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Oh these cats don't get bathed. They do it themselves. Sometimes I have to cut mats out of Moe's tummy and he hates me for it, and tries to eat what has been cut off *eye roll*


Yeah Moe hangs out in the gardens a lot and gets these little slugs attached to his long fur. I just pluck them off with a tissue

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I literally lol'd at this comment. You are too funny. Jasper, you bad bad kitty.


He is. And he doesn't hate water - when I take a bath he will come in and sit and sniff the water and even dip his paw in it. But put HIM in it-- Nope.


Oh these cats don't get bathed. They do it themselves. Sometimes I have to cut mats out of Moe's tummy and he hates me for it, and tries to eat what has been cut off *eye roll*


Yeah Moe hangs out in the gardens a lot and gets these little slugs attached to his long fur. I just pluck them off with a tissue


lol! Jasper cleans himself - I'm fine with it. Did I tell you guys about L playing a youtube video of kittens meowing and driving Jasper crazy?

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lol! Jasper cleans himself - I'm fine with it. Did I tell you guys about L playing a youtube video of kittens meowing and driving Jasper crazy?


This ^^^ was hilarious! Aww silly, funny kitty. No offence to Jasper but he sounds like a bit of a wimp

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^ He is, lol!



My head hurts. Poo. Work was okay. I mailed the photographer his deposit today - she we are officially booked for that! - and I have to mail the venue's deposit tomorrow. Now just waiting on my dress and veil. I'm contemplating going ahead and buying my shoes. We'll see how money is next week if I can swing it. Once I do that my ensemble will be complete - I already have my earrings, I'm wearing L's Gran's St. Christopher necklace, and borrowing a pearl braclet from my mom. And I have my tiara. If I find a better one closer to time and can swing it I'll get it but I'm not spending $90 on one. F that.


Breakfast- corn flakes with whole milk


Lunch - Subway Roast Beef sandwhich on Italian Herb and Cheese with mayo, cheddar cheese, and chiptole (I woke up super late)

20 oz. Pepsi (actually only drank about half of it)


Dinner - chobbed BBQ chicken, Angel hair pasta, rice, English peas (all in portion moderation)

1 cup of Pepsi


Other - 1 can of Dr. Pepper

Water - 1/2 a cup (was steady at work)


Exercise - 30 mins on treadmill

15 on Cross country machine


I usually have a fan on me when I do the cross country machine but I didn't tonight and OMG I sweated. I rarely sweat but I was pouring it. I got paid tonight as well - thank you direct deposit!- so I picked up about $20 worth of groceries. I got a couple of heads of broccoli, a head of lettuce, a couple Lean Cusines, some blueberry waffles, a few soups, and some baby carrots. Right now I just want this headache to go away. Blah.

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I forgot to journal about the gym! So when I first went there was only one guy in there - and me - working out. I don't know if it was my sixth sense or woman's intution but I kept watching him out of the corner of my eye. Of course he was oogling me. A glance I can handle. A flirtatious smile fine. Standing there and just staring at me - nothing makes me angrier. I'm not a piece of meat for you to sit there and gawk at. There are other women in the world that want that kind of attention, give it to them. So not only was I mad but were I usually say something to them I wouldn't because I was alone in the gym with him. I watch to many crime shows to confront like that when I'm by myself. No thank you.


Eventually a whole bunch of people came in and creepy McFee left. All the while checking me out. And tonight must have been a night because the next thing I know there is a guy standing accross the room just glancing every now and then at me - only not at my face. This was of course when I had gotten to the jogging portion on the treadmill and i knew what he was looking at. Sadly even with a sports bra big boobs just have a life of their own... so I stopped jogging. The entire gym is lined with mirrors so as I finished with the treadmill I could see him in the mirror and of course he was payign attention to my bum. I was like whatever, I'm not in the mood to deal with this. The weights are right in front of the cross country machine. The next thing I knew there he was standing there, lifting weights. I'm like alright, he's not paying attention to me. Of course this was about the time he turned around, flexed a muscle and smiled at me.


My first reaction? I made a disgusted face which sent the woman on the cross country machine next to me in a fit of giggles. He eventually got the point I wasn't into him or his muscles, and left. But I'm sitting here thinking, who in the H hits on a woman at the gym?!

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Do you think he'll make it with Emily? I was a bit sad after watching after the final rose - but then I thought.. at least they are being real about their r'ship. They are being very open and honest and if they can admit to the problems on national TV then I believe what they say about being committed to working things out. I hope it works out for them both..

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Gah, I don't know why but men who stare annoy me so bad. Even when I was single it annoyed me, maybe I'm just odd though lol. Last week when we got to Morocco we were waiting at the car hire desk, the guy from Hertz came and said the Avis man would be there soon so we had to wait. Then Hertz guy say this tall woman, wearing a skirt who had nice legs pass and he just turned and stared at her. I don't know, some people would be flattered but I just felt so annoyed for her. Annoyed me more that Hertz man had a wedding ring on too.


But, yeah, probably just me because most people just seem to be flattered Lol.

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Do you think he'll make it with Emily? I was a bit sad after watching after the final rose - but then I thought.. at least they are being real about their r'ship. They are being very open and honest and if they can admit to the problems on national TV then I believe what they say about being committed to working things out. I hope it works out for them both..


