn are ward but it's soooo worth it.


Ummmmmm Nooooooooooooooooooo LOL No extra soup cups with sauce! *head hits desk*

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Yeah... I get extra chiptole on th sandwich and then, you know their soup cups? The big ones? I get extra chiptole in it and then dip my sandwich in it. :s I have such bad heart burn are ward but it's soooo worth it.


Ummmmmm Nooooooooooooooooooo LOL No extra soup cups with sauce! *head hits desk*


It's so good though. This is why I'm over weight, lol. And I have heart burn. But it's sooooooooo good.

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Tyler is sleeping with me tonight. Good lord. I know how L feels now when we are together. I have been kicked, punched, and anything else you can think of. and god does he roll. But he is a sound sleeper like his aunt, lol. I have had to move him so much and he hasn't once woken up.

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He has what I would call a play pen - which I believe is the same as a pack n' play - that we have been trying to get him to sleep in on his own. Most nights he does well if he's super tired he'll sleep in it completely through the night. Bit if he's being a little turd and ill mom will usually let him fall asleep with her then move him to the crib. Tonight I just happen to fall asleep as I was trying to get him to sleep. However my back couldn't take it anymore so I went and put him in his crib.


Well from what I know about SIDS it can happen in a crib as well. Very young babies I'm very hesitant about sleeping with. When we have kids we will more than likely get one of those things that attach to the bed that way they aren't in the bed with us but next to me. I won't sleep with a baby in the bed until they are about six months and even then it's normally on my chest with one arm around them and against the wall so I don't roll. IT's weird. I usually flop around a lot during the night but when I have Tyler with me - or when I had my niece with me a few years back - I tend to sleep in the same position and MUCH lighter. Tyler even moves his hand and I wake up.

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So becuase I fell asleep when I was putting Tyler to bed and woke up at like 2 - 2 hours later - I now can't go back to sleep. Ugh.


I did shoot L an e card though since today his training really kicks into gear with him not having another bank holiday until the end of this month and that being the only one until he finish in Sept. It's going to cut into how much phone time we have during the week days since even when he comes home he may have to do stuff for work so we may not even get to talk on my lunch break which is normally 9 his time. Long road but the end result is worth it.

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Thanks guys. He's my baby. L has never been a cat person but he absolutely adores Jasper. My door creeks - sounds like it should be in a horror movie - when Jasper pushes it open and when we are web cam L hears it and goes, "There's Jasper!" Then makes me call for him - yes, my cat believes he's a dog - until he jumps up on the bed and L can see him. It's cute. I made Jasper's appt. today for a regular vet visit and his yearly vaccinations. He is not going to love me when that day comes... he hates getting into his carrier. I also started looking at pet insurance today for him. Not too bad a deal really. There is this one that has a $500 boarding with it, I'm thinking I may use that for our honeymoon so he's not annoying mom the entire two weeks....

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I love the little inside jokes between L and I. Most people if stumbling upon us having a conversation would think we were losing our minds but I love the fact that at least once a day, he makes me laugh, even when he isn't trying. And while I don't have his sarcastic wit or his quick come backs, I apparently can make him laugh - although it's most of the time due to me being a doughnut, lol


I don't think I have ever posted pics of our Gatlinburg trip. This was the view from our cabin:

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This was our little kitchen nook - notice by the coffee pot is Folger's coffee and L's tea

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The view of Gatlinburg from the Skylift - still can't believe I got him on it.

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The only thing about Gatlinburg is it's hugely commercial. There are things you can outside the town itself - the state park for instance were it doesn't cost you to enter but it's so huge, you have to drive to get to any place there - and I know there are some waterfalls around the town some were. But as for the town itself, yeah. You could easily drop $500 on doing attractions alone in a week. We spent most of the week in the cabin watching movies and just be lazy but we did venture out a few times to the town. It's a great place to get away to though, especially if you find a secluded cabin like we did.

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