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Really? We've known that for ages (although he did have a wife)...


I can't believe the ipod is lost - I hope it's just really late and delayed - thats quite possible isnt it? My birthday is in a few days fellow aries person

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I remember getting up to watch Diana's wedding to Charles. It was pretty neat. I am still deciding if I want to get up for this one. I can only hope her dress is better than Diana's was. That was one ugly dress. I liked it at the time, but now, ew.

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I remember getting up to watch Diana's wedding to Charles. It was pretty neat. I am still deciding if I want to get up for this one. I can only hope her dress is better than Diana's was. That was one ugly dress. I liked it at the time, but now, ew.


oh, the 80s were special...


in 30 years, we will think Kate's dress was awful.

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oh, the 80s were special...


in 30 years, we will think Kate's dress was awful.



I think though I liked it cause I was like 14.......lol. Now I just look at it with a more adult perspective and think what the heck is that sad mess....lol.


Ew no the 80's were gross even when they were the 80's (living in them)..........lol.

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Luckily I'm in the UK but I wouldn't get up for the wedding if I were in another country I don't think!


I think I did it before because I was kid looking at the fairy princess story. Now, I might, who knows, I find it interesting because my country is part of the Commonwealth.

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I haven't posted any pics of Jasper in a while.

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This was completely not staged, at all. I felt him crawl under my cover one morning and I was afraid he would suffocate so I threw back the cover to uncover his face. When I woke up a few hours later and sat up, this is what I saw:

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Awww he's sooooo cute!


I'm not going to watch the royal wedding. It'll get soooooooo much coverage here that I'm sure I'll manage to see everything I want to see (basically Katie in her dress) without even trying to watch it.

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^ That train was the true definition of cathedral length. 0.o


I wanted to go to the gym this weekend but they changed the code and there is no gym person on the weekends soooo I can't get in until Monday when I call and get the new code. F. I was not happy about that at all. I need to clean my room since I didn't go the gym though, it's in desperate need of it! Work was okay.. long but okay. I kind of got a headache toward the end though.


My wedding dress arrived today! I was so surprised to because it was only yesterday I told them to ship it. Less than 24 hours? Awesome service I must say! I had it shipped to me to save on money. It was only $15 to have it shipped to me and I def. would have spent more in gas to go pick it up driving an hour back and forth. However, apparently they don't include straps 'just in case' you want to add them so I STILL have to drive an hour to Athens to get straps. F. Luckily my best friend is coming down next Saturday since she can't get my birthday off and she's going to go with me and while we are there she's going to try on dresses and find one she likes. At least I won't be dirving an hour just for straps. 0.o


And if she has time she will even highlight my hair for me! Woohoo!


So all I have left to do to get ready for my bridal portraits is get the dress altered, make my bouquet - waiting on the flowers to arrive - and buying the airplane to go with the Concorde - which also doubles as L's Christmas present - and of course paying the photographer for them. I'm thinking beignning of May is when we will have them just because of plans for the month of April. the 23rd I'm driving to my uncle's for the weekend for his sons's Doctor Who themed birthday party - so looking forward to that!!! - so I'm thinking the first or second Monday in May.


Still no Ipad as well. F.


It's so surreal to have my wedding dress hanging in my closet. It's like, it's MINE, you know? It's not the store's I'm trying on - I have paid for it, it's hanging in my closet, and it's mine. Really good feeling. I'll try everything on after my step dad leaves tomorrow night to see how everything looks together and of course I'll post a pic.


The 11th starts L's training which means our phone talk will be cut to 30 mins on my lunch break. Blah. And we will have to deal with that until Sept.

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So this morning I wake up to Jasper acting strange. I think it's weird that I knew by the way he darted out of the room he had found the mouse that had been in my room the last few days. 0.o So I dozed back off and probably ten minutes later opened my eye to see Jasper sitting in the middle of my bedroom floor with the mouse in his mouth giving me that look that says, "I'm going to jump up there mummy." Before I could get, "Jasper, No!" out he had jumped up on my bed, released said mouse, and of course the mouse wasn't dead. Jasper never kills them right off. He's like a physco path in that regard - he'll catch them, let them go, catch them... so of course when the mouse started moving toward me I broke a record this morning in jumping out of the bed.


And then of course my child lost it. >.

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I'll be so happy when this six day stretch of work is over....


I tried on my dress last night with everything. I may have to get a David's Bridal corset because the one I have has lace on the bottom and it's causing my hips to not look right- that and it could be the way the corset sits and makes my love handles look. Now I just have to figure out how to hang it while not in it's bag to de wrinkle it some...


I also worked on our flower girl basket last night. Hot glued the ribbon and stuff on, turned out pretty nice. Not I'm getting the flowers ready that my niece will have in it.


Tyler is rolling around every were now. You can't put him down and turn your back without him being rolled half way accross the room, lol! And he's trying to crawl SO bad. He's got the motion - not on his knees and hands yet but still on his stomach - but he can inch his way forward some. And it's the smallest things that amuse him. He has a whole thing of toys and what did he want to play with last night? His diaper wipe bag, lol. I can't believe he'll be 9 months this month. Wow.


L and I talked about airplanes today at work - yes, I started the talk as well. - another board memeber who we are friends with on facebook had posted a link about the France plane that crashed in '09 and I asked him a bunch of questions about stuff at lunch. I DO listen to him from time to time when he goes on a plane tangent.

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