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They don't hurt as bad today, I can lift my leg and while I feel the pain, it's not to the point were I have to stop lifting. I wanted to go to the gym - even changed into my gym clothes - but as I was talking to mom walking to the car she reminded me the gas station closes at 11. F. And I knew I didn't have enough gas to get me home and then back to work Tuesday. So no gym, and I was super sad about it. I'll do some at home exercises tomorrow a few times - mostly crunches. I really could have used the workout tonight too, take stress off.


Work wasn't too bad, I got backed up on the second half and didn't clock out til 15 after - another reason I didn't go to the gym is my hair bow broke and I am NOT working out without my thick hair up! I was in the middle of cleaning a day room when another floor called me. A resident had a puddle in her room and they were wondering if I could mop it up. Sure, no problem. So I grab the mop - we use those microhead ones, kind of like the Swiffer - and waddle down. I get to the residents room and I'm like 0.o The 'puddle' they called me about was a river. The entire bathroom floor was covered in at least an inch of water and it was seeping into the room. I went to the nurse and was like my tiny microhead mop is not going to get that up, I'll need about 10 dry ones - the mop I had was wet. The floor tech guy ended up getting it up with the wet vac but geez... puddle? That was no puddle.


My best friend posted about the make up foundatin we both use - Cover Girl Whipped Foundation - not being in the store. I googled it just now and it's been discontinued. If ENA would let me cuss I would. This is the ONLY foundation that doesn't break me out! Ugh.

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I have done nothing today even though I need to do plenty. Blah.


I didn't fall asleep til five my time 0.o Insomnia is in full swing I see... and I got up at 11 to be up when L got home at 11:30 to webcam. Then when we got off mom had to run to town so I had to baby sit Tyler. He's at that stage now were he no longer just lies there, he turns over, he reaches for things.. one time he got two fist fulls of Jasper's hair and Jasper just looked at me and meowed. Poor baby.... then L and I web cammed again and he fixed my virus software - although, to be fair, I was only doing what the stupid program told me to do. Now L is in bed and I'm lying here trying to find the motivation to clean my room and car instead of napping.

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Well no it won't be made anymore but that doesn't mean you won't be able to find it. Someone may have a box of the stuff, you never know. That is why I google everything to death and then some and if all else fails, trusty ol ebay usually comes to the rescue.


Besides, makeup shopping is always fun. You can get some department store samples before investing any money to see if you find something that is suitable.

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I hate it when your fave make up gets discontinued. I recall a time when I was using this product for several years to have it discontinued. I used to pay about $8 a bottle for it, but then it discontinued and I had to search on ebay for it. I wound up paying 4x that amount just to get it and I bought several bottles at that. It became a little costly, not to mention make up tends to expire, so I kept searching for a new brand.


Then my fave face cream discontinued as well. Guess where I went again? Ebay! lol, I'm going to have to find something else soon.

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yeah, that's my thing. I won't pay a lot for make up, I'd rather go without. The max I'm willing to pay for a foundation is like $15. The CG website suggusted another kind - some kind of silk foundation - if you used the whipped foundation, I'll start there and see how well that is.


I just had the cutest moment with Tyler! Mom had given him a bath and I heard him and her in the bedroom. She apparently had gotten him dressed and she was like, 'Lets go see Aunt OG!' and I happen to walk up to the doorway. She had Tyler in her arms but he was looking over her should - so his back was to me. He turned around, saw me, and gave this little jump like I had startled him, and then let out the cutest giggle ever. It had me in mom laughing it was so adorable! It was like when you round the corner and someone is there you don't expect, I have never seen him do that.

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Apparently a good drugstore foundation is the Revelon one. It's most likely in the 10-15$ range, but apparently it works almost as good as MAC. I don't personally use a lot of drugstore foundation as I'm never satisfied with the results. Apparently the l'Oreal Orange tube mascara (lash blast?) is one to get. I'm going to try that one soon.


I've heard bad things about the mousse foundations. Mostly for breakout sensitive people. Too bad you're not close. I'd do your makeup for your wedding, I have an entire makeup artist collection.


I barely use any makeup on a day to day basis. It's way too much trouble. Most I'll do is a bit of concealer, a bit of mascara and some blush.

If I go out, I love to doll myself up though. It's the only creative outlet I have left.

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I'm the opposite I have found because of my super sensitive skin the cheaper stuff doesn't break me out like the expensive stuff. I think I have that massacara - I know it's in an orange tube - and if it is, I hgihgly reccommend it.


Aww, that's so sweet Mousty! I wish you lived close to, lol! Becuase I will be doing my own make up on the wedding day 0.o


I'm the same. I'll wear powder at work with some massacara, every now and then I'll put on eyeliner but never any heavy foundation. I don't even own blush - after about 15 mins of having foundation if I'm up and about, my rosy cheeks come through, lol

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I fell asleep about 11ish? I dont even think it was then and I was awoken at 2:45 by massive heart burn. ugh.


