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I never thought I would say this but I'm happy the whole missed wedding thing happened in Feb. If it hadnt my rewction today would have been bad.


So last week L and I learned his landlord was thinking !bout selling. L was moving anyway because the shared house he lives in now doesn't accept pets and jasper is coming with me but he wasnt planning on moving until after the wedding. We got confirmation today he is going to sell though. On my drive down yo my uncles we had discussed how we could work this into our plans - all my money is goimg to the wedding and his is going to the plane ticket, spending money, and all hotels - so its a bit or q curve ball to add a deposit and first months rent in the middle of wedding planning.


As well as L having to move while in the middle of training.


But we have it worked out, rearranged some things to accommodate the new expenses and what not. I didn't even freak when he sent me the email, I just went into find a solution mood. Guess some goof came from Feb.

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We are haing some major storms down here. On th drive home it s flashing lightening like every two seconds, no lie. It freaked me out and normally I don't freak out about storms. I was constantly watching the sky for a funnel cloud or something.


I bought a new tiara for the wedding tonight. The one I had didn't have comb things to hold it into place and the only way I could do it was to push it further down on my head and it was giving me a headache when i wore it. This one has the combs on the end and stayed on even when I tried to head bang. a little tall for me but hey, how often do you get to wear a tiara?


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Won't it look not quite as bit when you're wearing your wedding dress and things though? If that makes sense. And how are you having your hair too? Weren't you going to have curls? Is that still the plan? So if your hair is looking wider it might also make it look smaller? I don't know, I reckon it's just right. Obviously everyone is different though! Did you keep the receipt incase you really decide you don't like it?

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Yeah, no hair up for me. I'm doing everything I can to avoid a headache that day. I'll try everything on tonight with the tiara and post a pic. I'm not set on it for sure. I like it but even I admit its a little tall.


Yeah I would try to avoid anything that gives you a migraine on that day. I was terrified I would get one. My mother had one the morning of my wedding but it went away thank God. I thought for sure I would get one with all the bobby pins in my head.......about 250, but I was ok. I would not chance it though if that is what sets you off. It know it does for me now. I prefer my hair up but if I have it up for more than a few hours I get a migraine because my hair is too heavy on my neck and scalp.

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Victoria - I'm the same way. If I have my hair up for any length of time I get one and my migraine are centered at my neck, right were the hairline is. Ugh. I have to have my hair pulled back for work so most of the time I have q headache. It sucks. Even doing a half back last weekend gave me one. :s

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Victoria - I'm the same way. If I have my hair up for any length of time I get one and my migraine are centered at my neck, right were the hairline is. Ugh. I have to have my hair pulled back for work so most of the time I have q headache. It sucks. Even doing a half back last weekend gave me one. :s


That is what happened with me when I worked at one place. I had to have my hair up and just when you can not take it down when your head aches is annoying. Some of my migraine pain is in my neck too, down the left side and into my shoulder blade and up the entire left side of my head and around my left eye.

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Yes it is because when you take it down you can just feel your neck muscles relax. I rarely have them on my head and have never had a temple one, to my knowledge. Mine go accross my hair line and stay there. I always, alwsys carry icy hot or deep heating rub with me. That and a heating pad on my neck ie my cure, lol

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Mine involve the entire left side of my body from almost waist and up to the left side of my face. My entire left side of my face goes numb, sometimes I loose sight in that eye. I have a hard time with comprehension and spelling and remembering when I have one. My left ear has it's own pulse, you can actually feel it with your finger if you put a finger in my ear when I have one. It actually pulses on my finger.My eye feels like it will explode and it gets dry and hot. My sinuses kill me. It is just a hideous bag of misery.

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Victoria - mine arent that bad, I feel for you. my neck does the pulse thing and if someone rubs it, they remark how tight the muscles are.


RW - I have a pharmacy in my purse, lol. My body has hotten so use to stuff I have to take something different with each one. I take Excedrin Migraine, Tylenol, Ibuprofin, BC powders.... I wish i could take loratabs like my aunt does.

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I take Advil most of the time, and Maxalt when I need it.


My parents have some narcotic painkillers at home and thank god I've only needed to use those twice. That happened years ago though. My migraine was so bad that I couldn't sleep. I really don't want to do that again.

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