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L shipped my Ipad today! So it should be here sometime next week, hopefully before my birthday on the 8th.


Work was... aye. I hadn't been there an hour when they paged everyone from our department to the nursing home. Turns out another nursing home caught fire and we were getting 20 some odd patients of there's which meant we - housekeeping - had to get 20 rooms ready ASAP. Not too bad if the housekeeper who normally does the hall was actually maintaing the rooms we use for storage - the ones we had to take stuff out of and clean for the residents to use.


I also dropped the venue deposit off in the mail today. My dress came into today as well -yay! - so I"ll be picking it and my viel up next Friday!


Food today:

(skipped breakfast)

Lunch- small portion of a chicken caesar salad

lean hot pocket


Dinner - steak and potato soup

glass of doctor pepper

2 Peeps - my dang mom handed them to me. Thanks Mom.


Other - I actually had about 64 oz. of water today.


Exercize- 40 mins on the treadmill

5 mins on the rowing machine

10 mins of the cross country trainer


I also downloaded some exercise apps and tried them tonight. Ouch! I don't know what I did but my knees are KILLING me. No lie. They had been bothering me all day but I went to do a squat w/ weights - one of the exercises in the app - and OMG, I thought my knee was going to give out. I just dropped the weights and grabbed at my knee. Not good. It felt a little better after I walked on the treadmill - I couldn't jog, my knee hurt to much - and over all it's okay now but geez... when I was stretching... 0.o

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Yesterday was... emotional. Ended on a emotional note at least.


L wrapped my Ipad for shipment yesterday which I have to say was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Needless to say I'll be wrapping our Christmas presents. But he got all snuggled and wrapped and will ship it in the next day or so. Then we watched my favorite movie of all time, The Princess Bride. Not sure if L liked it as much as I do but at least we have both seen each other's favorite movie - his being Top Gun.



I LOVE the princess bride!!!!!! How can you not love the princess bride? "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." "Inconceivable!!" "As you wiiiiissssh"! Oh come on... I still quote those things whenever possible and giggle hopelessly with my H. Best movie ever. Definitely in my top 5 I think.

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I LOVE the princess bride!!!!!! How can you not love the princess bride? "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." "Inconceivable!!" "As you wiiiiissssh"! Oh come on... I still quote those things whenever possible and giggle hopelessly with my H. Best movie ever. Definitely in my top 5 I think.


It is my all time favorite movie!!! Do you remember the theme song for it? "Storybook Love" ? That's what I"m walking down the aisle too.


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Nooo - really?? I have the theme on my ipod - I LOVE it - well done for picking that.. its so beautiful. I did consider it for the first dance song but my H vetoed it


Yep. I was shifting through songs to pick and I came accross and it was like that's it! L okayed it and my uncle - whose walking me down the aisle and introduced me to the movie as a kid - loved the idea.

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I would have journaled last night but my internet decided to get it's panties in a wad and wasn't working when I came home. well, my computer opted to have limited connection, mom's still worked. -.-


My knees/thighs hurt so much. It's gotten to the point I was lying in bed, hadn't gotten up, and went to bed my leg and it hurt. I can't sit down without doing it like a pregnant woman because if I try to just sit a muscle pain shoots up through my thigh. And as I was just typing that Jasper - who looks to move his water dish around my entire bedroom - has just pulled the actual water dish (it sits in a silver tray because his moving it spills water every were!) out of the tray and spilled water all over the floor. *sigh* I also noticed last night he never drinks from the center of the water dish, it's always out of the corner of it. Like he'll shove his face to the very corner of the disk and lick the water. I think I dropped him on his head as a kitten to be honest....




L is at the pub watching a England game. I have to work tonight and tomorrow but then I'm move Monday. Yay. I really want to go to the gym tonight but my thighs are hurting so bad, and my gym clothes need to be washed. Blah. And I have no idea what I'm taking for lunch today which means I'll be more prone to grab something on the way to work.


Food yesterday:

Breakfast - cereal with whole milk

Lunch- Bologne and cheese sandwhich (on this sub like bread though, not normal bread)

water (proud of this again!)

Lean hot pocket

Dinner - 2 sloppy joes (I really was starving)

a couple of BBQ Fritos

glass of Dr. Pepper (wanted tea but mom didn't make any)


So far today:

Breakfast: 1 gravy biscuit (I could have slapped myself in the back for this one!)

