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OG - It is VERY important to track calories. When you don't, you end up eating way more than what your body needs.


It just sucks. I feel constricted when I do. I keep a round figure in my head through the day.


I know... well, i do recommend you track your calories. link removed is a free site. and talk to your mom that you want to eat healthier and work on having more healthy things around the house.


That won't happen. It's cheaper to buy the unhealthy stuff in bulk than healthy food. *sigh* Maybe I can loose some just by watching how much I eat - having 1 slize of pizza and not 4 - until I move to England.

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It's hard becuase I can't eat super clean and healthy with how my mom stocks her kitchen - as in, no room. Barely was room to fit a few Lean Cuisine's in there!


You don't have to eat super clean OG; really that's the worst you can do unless that's what you're accustomed to. Heck I ate pizza and other bad things from time to time. It's just a matter of getting used to eating foods that aren't overly unhealthy. Learning to cook delicious meals and getting your tongue used to those food over processed is the key. Pretty soon you won't even crave it; and if you do it's very seldom.

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Hi, hoPe you don't mind me butting in! I'm not sure you can get Lean Cuisines in the Uk anymore, I know my mum had a few in the 80's so you need to get out of that habit before you move. Processed foods are bad and full of 'hidden' sugars and trans fats, the bad ones. Try watching 'SuperSize Me' for the effects of a man eating nothing but Macdonalds for a month - scary! It is easier to buy fast food but all it is is fuel it doesn't fill you up properly and contains negliable amounts of vitamins/proteins.


Butter and olive oil is natural, and it's a fallacy that they're the bad ones. Id rather eat natural foods than some low fat spread invented in a laboratory. You should follow the grandma diet! Basically if your granny couldn't eat it (due to it not being invented) then you shouldn't!


Asparagus is delicious, boiled and it tastes bleh, the best way is to put in a dish with a drizzle of olive oil and bake for 10 mins, they go almost crispy, gorgeous! Sprinkle on a bit of Parmesan (hard cheeses have less fat) and enjoy!


Always eat with a knife and fork, eating with fingers makes you eat more and faster. And use hard cheese always, if you want cheddar then have a mature version, it has stronger flavours so you need less.


When you cook a lot you learn what makes food enjoyable, I can't stand sausage and pies and processed meals because I know what tastes better, ready meals taste disgusting to me and I know what goes in them! BUT it is important to never deny yourself, if you want a burger have one but one! And a small one

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^^^ Some good tips! Isn't it true, too, that eating on a dark plate (like a navy plate) will make you eat less? I'm sure I've heard that in a few different places. Something to do with it making you feel like you've ate more?


OG, it really sucks that unhealthy food is cheaper than healthy food

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I agree with you. Butter is not the devil that people make it out to be. I've been really into Julia Child lately, and she says "Everything in Moderation". She was always into balanced meals with lots of flavor. She's one heck of a cook.


You have to strike a balance I think. You can incorporate a lot of veggies, lean meats and the like, but if you start to dread mealtime because you don't enjoy what you're eating, that isn't good either. I've been eating tons of veggies and lean meats lately, but I find tasty recipes for them first. There are tons out there. I've also been eating cheese and butter.


You don't have to eat like a bird to be healthy. You just need to choose healthier options and exercise portion control. I can't count calories either, especially with a dinner-time meal because I don't have the patience to pick apart exactly how much calories are in every ingredient. I'd never cook because I'd be to irritated.

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^^^ Some good tips! Isn't it true, too, that eating on a dark plate (like a navy plate) will make you eat less? I'm sure I've heard that in a few different places. Something to do with it making you feel like you've ate more?


OG, it really sucks that unhealthy food is cheaper than healthy food


It does suck. I hadn't heard that before - I had heard not to eat on a big plate, to always eat on a small one which I have been doing.


I agree with you. Butter is not the devil that people make it out to be. I've been really into Julia Child lately, and she says "Everything in Moderation". She was always into balanced meals with lots of flavor. She's one heck of a cook.


You have to strike a balance I think. You can incorporate a lot of veggies, lean meats and the like, but if you start to dread mealtime because you don't enjoy what you're eating, that isn't good either. I've been eating tons of veggies and lean meats lately, but I find tasty recipes for them first. There are tons out there. I've also been eating cheese and butter.


You don't have to eat like a bird to be healthy. You just need to choose healthier options and exercise portion control. I can't count calories either, especially with a dinner-time meal because I don't have the patience to pick apart exactly how much calories are in every ingredient. I'd never cook because I'd be to irritated.


lol, tha'ts one of the reasons I don't count. It just becomes too much of a chore and then I'm like 'why am I doing this?' and go back to my unhealthy ways.