I didn't really eat well yesterday - wasn't completely bad but it was def my cheat day and I love the fact that when I cheat, I feel like crap. Reminds me that what I"m doing on my none cheat days is WORKING. wooho! I can even feel the weight loss a little in my stomach, I just don't feel as big there and my mom commented yesterday - I was wearing a tank top - that I looked like I had lost weight. I did drink more sodas than I have been yesterday which I'm beginning to think is what is causing my heart burn....


I am so looking forward to the gym tonight. It's nice to say that, you know? I really do enjoy it. And I cleaned today so I don't have to cut my time short at the gym worrying about a messy room to clean! I did laundry - even stripped the bed and pillow cases! - dusted my shelves, threw away a bunch of stuff I don't need any more... I still need to vacum but that's not so bad.

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My best friend posted about the make up foundatin we both use - Cover Girl Whipped Foundation - not being in the store. I googled it just now and it's been discontinued. If ENA would let me cuss I would. This is the ONLY foundation that doesn't break me out! Ugh.


Have you tried Cover Girl and Olay Simply Ageless? It has Olay moisturizers in it and like the Whipped Foundation, covers well and DOESN'T BREAK YOU OUT! It's great stuff and not expensive at all!

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I'm tired.


L and I had a miscommunication this morning on something I was trying to say - happens to the best of us - but we got through it. Of course we got it through because he went all romantic on me. I forgot what I asked him - I think it was the idiotic question of 'why are you with me?' - and his response was to quote a quote from the Runaway Bride movie: "Look, I guarantee there’ll be tough times. I guarantee that at some time, one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don’t ask you to be mine, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life." He recited it word for word by memory. After the initial 'awww!' and me smiling from ear to ear, I told him he played a gay card just then, lol. We didn't get to talk much today because they moved his first Tuesday of the month meeting up to today. I guess on a happy note it means he won't go next Tuesday.


Work was pretty good today. Not too busy really. The hospital is changing it's name - I think they assume that if they change the name the hospital's reputation will get better - so there is this HUGE ceremony tomorrow from 4-6 were they are revealing it. Yeah, even those of us who work at it don't know the name yet. And I found out today that we can't park were we normally park - well, I can't. Because I get out so late I park in a area most aren't allowed to (because they leave during daylight hours) and it's super close to the building. Not happy about that...



2 pieces of roast

light butter

1/2 a glass of whole milk



balogne and cheese sandwhich

pack of whole grain cheddar cheese crackers




baked cheddar potato soup

glass of tea



pack of whole grain cheddar cheese (snack)

can of mountain dew

32 oz. of water (including what I had at lunch)




30 mins on the treadmill (20 walking, 10 running)

Rowing machine (6 mins)

Cross country machine (10 mins)

Allin all: 300 calories

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Glad to see you are well and that you got some good exercise in . From what I can see, you are doing well with food and eating better.


I think that the exercise is good, but the foods - there are no fruits or vegetables in there - just lots of dairy and processed carbs and meats (bread, lunch meat, lots of cheese). Well, it's an ongoing process.

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I want to go back to the gym too. It's been on my mind a lot lately, I felt sooo much better when I was working out. I had energy, I didn't feel like such a sloth like I do now. Not to mention when I was working out and eating right, I felt comfortable with my portion control, now I am just like a garbage disposal, I am never satisfied. Fail

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I think that the exercise is good, but the foods - there are no fruits or vegetables in there - just lots of dairy and processed carbs and meats (bread, lunch meat, lots of cheese). Well, it's an ongoing process.


Exactly. Right now I'm still focused on watching my portion sizes because that is what is my weakness. Can't have just one slice of pizza, gotta have 4 of 'em. I have noticed that I since I started watching my portion sizing I try to stay away from super high calorie count stuff as much as possible and when I drink a soda I'm like 'crap, that's 170 empty calories!' Obviously getting healthy is the main goal but eating healthy food just makes me feel like I'm on a diet, and I'm not. I'm still eating the foods I love but in moderation and combining it with exercise for right now. And honestly I feel the best I have in years, I can already tell I'm losing some weight.

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Glad to see you are well and that you got some good exercise in . From what I can see, you are doing well with food and eating better.


I can't wait till I can get back to the gym and swim/work out again.


I may be able to get a doc release for my foot this week


Thanks RW! I have def. gotten to that point were I don't want to go back to how I was eating, at all. I can't! lol. Like on my day off I kind of had my cheat day, I didn't gorge but I def. had a little more than I normally have been and I felt bad.


I want to go back to the gym too. It's been on my mind a lot lately, I felt sooo much better when I was working out. I had energy, I didn't feel like such a sloth like I do now. Not to mention when I was working out and eating right, I felt comfortable with my portion control, now I am just like a garbage disposal, I am never satisfied. Fail


You'll get there MG! Have you thought about doing at home dvds?

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