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Avoiding strip clubs just makes sense. They are degrading to both men and women and are really stupid! But, I would love to go out on the town if I am about to give up the carefree single life forever. Going out DOES NOT have to mean getting drunk. I can have fun dining and dancing and never touch a drop (I don't drink at all!). But this is going to be YOUR BP and it should be the one YOU want. Your MOH should be happy to give you the party YOU want, not the one SHE wants.

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Maybe that's the thing, I don't see it as a last thing to celebrate being single an# care free because I'm not single. I have always viewed BPs as just a bunch of friends getting together and celebrating the new step. Idk. I'm weird I think, lol. I just don't like to go out that much.

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Avoiding strip clubs just makes sense. They are degrading to both men and women and are really stupid! But, I would love to go out on the town if I am about to give up the carefree single life forever. Going out DOES NOT have to mean getting drunk. I can have fun dining and dancing and never touch a drop (I don't drink at all!). But this is going to be YOUR BP and it should be the one YOU want. Your MOH should be happy to give you the party YOU want, not the one SHE wants.

Agreed! I don't drink wither and always have a blast! At my bachelorette party, I took one shot, against my better judgment, and realized that I'm not that person but caved under pressure. Then people kept wanting me to take shots, like strangers. They wanted to buy them for me, but I told them I get to order it. Id sneakily tell the bartenders to give me a shot of water with a lime wedge hahaha. So in my pics, I look like I'm drinking and doing shots but I'm not. I had a blast haha.


2 of my bridesmaids wanted to do a pub crawl for my party. One of my other bridesmaids said, um, do you really think mehgan would enjoy that? The other two said, well, we would! Luckily that bridesmaid kept pushing for what I might enjoy. We had a great time though.

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People being stupid. A co worker (male) was told not to talk to any females that weren't in our department because rumors were starting they were seeing each other. Which is bull. He is married and a great guy to laugh with. But I did learn some juicy details about sex romps that supposedly happen here!

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No gym tonight for me. Kind of bummed about it. I called mom as I walk led out to my car - I always have someone on the phone as I walk to my car at night - and I didn't even recognize her! She is so congested with a sinus infection and for some reason agreed to watch Tyler while my brother in law went on an interview. She asked me to help awatch him and she sounded so pathetic, I couldn't say no, I'm going to the gym. I'll make it up some how.


One of the people in my department is.... No words to describ it. Sometims I get tired of hearing how one minute her husband is hiding things behind her back and the next how she is staying because be treats her so well that at times I just want to go please join this site - meaning ENA. I wouldn't of course. Does anyone else find that in being a ENA member when you hear situations like this you just instantly go into advice mode? I do.


Tomorrow is my last day of this six day stretch. Woohoo!! Then Friday afternoon I'm heading to my uncles for his son's Doctor Who themed birthday party. Then sunday I'll meet mom at my grandparents for Tyler's first Easter. Since I'm not religious all Easter is to me really is the tradition of Easter egg hunting, def something mine and L's kids will do.


L and I also get to webcam tomorrow, first time since Sunday because of his training. We talked on my way to work today because he got an early night because of a headache. Poor guy.

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So I was clening a dayroom when I got paged over head. It was to another floor so I went and it was my help for the night, my co worker who every time we work together bails for some reason or another. This time it was a panic attack. I'm standing there in her day room and she is sitting there rubbing ice on her neck - no idea how that calms a panic attack - and tells me she is having a panic attack. .... Right. I faked being sick in school enough to know when someone is faking it. Ifnyour self diagnosing, your faking. Anyway, that meant I had to do all the day rooms instead of just three. Wonderful. On my last night of my six day stretch.


So I called our boss to let her know and she was not happy at all. Like I sid, this isn't the first time she has done this and both of us are tired of it. I did four day rooms in an hour and a half though. And I still went to the gym, there now.


My mom still feels like crap so she asked me to drive her to pick up my stepfathers check tomorrow morning. Ugh. That means getting up at eight. As lon as I'm back before 11 so L and I can web cam before I leave for my uncles.

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Owe. So I was jogging on the treadmill and I suddenly got this sharp pain in my right calf. It just felt like someone had stuck a knife in it... It hurt so bad I stumbled while jogging and had to hit the emgency off switch to the machine. Now it just feels like a Charlie horse - although permanent - and I cant really put pressure on that leg. Wonderful.

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What's a layered bob?


It is where your hair is very short in the back and is layered to be longer in the front. My hair is just below my chin in the frong with layered side bangs and then is layered shorter and shorter the further back you go.

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It is where your hair is very short in the back and is layered to be longer in the front. My hair is just below my chin in the frong with layered side bangs and then is layered shorter and shorter the further back you go.


Oh yeah, a few girls at work have that style. It's cute but def. Too short for me, I won't go past my shoulders wit my hair.


I love your haircut!!! You look so pretty!!


And be careful about labeling your co-worker a faker. I have had panic attacks and they might seem silly to others, but those things are damn real and probably one of the most scariest feeling in the world.


Thank yu BG.


It's really not that it's silly - it's most def not - but it's just one thing after another with this woman and literally ONLY when she and I work together. It's a pattern even my bosses have commented on.

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At my uncles today. I love spending time with my second family and they are all so supportive of the wedding. My uncles wife's best friend just offered to do my hair and make up for the wedding - and she was already invited as a guest - and scheduling to go dress shopping with my BM - my uncles wife - was soooo easy.


I had some issue with getting the iPads wifi set up but one of my friends kids got it running for me. I'm completely technology impaired, lol


We also learned L might have to move before we were planning on him to. A little stress added to our wedding plans but we will work around it. If Feb taught me anything it's to assume nothing is smooth sailing

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