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Have any of you ladies ever lost your voice (gotten laryngitis) from trying to ingest an entire gentleman?


That's happened to me and I kind of freaked out...totally couldn't crack a sound for about a day after that...and I have no idea what medically was the cause for that. I really, really want to know what that's about. I think I remember having heard Pamela Anderson quoted as saying that happened to her, and I laughed it off. Until it happened to me.

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It will be May 21, the weekend before my bridal portraits. We are doing a Pure Romance party - which is like a sex toy party but it's not. They don't just sell the toys. They sell like sex lotions, perfume, this lotion called 'couchy' cream for when you shave your who ha, and this lotion I tried last night. More like a gel that you put on the roof of your mouth and it kind of stops the gag reflex for a short while so you can... Well, you know. we will probably have some drinks as well .


Oh we have something similar here. There's a shop called Ann Summers and there's Ann Summer's parties you can organise too. I haven't actually been to one but some of my friends have had them and it looks fun!

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Have any of you ladies ever lost your voice (gotten laryngitis) from trying to ingest an entire gentleman?


That's happened to me and I kind of freaked out...totally couldn't crack a sound for about a day after that...and I have no idea what medically was the cause for that. I really, really want to know what that's about. I think I remember having heard Pamela Anderson quoted as saying that happened to her, and I laughed it off. Until it happened to me.


It's never happened to me befor, no. Did you ever ask your doctor?

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I've gotten sore throat from deep throating, but I've never lost my voice - no.


My guess is that you irritated your throat during oral sex which may have caused some inflammation/irritation in your voice box. That can take a day or more to return to normal.

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It is but I'm the one who mainly writes in it, L chimes in every now and again, lol. It was suppose to be our marriage blog but since that didnt happen in Feb I just made it into our long distance blog/wedding blog. The reason I dont have it posted on here is it contains pics of us. Me I dont care but L can't have his on here

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That's only two weeks ago or thereabouts...not too bad I think you should keep writing...you need to chronicle such a major event! How long after the wedding is it till you move? I think I remember you saying April but I'm not sure. Sounds like a complicated/tedious process. Do you do your legal name change thru the US government and then apply for immigration?

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I know, getting use to a new country should be interesting, lol. someone thinks we are interesting enough for 500 views!


I will more than likely move in Aug 2012. L makes the yearly amount now that is required for me to move over BUT he has to show $400 out of that income on top of paying for a house and what not that he can provide for me without relying on the government. He can't right now - not with the housing market - but he gets a promition nex April - what he's in training for now - that will enable him to have that extra $400 a month.


But then we have to wait 3 months to apply for the visa because he will have to show 3 months of the new income. It's a headache. And people all the time ask me why we are getting married so far in advance of me moving. No way around it honestly. No matter what we were to do he would have to go back there for a few months after we were married. I could go over there on a fiance visa and get married but my family couldn't be there and it would cost more because after marriage we would have to change the visa to a marital one. Just makes more sense to wait, get married here, then do it.


But yeah, I'll change my name legally here on my social security card.

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people just like to ask questions. sigh. they're trying to be nice. but it's annoying to hear the same thing every day. surely 'immigration reasons' is enough to say and they should get it.


Apparently not in all cases... I have no problem explaining to people why we are having to do x, y, and z but when they look at me and go, 'why on Earth would you want to do that?' after I have explained it I'm like, I would rather not do it honestly. I would much prefer to marry my husband and rock on over to England but, sadly, it doesn't happen that way...


and like this weekend. I was made to feel like I was in the wrong for wanting to embrace the British culture. Is it so wrong I want to immerse myself in my husband's and my future children's culture and incorporate it in my own? Am I wrong for wanting to give my kids the best of both worlds by adapting to the new country I will be moving to?

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Have any of you ladies ever lost your voice (gotten laryngitis) from trying to ingest an entire gentleman?


That's happened to me and I kind of freaked out...totally couldn't crack a sound for about a day after that...and I have no idea what medically was the cause for that. I really, really want to know what that's about. I think I remember having heard Pamela Anderson quoted as saying that happened to her, and I laughed it off. Until it happened to me.


Oh ToV, you say some of the most creative things.


'Ingest an entire gentleman'. LMAO.....I have visions of snake eating the whole man.

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We got some pretty vicious snake-woman out here. Hopefully you swallowed him whole for his sake


It's happened to me in the past. Especially for more vigorous sessions let's put it at that. I think the problem may also come from the fact that you are putting your hands on the 'entire gentelman' and after shoving it at the back of your throat. Not that I will ask my doctor about it, but it sounds like an easy way of getting an infection.

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It could also be just the throat not being use to it and it irritating it, no?


Today has been a Monday. Complete Monday. L and I web camed today - holiday for him, lucky bugger - while I watched Tyler for my mom. Interesting wrestling a sleepy 9 month old while talking ton your fiancé, lol. Then I get to work and they had seven surgeries. Aye. Then I was in the middle of changing the batteries on the paper towel machine and to do I had to stand on the toilet - the lock to it is on top - and as I'm trying to unlock it I drop my keys... Into the toilet. Bugger. So after fishing them out, washing them off and drying them I get the paper towel machine in order. I step down to get the trash and apparnetly I didn't shut then door on it all the way and the door fell and hit me in the head. Ouchie.


Then L and I talked at lunch. Someone associated with my second family in a round about way said this past weekend he was anti-American which I found hilarious. I was telling him about how when I responded if he didn't like us he wouldn't be marrying one someone said, "no he just found one willing to be British." not sure if that's an insult or compliment really.... So we had a long, lengthy talk about the differences in our two cultures and what not and how people view things.


I went to the gym tonight. Nothing too big since about 15 mins my calf started hurting again so I think I barely broke 100 calories at 35 mins.

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Hey missy,


It's uni holidays but I have three essays due at the end of the week so I havent had much time for web surfing lately but when I did get a few mins today and checked your blog - and just want to let you know that your Easter message really touched me. Hope you are feeling better. xx.

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OG, did you change your blog address or something? You sent me the link but it doesn't work anymore.


I think I may have, I'll resend it to you KH


Hey missy,


It's uni holidays but I have three essays due at the end of the week so I havent had much time for web surfing lately but when I did get a few mins today and checked your blog - and just want to let you know that your Easter message really touched me. Hope you are feeling better. xx.


Hey! I was wondering about you the other day. I am better - just one of those moments. Hope all is well with you! Xx

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Sent out the invites for my bachelorette party, woohoo!


I'm tired. Blah. Ready for Friday to be here so I can be off and the royal wedding can just happen. I'm getting too excited about this, lol.


Jasper is currently sleeping with his tail swishing, must be dreaming about mice.

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I'm suddenly very excited about the Royal Wedding, no idea why. I want to organise a street party but realise I've left it too late haha. I'm hoping Harry will hurry up and get married so I can organise a party then!

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