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I had no idea you meant celebrate as in get tipsy or drunk. No problem in defining it that way of course. If you want that kind of party/night by all means have it -I was just confused by your description of it as something more general that most people do to celebrate with the bride. I've seen many bachelorette parties to celebrate the last night of being single with the strippers or flirting/going dancing with other men -I personally find that silly- but I've never heard of the tradition of people going out before the wedding to celebrate the bride other than bridal showers or perhaps engagement parties.


Getting wasted with strippers is not my thing either - I don't ever drink to that point and L and I have a no lap dance policy. You also have ot remember I'm not having a bridal shower because of the unusual circumstance of me moving over seas after the wedding - so to me, this bachelorette party (while it will not be as wild as others) will be more wild than your average bridal shower. There will be close friends there, alcohol (even if still I drink in moderation), and awesome movies to watch. No bar hopping or strippers for me.

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Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!!


Today has been... Yeah. Ha. Mom and I got into it and I'm woman enough to admit it was mostly my fault. Not all but a good bit. Pretty much she was going out to ge food since she wasn't cooking and asked me to watch Tyler. I over reacted because L and I were trying to watch a movie - I say try because twice my computer crashed and I can't count the amount of times skype crashed on us - so I was irratted with technology and I was just like can we finish this? Didn't go well. And then I went to talk to he, tempers flared.... Ugh. And then of course I took it unfairly out on L which sent us into an argument.


Everything got sorted out in the end though. Just another day in my life!

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A blah day. Slept til 2:30 because of a headache, L wasn't feeling well himself. We webcammed for about 30 mins I think before he went to bed. Poor guy. I hate when we both have a day off to talk it always seems like one of us are both of us are sick or not feeling well. We will get to webcam tomorrow before my best friend comes down at least.

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We decided to forgo a unity candle during our ceremony or sand - never understood the sand thing - so I was going to find a poem about marriage for my uncle to read during the middle of the ceremony. He was a Herald in the SCA so he has one if those voices that can carry. But I couldn't find a poem that I just fell in love with so I decided why not use my writing ability - since I do call myself a writer - and write my own poem.


And I have to say I'm liking how it's turning out.

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Thank you Circe!


Went to Athens today with the bestie/MOH to find her a dress. we ended up wilding it down to two and I made the decision - at her request - in which one to get. So it will be this one, only in canary yellow:


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She looks great in it.


Then we walked around some shops - she bought a few things, I didn't. Then we grabbed dinner at Applebees. They have really expanded their menu since I was there last. M had shrimp and I had fish and chips - or fries for us American folk. pretty good too. I remember the first time I had fish and chips, it was L in NY in this little restaurant by the river cruise we went on. Solo good. She gave me $25 hobby lobby gift card for my birthday which was the perfect gift. She was worried it wouldnt be enough and I was like oh God yes!


Now I'm home, full, trying not to nap like Jasper, lol!

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oh, and those kinds of meals are great... once in a while.


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ok... fish and chips.... nothing else is.......... 1930 calories.


now of course, i'm just saying this with my own experiences with some of these casual dining restaurants. you order a meal, and then wind up with a caloric nightmare. like even the "grilled shrimp and spinach salad." Sounds healthy, right? 940 calories. it's amazing the 'hidden calories' in these meals.

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