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Have a bustle - you'll be so thankful you have one when its time to dance and walk around and mingle with guests and eat - and everything you have to do not related to the ceremony or taking photos!

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Yeah, I'm going to see how much David's Bridal charges to put one on since they are known for over pricing for alterations.


We had a huge storm here last night, we were actually under a tornado watch until 3 am I believe. The power went out once - that I know of - and apparently Jasper isn't the only one scared of storms. Mom came and got me and asked me to lay in her bed with her until she fell asleep because she doesn't like storms... I of course took the mick out of her every step of the way.

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I have hit a wall with losing weight and I need some encouragment from my ENA family.


Last week I couldn't stay out of the gym. I even left work early one night do i could get a full hour in. I looked forward to it, I enjoyed it... this week, I could care less. And I know thats due to a lot it things but still. To begin with, I don't see progress. I don't expect to see it over night and okay, I may have set myself up by looking at it as "I have been doing this a few weeks and nothing ie chwnging" when its going to take longer than that. I know this and yeah, I felt great last week and I could feel the difference but I'm not SEEING the difference in my body and that's disheartening even though I know its not going to happen that quickly.


Two, I haven't been sleeping well. I mean I slept for over ten hours last night and when I woke up I was sooooo tired. And i had just slept for 11 hours!! It's not even with my insomnia... I just haven't felt rested all week. It doesn't help that I get off at ten, was going to the gym for an hour, driving 30 mins home, wnr then staying up for a few hours. I just cent crash when I get home, I have to unwind first.


Third, I'm just not in the mood for the gym this week. At all.


Fourth, I'm lazy. I can admit it.


A couple things I have done to get out of this funk: I'm switching my schedule starting next week to work 1-9 so I cwn spend an hour to an hour and a half at the gym without worrying about staying too long. I'm still trying to maintain portion control - I have had bad days but overall I'm still doing okay.


I think its also because I started doing stuff that made it feel like a diet. I started counting calories and using this excerise app which also kept track of my food and that's when I hit the proverbal wall. I felt like I was restricting myself and I immediately when into old habit mode of not needing food or soda but I ate/drunk them anyway just because they were there.


L helped me realise today at lunch that the main thing is me not seeing any progress but I know its all the little things as well combined.



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ah, i feel you sweetie. You know what - i've felt the same way. but you have to keep your eyes on the prize. i know you don't like to 'limit' yourself - but let's face it - we all have to in some way. you can't eat what you want and fit into your jeans. you can't go on a shopping spree and buy whatever you want if you don't have the money. you can't drive 100 mph and expect not to get a ticket. we all have 'limits' in our daily lives. this is just another one. just today i was looking to apply to a certain job with the government, but i am over their weight limit. that is yet another incentive for me to lose weight!


instead of 'limits' - try moderation. have you thought about joining weight watchers? it's a good plan and can teach you how to incorporate treats into a healthy diet.

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That actually leads me to another hurdle - money. It's cheaper to buy a bag of chips and ration them off for a week than buy healthy food. So sad but its true. And weight watchers is another - money. Between th wedding, bills, and getting caught up on bills my ex stiffed me for, I just don't have it. I barely have it now to get the lean cuisine dinners but they wre better than pigging out on something super unhealthy.


I have cut back a lot on how much i eat, I use to eat seven times a day, no lie. Id eat then thirty mins later eat again. Never ending cycle. I don't even eat a lot of treat foods - chocolate or candy - but I just cant stop myself from having four corn dogs sometimes.

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you should look into your health insurance plan - they might offer discounts or rebates on plans like weight watchers. i know mine does. or talk to a nutritionist. it will help.


i know, it is really really unfair about healthy food costing money. apples are cheap though. if you get a big bag of them. so are oranges. as for lean cuisines, sometimes i see them on sale where i live 10 for $10, so then i stock up. keep an eye out for specials in the newspaper. i use a lot of coupons.

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I dont have one - its $100 just for me. Outrageous.


I have to retry apples. As of now I don't like them but its been !while since I ate one. Yeah, I always stock up on the lean cuisines. I got some 2% milk for myself... I want to try fat free but 2.50 for half a gallon if I dont like it is a lot...

