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to be honest, i've pulled shady stuff like that in my past. i wouldn't do it again though. i've learned my lessons.


I think I pulled it once myself. lol At least she didn't grab his wrist away from my hand and run her finger over his tattoo like that server in Chili's did...


I never understood statements like this. If you trust him, how can you say you don't trust other women? Sounds like there's no problem at all!


I don't trust other women because I know how they think but I always trust how he will react tot he situation. It's mostly said out of funness if that makes any sense.

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ah ok.


Jared and I went to a hockey game the other night and he saw an ex of his.


God she was hideous!


I'm glad to know i'm so much better looking than some of his past girls haha.


Not sure that relates but thought i'd add it.

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lol! I have only seen one or two pics of L's ex's, and that was only because of facebook, he's one of those who when he breaks up everything about that person goes out the window. I remember one of them being skinner than me but she was wearing white high heels - for some reason that made me feel better, ha.

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Ah so annoying! Me and Tom were walking back to the car outside Ikea once and a woman was trying to get stuff in the back of the car. So Tom went to help her and I tried to too then she tells me "I want HIM to help!" and gave me the most stinking look ever then started touching his arm! So he walked away. Tut tut!

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Wow KH... that's like the server at Chili's with us. I was just like excuese me????


I remember this one time L went to a meeting and a girl grabbed his phone and was like, 'were is your number in here?' He just casually took the phone back and every so not subtly scratched his forehead with his left hand so his promise ring came into view.

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I always forget to journal stuff....


So L told me about a girl hitting on him today. He was at the post office and the chasier or whatever handed him his receipt and told hjim he could write his number on the back. He said 'I think my fiance might have a problem with that' and do you know what she said? 'What she doesn't know can't hurt her' or something like that.


Yes. It's women like that that make me not trust my own sex.


We were at a wedding when I was newly pregnant (not showing yet). There were many swing dancers because my friend married her instructor. I went to the ladies' room and as some of you know when you're early pregnant you might be spending um more time in the restroom (washroom for those Brits on here ;-) I was gone about 15 minutes. While I was gone my bf waited for me at the table - this woman came over and asked him to dance -he politely declined and said "my gf will be back soon and might be upset if she doesn't see me at the table" -she said "this is swing dancing so you have to dance. She dragged him up and within about 60 seconds he stepped on her toes despite having taken lessons in the past. She thankfully ended the dance and I think he was walking back to the table when I came out. I made sure to give her "looks" as often as I could the rest of the night.


I think promise rings/wedding rings are even more of a turn on for some women. Ugh.


L sounds great - and the story is kind of funny despite that woman being an annoying brat.

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Wow! I agree about the promise/wedding rings although it's a hit and a miss really. I have gotten hit on a few times at work and sometimes I can subtly flash my ring and the men back off and others just don't even blink an eye at it. Ugh. And L's LOOKS like a wedding band - it's just a simple stainless steel band.


He is and it is really. At the time I was like 'come on!' but it's like the whole Chili's waitress thing - after the fact it's a hilarious story.

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I've had men do this to me. It is so sad and disgusting at the same time. I get, "What your bf doesn't know won't hurt him." Or "Is there a ring on your finger or through your nose?" Or, "You aren't married, are you. Come on, then!" Guys can be just as much pigs as women, believe me. I always treat men with a gf or a wife as a "No Fly Zone".

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Ohhh can I add my story too? Once when Jesse and I were in Vegas we were sitting at the bar and this woman sits down opposite us. She's there for a bit touching up her makeup. He gets up to go to the bathroom and a few minutes later she gets up and walks away.


He comes back and says "that chick just asked me for a date" I was like "what chick"? He says "the girl that was at the bar, she was waiting for me when I got out of the bathroom and asked if I wanted a date". What did you say? I told her I was was with my girlfriend and she said "so ditch her for a little while".


Nasty broad.

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Oh can I join in again please too, have another story lol.