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remember why you are doing this though - so you can be a healthy person, have children with L and have the energy to take care of them. you are still young, it's going to be easier to take the weight off now than later. and later, you will have more problems with your back, knees, joints, other issues, carrying around excess weight. there are a lot of things that we don't like to keep track of (like spending money) but you have to do it otherwise things will spiral out of control!

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well, maybe use that as your motivation. obviously, it would be nice to eat whatever we want and not gain weight, but unfortunately, life doesn't work like that. as you get older, these problems will get much worse. you are so young, that you are feeling the effects now should be a wakeup call.

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Well to be fair I have always had lower back pain - I can't stay bent over for a long period of time even when I was skinny. But the heart problems def. scared me, I think that's why even with a few slips ups, I have stayed on it pretty well.



I really want to know why my cat is so retarded. His water dish is in this foil tray because he likes to move the water dish around. Now he has the habit of moving the tray and it makes the most ANNOYING sound ever! And I have no idea why he does this! He literally moves it half way accross the room before even taking a sip of water!

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I really want to know why my cat is so retarded. His water dish is in this foil tray because he likes to move the water dish around. Now he has the habit of moving the tray and it makes the most ANNOYING sound ever! And I have no idea why he does this! He literally moves it half way accross the room before even taking a sip of water!
Cats like their stuff to be just so. Water tastes different if it is there rather than here.
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OG, you're doing great. The problem is that now we're at the point where it's not new and fresh anymore, and it takes effort to keep it up. Aim for a fruit or veggie with each meal, and have fruits or veg as snacks and I guarantee you'll feel fuller longer.



Just put a mat under the food/water dishes, or use something ceramic and heavier.

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Oh OG do you walk much? Could you try walking to places more too? I've relied on my car so much. But Tom's like outdoor crazy and we walk everywhere and I'm definitely enjoying it a lot more now than I used to. I grumble a bit at first but definitely feel better being out in the fresh air and walking than sat in the car. But, yeah, definitely depends on how far away everything is. I live in the middle of nowhere so do have to use the car most of the time. I enjoy walking now though!

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Walking really is the best exercise - apparently its one of the best for a psychological boost too. I think you are doing great with the 'eating in moderation' thing. It's not going to happen every day but as long as it happens most days you'll eventually get where you want to be if you cut down incrementally.


The only thing that's ever worked for me though (and I mean "worked" in the sense that it keeps me at the weight I want to be AND I'm overall happy with the foods I eat) is 3 days off, 4 days on. 4 days - strict as anything calorie counting. 3 days of really living it up. It works well for me because I have a very black/white mind - I'm either on or off - so "eating in moderation" - my mind just can't cope with that. It can cope with being strict. It can cope with being indulgent. Doesn't cope with something in between. So this works great for me - and during the '4 days on' - when it becomes difficult to stick to the plan, I just fantasises about the wonderful Friday night dinner that awaits and it becomes very easy. And by Sunday night, I'm so stuffed with all the food I've been consuming - I'm actually looking forward to the 4 days of strict calorie counting so I can recover!

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What a weekend. So Thursday while at work I realized that when I factory reset my phone the night before - on the advice of a technician for the phone - that it had obviously deleted all my third party apps. So I redownloaded Skype - what L and I use to talk with while on the phone - and it didn't work. L couldn't call me, the phone wouldn't give me an option to answer his call or even show he was calling. Great. So I called and complained to the insurance company - the original problem was still persisiting in itself - and they sent me a new phone. Friday night I drove down to my uncle's house.


Great weekend with him and his family. We talked about the wedding - the first real support I have had on that and interest - and I went with him to his fighter practice on Saturday. First time I had been to one of those and it was pretty awesome to him all dressed up and sword fighting. I'm one of only a few people that would find that cool, lol. I also managed to get sun burnt even though I was out in the sun for all of 10 mins!!!! It's not too bad, just super red. It won't peel or anything. I also learned how to shoot a bow and arrow while I was there - also super cool. I hit the target twice in about 50 tries. Not too bad.


So I get home today and set up my brand new phone only to find out that little Skype problem is there on the new phone. SO i spent two hours on the phone with Verizon - because we all love doing that! - only to be told it's a third party app and they can't do anything with it and to contact the developer. But guess what? There is no contacting Skype. You can email them but they send back a generic email. Wonderful. So then I call the insurance company. They are sending me another phone - same model of phone, mind you - to see if the problem happens again.


I'm sick to death of them.

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Becuase it's a third party app. Verizon can't do anything and I asked the insurance woman how many phones were they going to send me and she said, "Until you find one that works."




I guess it's a good thing I have a clause in my contract that states after x amount of times of being replaced Verizon has to give me a completely different phone. I may try to take it by the store tomorrow to see if they inside the store can do anything. Depends on were one is...

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