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I am spoiled for seafood. When I want seafood, I go down to the beach and get fresh seafood. I know not everyone can do that, but our local Red Lobster is worse than McDonalds. The food is absolutely inedible! Rubber shrimp, cold, tasteless lobster, fish full of bones, yuck! Your local Red Lobster must be better than ours. We took a pass when we got coupons for two free dinners.

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Great work out. 15 mins on the cross country machine (150 calories) and 50 mins and 2.42 miles on the treadmill (260 calories). Total calories 410, the most I have ever done, woohoo! My right shoulder hurts thoug, must have slept on it wrong. Now I have to get dressed and go to work. Boo.

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I know this question must have been asked you before, so I apologize in advance, but will you be doing the same kind of job after you are married and move "accross the pond" or will you be looking for something different? I have never been to England, so I am just curious if a job here can transfer directly over there.

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I would rather not get another job in what I'm doing now - housekeeping - but honestly that first job I get won't be what I like to do, it will just be something to help ends meet until I maybe find something I would like to do. I worked retail a few years ago and liked it and I have always wanted a office job so in the end I would be looking for those fields if I can. I also have cashier experience so I def could get a cashier job as that first one to get us a jump start.

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My sister used to be in housekeeping. She broke out on her own cleaning others houses and eventually had people working for her as she had more customers than she could handle. There can be good money in housekeeping. If you don't like it, however, that won't work. I wish you the best of luck and hope you find you dream job when you get over there as a married lady.

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Thank you thejigsup. I'm not fond of cleaning, which is why I don't like my job.. That and if I clean all day, I don't want to clean at home, lol


I'm so tired right now. I'm trying to hold out for an hour or two because if I go to sleep now I'll be up in four hours. Blah.


L's training for his promotion, the one that will let me move over, started today. I know he was exhausted since he doesn't end until an hour after he normally does. It also means our phone time is cut down drastically. While we were web damming before work or talking on Skype on my way to work he isn't off when I go in so we only get 30 mins on my lunch break. We still email through the day but it is a drastic change. For a good cause though.

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You never know though OG, depending on the area where you'll be living and the market is like you just may be able to offer professional cleaning service; my wife did that for many years successfully having steady clients. You could also offer pet sitting at the same time which is another market if you haven't looked into. Sometimes she mixed both of those business. Pet sitting especially just visiting/walking/feeding the animals can be so lucrative. A woman she knew was doing it full time and was making really good money.

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Lol! Yeah, I do my job and I always try to do my best at it but as I always say, I clean toilets for a living... Not what I'm striving for in life. I like it because I'm not working for the public per say like I was when I was a cashier but at the same time I miss being a cashier because of the pace, no two days were the same.. But some of the public I wanted to slap with a big Mario glove. I def have many skills to fall on when I move over - cashier, retail, fast food, plant work, and working in a hospital.

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roflmao @ the Mario glove. There will always be an opportunity plus you're still young, find the right company to work for and I'm sure you can grow within. I did that with the last company before moving on to another but sometimes you just never know what can be waiting Thank god I didn't deal directly with the consumer side with the first job, it was mostly doctors and hospital employees (we made medical devices). I would not be suited to deal with customers for Sprint or AT&T. I'd be strangling myself by end of the day.

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Oh God yes, I couldnt do a call service job. I barely held my temper in when I was a cashier and I know how those people can get because I'm sometimes that disgruntled customer, lol. I def don't mind doing anything once and moving up in the company. I may decide one day to go back to school and teach history, you never know.

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A conversation at work reminded me of something I had been meaning to journal about.


When my MOH and i went dress shopping for her we got onto the subject of bachelorette parties. Don't rrmember how but we did. Anyway, I was telling her my idea of an awesome BP was sitting at home with a bunch of friends, few drinks, and some chick flicks or horror movies. To which i got the custom 'that is so boring' conversation. Is it wrong I don't find bar hopping, getting smashed in public, and having some male stripper's junk in my face fun?


I even said we wouldn't be going to a strip club and I'm apparently breaking a cardinal rule by not going. I don't like them, I don't have fun at then, and I font like getting lap dances. I'm an alien though apparently.


That whole day was juet one thing after another though. I'll be so happy when this wedding is over and I don't have to inconvience anyone with it.

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I agree with you, I wouldn't like going out on the town and getting smashed and going to strip clubs.


If I ever had a bacherlorette party, I'd probably like going out with my female friends to a dinner and go dancing. Or just going out for a dinner at a bar/restaurant.


Would you ever consider doing that, going out for a nice dinner with your female friends, as the bacherlorette party?

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I felt the same. I don't see why she had to offer her input - it is your day so shouldn't her focus being on making it fun for you especially since you're tastes for this party are so reasonable and low maintenance in a good way?

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Idk. It's one of the few areas we aren't alike in. I'm fine with staying at a home on a Saturday night, scrapbooking and watching tv. For her she needs to go out and there isnt anything wrong with that bit its not me. I don't have to drink tp have fun.I can count on two hands, sometimes one, the amount of times I get drunk in a year. I still have a six pack of smirnoff in the fridge from 6 months ago and I have only drunk two of them. I just don't need it.


And L and I have a rule we don't get lap dances from other people so why go to a strip club?

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