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Oh no! Phone's drive me insane. I'm so impatient. Same with computers. If they don't work then I get REALLY annoyed because I don't know how to fix them!


What phone is it?... Not that I'll know what to do sorry lol. Ah I really hope Skype works on the next one! Can you two talk any other way other than emails and things? Guess it would be quite expensive to call though wouldn't it? Ah I'd be so annoyed!


I'm glad you had fun with your uncle though

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Oh no! Phone's drive me insane. I'm so impatient. Same with computers. If they don't work then I get REALLY annoyed because I don't know how to fix them!


What phone is it?... Not that I'll know what to do sorry lol. Ah I really hope Skype works on the next one! Can you two talk any other way other than emails and things? Guess it would be quite expensive to call though wouldn't it? Ah I'd be so annoyed!


I'm glad you had fun with your uncle though


It's a Droid Eris. Usually a rather good phone but yesterday I would have swore them off, lol. I spent four hours trying to get it to work, L wakes up to go to work and finds the solution in 15 mins. Tyler slept with me last night so of course I feel like crap. Between the Skype issue - which I cried myself to sleep over. I'm so emotional sometimes - and trying to get him to go to sleep, I kind of have a headache starting already and I just woke up. Blah.

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Oh I have no idea about all the fancy smart phones now I've always had really rubbish phones till I got a Blackberry last week! Oh so Skype works now? Woohoo for L


Hope your head feels better later!

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Oh just looked that phone up and funnily enough I went with my mum to donate blood today and the blood donation lady got the same phone on the weekend and was really excited about it but had no idea how most of the features worked lol.

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My food for the weekend:


Breakfast/Lunch (woke up late): McDonalds - chicken sandwhich with fires and a Dr. Pepper

Dinner - Steak, potatoes, corn on the cobb, and a can dr. pepper

Other - About 4 can Dr. Peppers

Snack - small bag of Blue Ranch doritoes



Breakfast- 2 small pancakes with 1/2 a glass of milk

Dinner - Burger with cheese, handful of fries, and a glass of tea



Breakfast- Corn Flakes with whole milk

Lunch- Fetticuni Alredo with a salad and 3/4 20 oz. Pepsi

Dinner - Bacon sandwhich with a handful of doritos and a glass of milk



Exericse tonight:

15 mins on the cross country (150 calories)

30 mins on the treadmill (150 calories)


And I did the entire work out with no fans on me. OMG.

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I've been doing really well with my portiouns. A guy at work asked me the other day if I'm losing weight! I guess I am


What used to not be enough for me makes me full now. I had a half of a Turkey sandwich and a bowu of corn soup and some broccoli at work today and it stuff Me. 3 weeks ago I still would've been hungry after eating that! It memes such a big difference! Its weird!

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I know!!! Usually I had to eat like 5 times a day to have that 'full' feeling. now I can barely finish a Lean Cuisine and a salad before I fill full! I def. notice that even when I get craving for something bad (like an Arby's burger) I'm like 'I'm not THAT hungry'. Maybe if I hadn't eaten that day I could eat it but I know I couldn't finish it.

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Thanks Sidehop!



Cereal with whole milk



Subway sandwhich, roast beef, cheddar cheese, chiptole sauce, light mayo

20 oz. mountain dew



going to TRY to only eat 2 small slices of a pizza. Going to try, with a glass of tea (if we have it)



30 mins on the treadmill (I even jogged for 10 of that. Never sweated so much before in my life...) The gym was super packed as well so I only did the treadmill.



I feel awesome after tonight's work out. At first I was a little self consious about jogging with a gym full of people - I had an image of a the Michelin man jogging on a treadmill - but I sucked it up and did it anyway. I started out at a fast walk to get me warmed up for 5 mins, then jogged for 5, fast walked for 5, jogged for 5, and fast walked for 5, and then did a cool down. I did notice, however, that as I was jogging my bum bounced as much as my boobs. No lie. Just more of a reason to lose weight. 0.o


I'm off tomorrow! wooohoo! L and I are going to have date night and watch my favorite movie - The Princess Bride - which we would have watched on our honeymoon. I also am going to clean tomorrow, both the room and car. Both need it badly.


I talked to the photographer today as well, mostly about the bridal portraits. I think we are going to shoot for late April/early May, right before the onslaught of a hot, humid Southern summer. I got this awesome idea to do a picture with the model airplane of L's I have and he was on board with it - barring I'm the only one who gets it in and out of the box. Pretty much I want to spread the back of my dress out - catherdral train - lay my bouquet in the center and his British ConcordE - I remembered the E - on one side and an American model plane on the other side becuase, well, I'm American and he's British, lol.


I also ordered my wedding shoes tonight!!! Super excited to get them even if they are the most expensive shoe I have ever bought....

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Try going down from whole milk, really. It helps so much!


Congrats on the jogging though! I got out of breath just reading that!


I know, I need to start buying my own milk.


I actually really wasn't that out of breath which shocked me. But believe me, I sweated. I don't think I have sweated that much since L and I were in NY in the middle of June!

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I always forget to journal stuff....


So L told me about a girl hitting on him today. He was at the post office and the chasier or whatever handed him his receipt and told hjim he could write his number on the back. He said 'I think my fiance might have a problem with that' and do you know what she said? 'What she doesn't know can't hurt her' or something like that.


Yes. It's women like that that make me not trust my own sex.

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He said 'I think my fiance might have a problem with that' and do you know what she said? 'What she doesn't know can't hurt her' or something like that.


to be honest, i've pulled shady stuff like that in my past. i wouldn't do it again though. i've learned my lessons.

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Well exactly. I trust him 100% I just don't trust other women.


I never understood statements like this. If you trust him, how can you say you don't trust other women? Sounds like there's no problem at all!

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