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Keep in mind OG that you are going to hit a plateus (sp). It sucks when it happens and you think dammit, what the heck is going on? Early on in my working out I hit one, I even talked about it here. I couldn't lose a lb to save my life and it went on for a few weeks and then the weight just started dropping.


I was feeling pretty discouraged because of it but everyone here told me it would get better just to be patient and keep working out and I did and they were right. Don't give up, don't get discouraged. Keep working out and doing the best you can, the changes will come, I promise.

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Ignore the scale, physically get your bum to the gym and get started. Once you've started, set a goal for yourself (however many calories you want to burn, etc...) keep going until you've hit that goal. Presto, another day's fitness goal achieved. OR, do some research and find out about free trial classes (or cheap classes) for fitness in your area. Having the bootcamps to look forward to make a huge difference in how motivated I am. It's not expensive either... I'm getting 8 sessions for $40 (regular $60+)

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I wish for once I would come first. I just told my mom about my bridal portrait plans and all I got was 'I'm baby sitting Tyler', 'You have to think of your brother getting home'. I'm being completely and utterly selfish but ONCE I don't want to hear how this wedding is such an inconvience to everyone else...

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I feel a little better now. I texted my best friend asking her if she could come, she said as long as I gave her the day to ask off for she could. I love her so much, no idea what I would do without her sometimes. She also told me she was getting me a Hobby Lobby gift card for my birthday which I thought was awesome that she knew what to get me and it's something I'll love.

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of course took the mick out of her every step of the way.


Look at how much English lingo you've picked up from CS!!


Sorry to hear about the storm - hope it didnt do much damage. A tornado alert sounds terrifying!

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Look at how much English lingo you've picked up from CS!!


Sorry to hear about the storm - hope it didnt do much damage. A tornado alert sounds terrifying!


I noticed that after I posted, lol! I don't even say the F word anymore, I go around muttering bugger to myself whenever I screw up. Which of course the old croons I work with have NO idea what I'm talking about....


It is. We don't get them a lot but when we do, they are bad. And it's worse because we live in a mobile home... no were to hide there!

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It really makes me sad reading about the non-support you receive sometimes. Especially given how accomodating and caring you actually are - it seems really unfair that you don't get the kind of enthusiasm and support you deserve from all family members but I'm really glad there are people like your best friend and your uncle and aunt in your life..


Re the weight loss - it really is true that it can take a while to see the difference. Also - it might be the case that some of this early weight loss has been fat turn to muscle. You probably know this already but muscle weighs more than fat - so on the weighing scales, it might not look like you've lost weight. But muscle is awesome because it means your body burns carbs faster in the future. So basically, if you stick at it you really should be seeing improvement eventually and I suspect that when you start seeing it, the improvement will only increase with time.

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It really does suck. I mean, I don't expect everyone to just drop their lives for this wedding but at the same time for once I don't want to hear how my plans will have to been 'seen' around other people's. She didn't have to say 'I'm baby sitting Tyler' or 'you have to think about your brother'. My brother I can understand okay, fine, he has to get home from school but we don't know his friends work schedule yet and he has a friend who lives super close to the school. And Tyler... well, someone else can't baby sit him for a day?


I just feel like I'm constantly working my life around everyone else's and all I want is one time, one time for someone to say 'okay, if I can I will.' I don't want to hear all the ways I'm inconvincing people I just want to hear 'I'll try my best' If you can't I understand but don't make me feel like I come third place in the line of what siblings need aide. I'm very thankful my mom lets me live here rent free, bill free, and grocery free and I"m not always the best house mate but I'm still a daughter. I may not have a baby or be in school but I AM important, or at least I want to be important.


I guess that's my biggest thing with this whole wedding planning. I'm expecting no one to be thinking of me when I constantly think of everyone else. Case in point, I will most likely not have a bachelorette party because as sad as it is for me to say it, I don't think anyone will think to put one together, even if it's just an evening at home watching chick flicks sipping on strawberry daqs because the truth is, no one is going to think about it. I'm constantly thinking of everyone else's needs and wants but when it comes down to my time no one thinks about me. And that sound so selfish but it's far from it. It's not about having the spotlight on me but about wanting to know my friends actually care and think about me enough to throw this together wihtout me having to go 'am I throwing my own bacheloretta party?'


Because I probably.

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