2 spoon fulls of chopped sausage

Glass of whole milk


L and I were talking about our honeymoon yesterday - we are going to Myrtle Beach - and I am just dying to go. I haven't been to the beach since '09 and it's killing me. I love the ocean. I don't even have to get in the water - which I won't thanks to Shark Week specials now that I know that area is Great White terrority - I just love to sit in the sand and listen to it. I was born in the wrong place, I'm convined. I should have been a beach girl. I remember the first time I saw the ocean. I was 18 - yes, you read that right. I was deprived as a child - my ex took me. I remember turning down a street and suddenly seeing this massive body of water and I fell in love with it then. It's one of the few areas in the world I feel content and at peace when I'm there, just all that water and the waves crashing...

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It has rained constantly all day here. It was thundering so loud this morning it woke me up from a dead sleep! And Jasper... oh Jasper. This cat does not like thunderstorms, at all. It's like the vacume cleaner and it's made worse by the fact we have a tin roof so even if it's just raining hard the sound is ampilified and he about poops himself every time. I knew it was a thunderstorm before my eyes even opened because I felt his fat fur ball self stuck behind the crook in my legs. Lord.


Rest of the food:

Lunch - Subway roast beef with cheddar cheese, light mayo, and extra Chiptole sauce (BUT it was a 6 in. First time I didn't order a foot long. woohoo!)

Baked BBQ chips (which actually weren't all that bad)

can pepzi

Dinner - couple slices of fried chicken


mashed potatoes

glass of sweet tea


Other - 30 oz. of water today



20 mins of stretching/ab/butt work outs (wonderful abs on my Droid!)

35 mins on the treadmill (jogged 10 of those)

3 mins on the rowing machine


I really wanted to stay longer but the thunderstorm was getting so bad and the other lady that was there left and I was left alone with a guy there. I'm like healthly paranoid I guess, comes from watching all those crime shows. I just did not feel comfortable being there alone with him but I was there for a full hour. I'm beginning to enjoy the gym. God, I can't believe I said that! But I do. It's me time and I'm the most productive when I'm listening to either Michael Jackson or Savage Garden I have noticed. Although I do tend to watch episodes of the Golden Girls while on the treadmill. I'm sure I laugh sometimes without remembering I'm not alone.... 0.o I also ran for 5 mins without stopping tonight - twice. You guys just don't understand how proud I am of myself for htat. I have NEVER done that before, not even when I was skinny and in school. Never. Ever. I didn't pause, I didn't rest, 5 mins of straight jogging and I did it more than once.


My thigh area is still killing me. The butt app on my Droid has you doing squats and lungs.. yeah. I couldn't. The pain was too much. I went to do a forward lung and I just like let myself slowly fall to the ground because it way A LOT. Not sure if this is normal to be honest.... I did all the ab work outs though, which mostly consist of like crunchs in various poses. I have a pilates mat at home so I think I'll do those on my day off instead of at the gym, just to give myself some kind of workout when I don't go to the gym.

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I have no idea Sherry, I really don't. I think it may be from exercising to be honest. It started with a pain right above my knees - not a sharp pain but like a muscle spasm, like when you have worked something too hard - and it didn't do it until I jogged that first time. Then it kind of worked it's way up to my thighs. I can't bend down without it hurting, I can't even sit down without it hurting. Walking it doesn't hurt except for when I first get up in the morning.

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I know. I didn't go the gym Friday to give myself a rest but it still hurt today. It waasn't so bad until I started doing those squats and OMG, I couldn't even finish it it hurt so bad. I was like oh, I'll work through it. I did a front lung and had to bite my lip to keep from screaming. 0.o

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Other than L's pay grade, the NHS was the second reason I wanted to move to England. lol


I can't wait. And it may take months to get my headaches checked out but at least they will get check out! I'll see if my mom has any epsom salt and soak in a hot bath tomorrow night.

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When I did the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred for the first time, my legs hurt so bad after I couldn't sit on the toilet without holding on to the walls for support. I journaled about it here, I was in sooooo much pain like it wasn't even normal pain. I couldn't walk for days. Hot baths and epsom salt were my best friends during that time.

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When I did the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred for the first time, my legs hurt so bad after I couldn't sit on the toilet without holding on to the walls for support.


Ha ha ha, the exact same thing happened to me! In fact I told a colleague about it and she just about rolled on the floor laughing. I just kept doing the DVD and the soreness got better after 3-4-5 days.

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Ha ha ha, the exact same thing happened to me! In fact I told a colleague about it and she just about rolled on the floor laughing. I just kept doing the DVD and the soreness got better after 3-4-5 days.


I was too chicken to continue with it, because in my mind I couldn't see myself hurting that bad for days on end. I'll just have wobbly thighs, it's okay. LOL

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