Last year Tom broke his foot. He had a really difficult time getting into work and doing his job while he was on crutches. Anyway. A few days after he broke his foot he had to go on a course which was about a hour and a half away. He couldn't drive so I was driving him there in the mornings and picking him up in the evenings (completely exhausting week that was lol). He started at 8 and finished at about 6.


The last day he finished at 1 so we were going to go get some food and spend some time in the mountains having a picnin (course was in a really beautiful area). While in the supermarket getting some food one of the nurses he works with showed up. I'd never seen her before. They were talking normally then she asked how his leg is. He said it was still pretty sore and was telling her that the course had been pretty hard (Advanced Trauma Life Support course so lots of standing). She then bends down and tried to lift his trouser leg up and was touching his leg All the time this was going on she was looking at me like I was in the way and interfering in their conversation, like she didn't acknowledge I was there really. Tom told he thought it was completely inappropriate for her to try to LIFT a doctor she works with trousers up in the middle of a supermarket! So she walked off.


Completely bizarre


metrogirl, sorry but you sort of have to laugh at these women don't you!

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Well it's either I laugh at them or beat them down so I guess I will just have to laugh because I don't want to end up in jail. LOL


Ok in the spirit of sharing, allow me to share another story.


Jesse is a regular in the Nephrologist's office due to his kidney failure. One day the girl working the desk comes back and tells him that he has a 10 dollar copay so he goes with her so he can use his credit card. Minutes go by and he is still gone and I'm wondering what on earth is taking so long. Finally he comes back, I ask him if everything is alright and he said "yeah, the girl started talking to me while we were waiting for the card to process. We got to talking about school and she asked what high school I went to and then she said she had gone to such and such school". So I guess she thought she was going to get his attention because she had gone to an all girl catholic girl school and he went to the neighboring all boy catholic school.


So now everytime we go she's all grins and giggles. Ugh, get over it... Maybe one day I will tell her, "if you really want him you can have him but only if you like cooking, cleaning, driving, washing clothes, injecting him twice a week, monitoring what he eats, organizing his medicine, rubbing his swollen legs, and dealing with endless doctors". I bet he won't look so hot in her eyes after that. LOL

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NIce to know I'm not the only woman who deals with this.


The only one we actually had in person was the Chili's waitress when L was here back in October. We were sat in the booth waiting on my best friend and her guy to come and talking. The waitress came over, introduced herself and L said hello and I swear you could see her eyes light up when she heard his accent. So she walks away and we continue talking. The next thing I know she sees down accross from L, grabs his arm and goes 'What do these mean?' - meaning his arm tattoos - all the while running her finger over them.


She was extremely lucky she got called away at that moment. And even though I lived on a waiter's salary before and can't tip badly, she did not get a 20% tip from me that day.

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Yesterday was... emotional. Ended on a emotional note at least.


L wrapped my Ipad for shipment yesterday which I have to say was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Needless to say I'll be wrapping our Christmas presents. But he got all snuggled and wrapped and will ship it in the next day or so. Then we watched my favorite movie of all time, The Princess Bride. Not sure if L liked it as much as I do but at least we have both seen each other's favorite movie - his being Top Gun. Of course it would be a movie about planes... and then the argument started. I think it actually started half way through the movie - pretty sure I started it as well - but it was over the one problem we have and the only reason we have it is because we are in an LDR. Just goes to show we are way past the honeymoon stage at this point. We'll work through it though.

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If it's the only problem you have and it's because you're in an LDR then that sounds pretty good to me! Can't imagine how hard it must be being in a LDR but you both seem to handle it really well. Is it something that will be resolved when you move over here? That's really good if it is!

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I wonder what your 'one problem' is? apparently old couples fight over the same things they fought when they first started dating, more often than not! haha


all these crazy-women stories are... crazy! 0__0 I know my bf gets hit on, but either it's when I'm not there or it's MUCH MORE SUBTLE! hahaha. and guys who hit on me also have the decency not to do so blatantly in front of a boyfriend I'm obviously loving up. I can't even imagine... what goes through those people's minds! geez. I hope I never meet one. or actually I hope I do, just for the lols. x)

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