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I had my car window rolled down on the drive home tonight - not too cold for me to have the heat on in my car and not too warm for me to have the air on - so I rolled the window down for that crisp, clean southern night spring air. I'm sitting here tapping away on the iPad and I hear the rain just pouring down - we are under another tornado watch til three am - and I'm like, did I roll that window up? So I throw on my brothers jacket and go outside. In three seconds I'm drenched. I look like a drowned rat running back up the steps.


And my window was up. Well.


Aaaah, I miss the southern spring and spring rains. The night air after a big rain is amazing. It's unique.


Have you read any George MacDonald? His works are brilliant. Well worth a looksee/read.

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Meh. Jesse should be rubbing your wrists. I'm sure you do plenty of leg-rubbing.


He did last night for a few minutes, only because he saw me crying. They don't feel so bad today but the night just started so we will see how that goes.


I need to get back into reading. I love reading so much, just something about snuggling up with a book and getting lost in it. My favourite genre is fantasy - dragons, wizards, hobbits, that kind of stuff - but I do have a few favourite romance novels I have read over the years. Very rarely will I venture outside the fantasy genre to read though. I need to get the next book in a fantasy series I'm re reading.


I used to read a lot. In fact, that would be my outlet away from the kids before. I would go into the room and just bury myself in a good book. I noticed that my inability to keep up with a good book happened around the time that Jesse got real sick and coincindentially that is when I stopped working out. Go figure.....

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I don't think we would try to concieve then. Right now we arr waiting a year after I get a job to to build a nest egg and the trip will have to come from that. Although we may not have to postpone it, depends were we are really. Although the more relaxed thing is food for thought.

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I wouldn't get too attached to those names, things change the second you give birth. I had a girl's name and a boy's name picked out. If it was a girl, she was going to be Ciara Ranee, and if he turned out to be a boy, Paul Robert. He was a boy and his name is Kevin Knight. He just LOOKED like a Kevin! Strange how that happens.

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I wouldn't get too attached to those names, things change the second you give birth. I had a girl's name and a boy's name picked out. If it was a girl, she was going to be Ciara Ranee, and if he turned out to be a boy, Paul Robert. He was a boy and his name is Kevin Knight. He just LOOKED like a Kevin! Strange how that happens.


Hahaa reminds me of when I had names picked out for a boy, I wanted Christopher Aaron, my husband said there was NO way his son was being called that! He wanted to call a son Peter, after his cousin. I said there was NO way I was naming my son after a guy I had never met and would likely never meet as his cousin lived on the other side of the country. ( as it happens I was close because I have only met this one cousin twice in 22 years) We went down the alphabet and we got to the letter R and found a name we could agree on, Ryan ( Gaelic for " Little King") David, which is my brother's name, and Edward after my husband's father and my husband. So Ryan David Edward. Had he been a girl he would have been Victoria ( one of my fav classic names, and no it is not my name......lol....) Beverly (after my husband's sister) Renee. Victoria Beverly Renee. My second child I had total choice so the boy name was Liam ( to keep with the Irish theme) Gabriel ( because he is the messenger of God) and Norman ( my step dad's name) Liam Gabriel Norman, had he been a girl he would have been Angelina ( for the Angels) Gabriella ( for the Angel Gabriel) Marie ( for the Mother of God and my mother and grandmother) Angelina Gabriella Marie.

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Anything is possible but ours are pretty much set in stone because both of us are super picky about names - while we easily agreed on names finding a name we liked was hard - and our kids follow family names. even if for wome reason the last 2 or 3 change the.first girl and first boy won't, they follow a family tradition, the.boys name from L's side and the girl from mine.

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Alex told me a long time ago that he has always wanted to name a daughter Celeste, so I doubt that will change. Obviously if it clearly didn't suit the kid, we'd know it. Grey is something he's been stuck on for a long time as well. it's shout-able and it's not cutesy. Our friends want us to have kids within the next couple of years so badly LOL. Meanwhile, we're like "Nope! Freedom is awesome!"

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Alex told me a long time ago that he has always wanted to name a daughter Celeste, so I doubt that will change. Obviously if it clearly didn't suit the kid, we'd know it. Grey is something he's been stuck on for a long time as well. it's shout-able and it's not cutesy. Our friends want us to have kids within the next couple of years so badly LOL. Meanwhile, we're like "Nope! Freedom is awesome!"


My brother's last daughter they gave her a totally unusual name with an unusual spelling. I thought I would never get used to it but it suits her.

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My niece is named Lexxie and at first I didn't like it at all. I think it suits her now though. She can be such a tomboy that I just call her Lex. I think I'd give a daughter my middle name for her own middle name. It's my grandma's middle name as well. I wish I could find some way to incorporate Cecilia (my grandmother who passed on last June) but nothing really works. For a boy's name I like Alex's Dad's name- Kenneth. So I dunno, Celeste Anne ©, and Gray Kenneth © Hmmmmmm. It's kind of fun to toy around

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L's family has the tradition of the father's first name becomes the son's middle. So our first boy will be Matthew L. I got to pick the second boys name so I went with Zack David (one of them is L's middle name which is also his dad's first name) and the third boy is Nicholas James, James after my uncle.


Our first girl is Kari Elaine (Elaine is my mom and mine's middle name). Second girl L named, Kayleigh Bridgette (one of them is my name) and our third girl is Kimberly Elisabeth.


matt and Kari we have both wanted since we were kids so I don't see them changing really.

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L's family has the tradition of the father's first name becomes the son's middle. So our first boy will be Matthew L. I got to pick the second boys name so I went with Zack David (one of them is L's middle name which is also his dad's first name) and the third boy is Nicholas James, James after my uncle.


Our first girl is Kari Elaine (Elaine is my mom and mine's middle name). Second girl L named, Kayleigh Bridgette (one of them is my name) and our third girl is Kimberly Elisabeth.


matt and Kari we have both wanted since we were kids so I don't see them changing really.


My husband's family is Brit too and they use the parent's first name as the child's second name. So my husband's middle name is Edward, so my son has it as his second middle name for his father and grandfather. My mother in law's name is SUPER old fashioned so I feel really bad for my sister in law.......lol

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My husband's family is Brit too and they use the parent's first name as the child's second name. So my husband's middle name is Edward, so my son has it as his second middle name for his father and grandfather. My mother in law's name is SUPER old fashioned so I feel really bad for my sister in law.......lol
his is


Is it like a typical British tradition? I didn't know that! My family is Irish so I wanted a few Irish names in there. If I didn't want all my girls have K starting their names I would have named one of them Erin.

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his is


Is it like a typical British tradition? I didn't know that! My family is Irish so I wanted a few Irish names in there. If I didn't want all my girls have K starting their names I would have named one of them Erin.


I have heard some Brits say it is typical and some say no. So maybe it is common with some families. Mind you my in laws have been here since 1959. My dad's family is British and they do not do it that way.

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I have heard some Brits say it is typical and some say no. So maybe it is common with some families. Mind you my in laws have been here since 1959. My dad's family is British and they do not do it that way.


I didn't know you were in England Victoria. When L told me that I had never heard of the tradition before but I really thought it was neat.

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I didn't know you were in England Victoria. When L told me that I had never heard of the tradition before but I really thought it was neat.



Oh no I am not in England. My husband's family is from England but they came to Canada in 1959. My dad's parents came to Canada as children in the 1920's.

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