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Yeah, I thought about it but I really want to be back at the gym. There was just something addictive about going to the gym, no one to distract me, no one to bug me you know? I would be in my zone, either listening to my mp3 or even better if some kind of basketball or football was on tv that is when I would get really amped up. I remember one time I was so into my football game that when my machine ended at 30 minutes, I restarted it for another 30 just so I could continue watching the game. Only after an hour did I realize I was one hot sweaty sticky mess and it felt amazing!

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lol! This past week I have realized I look forward to going to the gym! I haven't made an excuess once in the past week not to go. Last week I went 4 times, this week I'm shooting for 4 again, maybe 5. I have to work six days in a row after Friday so I'll take that as I go.

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I saw this recipe in a fitness magazine while i was walking on the treadmill, greek stuffed chicken breast with lemon orzo, looked yummy. I may get the stuff to make it this week. There were a few other reciepes I liked: shrimp and * * * * ake risotto, linguine with walnut sage pesto, balsamic dijon flank steak with sauteed spinach... might as well!

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Last week the boyfriend and I went to Sizzler for dinner. They have this amazing spinach salad that I am in love with. So I was googling it and basically it's spinach, almond slices, cranberries, and I couldn't figure out the dressing part but other recipes online suggest it would be good with a raspberry vinagarette. Makes perfect sense, as the dressing was really light. According to one of the sites, that salad has very few calories. Not that I watch calories, most of the nutrition stuff I look up now has to do with Jesse's dietary restrictions.


If you like spinach, try it!

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I love cooking and preparing new foods. The spinach salad is super easy to prepare and no cooking required! LOL I liked it because it was light and fresh and very filling. I didn't even want my meal, I took that to go.


Have you bought any cookbooks yet? I found some really nice ones at Big Lots, don't know if you have one of those near you.

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I really would like to be good at cooking one day. The only thing I know how to make from scratch is biscuits. :s


No, it's one of those things I'll have to hold off on until I move because what I buy I have to lug with me, you know? We do have Big Lots though. I had this cook book when I lived on my own, I had a bunch of index cards and I had the reciepes wrote on them and I would stick them into an album - which was actually a photo album, lol

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I recently ordered this really nice coffee pot for me and my mom and they had sent me all these offers in a little envelope tucked in the box. THere were a few recipe cards, really nice ones and if I wanted I could suscribe to some service and they would send me more. As tempting as it was, I didn't go for it because I know I could find the same recipes on line. LOL


Why did they send me a recipe for some delicious looking chocolate cake that you make with black coffee? Oh god, coffee and chocolate together?? (drools)

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Gah I need to learn to cook to. I can cook some pretty good stuff but I'm scared to try making new things. Tom definitely "out cooks" me. He's always coming up with these fancy new recipes from books and has tonnes of his mums old recipes. That woman CAN cook lol.

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Super easy and fresh spinach salad:




orange sections (squeeze some juice seperately)

dried cranberries

All you do is use the orange juice as dressing. This salad is seriously so good and fresh tasting.


You can always add some goat cheese or nuts if you want it to be more filling.

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OG - something that i think might help you is to make "diet foods" feel more luxurious and appealing. Like as a snack, have a bowl of sliced strawberries, topped with a dallop of fat free cool whip and some cocoa powder. something like that is very pretty, but only about 100 calories. use pretty bowls - food tastes better. make your food kind of 'arty.' i think that this will be easier in the summer time as well with all the fresh produce.

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oh no! are you sure it's strawberries and not some pesticide that was used? i've had allergic (or what i thought was an allergic reaction) to strawberries but i think it was a pesticide. try organic strawberries. they'll be cheaper in the summer. or berries and coolwhip.

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Hey OG, I made that spinach salad I was talking about. I was at Fresh and Easy yesterday and the spinach was on sale (huge plus) so I bought the spinach, sliced almonds, dried cranberries, and a bottle of raspberry vinagarette. Toss it all together and you know what??? It was really really good! YAY, I made something new.

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I haven't journaled in a few days, yikes!


I haven't even really been busy, just not in the mood. Which is odd. Anyway. The name changing of the hospital was about what I expected - not needed. I tuned out when I heard they had used $1 1/2 million to upgrade certain aspects - surgerical equipment and probably the gigantic tent we were stood under as well as the fresh flowers and rented tables and tables clothes - because all I could think was 'there's were our raises went'. Ha. The name itself isn't that bad I suppose, L says it reminds him of an old people's home - which we do have a nursing home attached to us! I don't know. I helped set up and take down but it was rainy and cold - and guess what idiot was outside with no jacket on during this? Yes, me.


Let's see, what else... L and I pretty sure the shoddy US postal system has lost my Ipad. We are kind of holding out hope but not so much. And the kicker? We have to wait a month from the date L posted the package to claim it as missing and then wait up to 3 months after that for the claim to go through - thank God L insured it. Still. Stupid postal system...


I also ordered the flowers for my bouquet:

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I also am going to pick up my dress and veil today. I'm going to call and see how much it would cost to ship it to me - if it will be cheaper to do that then pay for gas to drive the hour and back - ONLY if they allow me to return it if there is something wrong with it - like wrong size, wrong color - if they won't allow that if they were to ship it to me I'm just going to drive and pick it up. God I don't want to drive that hour to and back.... and I can't talk to L during it because I need Stacy, the GPS on my Droid to get me there and back. That and L is getting his new Mac laptop today - he's like a kid at Christmas at this point. I think he's been looking forward to this more so than our beach honeymoon.


My birthday is also officially in one week! Woohoo! The big 23. Then the 11th L starts his training which means we won't have any talk time before I go to work - like we do now - because his hours will be extended. So phone time will be cut down to my 30 min lunch break except for my days off. Sucks but this promotion is part of my way to move over there. The 11th also marks 6 marks until L arrives. 6 down, 6 to go. *sigh* Then the royal wedding is the 29th - oh yes, I have requested the day of. I'm such a grade A dork. I'll be up at 5 am to watch the wedding of my future monarch with coffee, not hot tea. Gotta keep it American.

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