I don't think so because her expectations are unrealistic (as far as her trust issues) and she won't be able to justify moving to Austin and uprooting her daughter (perhaps her paternal grandparents are in her hometown) especially given his temper. I liked that they didn't lie about their status but found it bizarre that he wanted Chris to ask her whether she considered herself engaged- if he's not sure about that that's a major red flag.

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I don't think so because her expectations are unrealistic (as far as her trust issues) and she won't be able to justify moving to Austin and uprooting her daughter (perhaps her paternal grandparents are in her hometown) especially given his temper. I liked that they didn't lie about their status but found it bizarre that he wanted Chris to ask her whether she considered herself engaged- if he's not sure about that that's a major red flag.


Yeah.. I feel nervous for them for those reaons too But yes - I too hope for them. Just because we need some Bachelor success to justify watching the show for 20+ seasons!!! lol

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I had a shrimp and angel hair pasta Lean Cuisine today for lunch - should have not had it. Afteward I felt sooooo sick to my stomach and still do, something def. didn't set right with me. I didn't even go to the gym because I was holding back the urge to puke all day, I can only imagine what would have happened had I gotten on the treadmill. >.


I'm going to my uncle's this weekend -wooohoo! I haven't seen them since... well, Nov I believe. Been a while. Uncle's birthday was last week - the big 41. He's not really my uncle, he's a friend of my dad's - er, was a friend of my dad's - that I have known since I was probably 3 or 4 perhaps. My dad was into playing Dungeons and Dragons - as was my uncle - and some of my fondest (and really only happy) memories as a child are of sitting in my uncle's lap watching all of them play. For anyone who knows about the game obviously it's not something you can SEE - it's a role playing game - but I'm more than sure that was what made me fall in love with the fantasy genre - that and being read Lord of the Rings as a bed time story as a child. So he and I have always been close, I have always viewed him as a father figure and what every man in my life was measured to. My ex never came close to measuring up to him, L did.


L is really the English version of my uncle, lol. Just the way they look at life and how they treat people (and women) and are able to make me laugh. I'm also going to one of my uncle's fighter practices on Saturday - first time I have witnessed one of those! I have to leave here at like 7:30 AM - YIKES!- to be there by 10:30 AM. Long drive but maybe I can talk L into talking to me while on it.


L is also going to ship me my Ipad at the end of this month! Super stoked about that, took some reserach about importing duties and all that nonesense to find out there is no duty on it - so I don't have to pay anything to have it shipped in - but L obviously does.

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I refuse to diet - I never do well. I'm just watching my portion size and trying really hard to watch what I eat. I have had some slip ups - 3 sodas in a day, eating when I'm bored instead of doing something else. I weighed myself today. 206.7 - Sat I was 204.9. Yikes. I guess those Subway sandwhiches do pack on....

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with subway, you can go leaner by picking off of their 6 g of fat or less menu (it's pretty clearly marked), not putting on cheese, and staying away from the full-fat dressings/sauces. that will help a lot.


hang in there!!! I agree that you don't have to look at this as a diet - rather, a lifestyle change.

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Yeah, def. haven't been going to that. lol. I have been eating a roast beef with mayo, cheddar cheese, and chiptole sauce at least once a day. Just soooo addicting. but when I saw I went from 204 to 206.. yikes. No thank you!!


I am. This is the longest I have went with eating 'good' - as in, in portion size and about 3 times a day - and I think that's because I'm not restricting myself from foods, just having less of what's so bad. Like this morning. Break through. My mom got McDonalds biscuits - grrrr - and she always gets me 2 with a hashbrown. I didn't even think about it - I just grabbed one biscuit and a hasbrown with a glass of milk were I normally would grab both AND the hashbrown along with a glass of Pepsi. Super proud of that.

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Guys, I really do NOT regret the McDonalds I had at lunch. It was SO yummy.


I really don't buy the: once you start eating healthy, you will like veggies better than Burgers!


Uh, never. That's BS. I had this really tasty Cheddar burger that they only have in the Brazilian McDonalds. Was so worth it.

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Guys, I really do NOT regret the McDonalds I had at lunch. It was SO yummy.


I really don't buy the: once you start eating healthy, you will like veggies better than Burgers!


Uh, never. That's BS. I had this really tasty Cheddar burger that they only have in the Brazilian McDonalds. Was so worth it.


I don't by it either really. While I'm trying to incorporate more healthy food into my diet - salads, broccoli, and carrots - I'm not going to not have a burger if I have done well, as long as it's not 2 burgers in one day. Oh! I also tried assarugus one day - loved it. It was in one of my lean cuisine's and while it had no taste it didn't taste bad.

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Yeah, def. haven't been going to that. lol. I have been eating a roast beef with mayo, cheddar cheese, and chiptole sauce at least once a day. Just soooo addicting. but when I saw I went from 204 to 206.. yikes. No thank you!!


I am. This is the longest I have went with eating 'good' - as in, in portion size and about 3 times a day - and I think that's because I'm not restricting myself from foods, just having less of what's so bad. Like this morning. Break through. My mom got McDonalds biscuits - grrrr - and she always gets me 2 with a hashbrown. I didn't even think about it - I just grabbed one biscuit and a hasbrown with a glass of milk were I normally would grab both AND the hashbrown along with a glass of Pepsi. Super proud of that.


i like the roast beef with chipotle, but i skip additional sauces and cheese. that will cut down like 200 calories right away! (the cheese is about 100, the sauce another 100). have you tried any calorie counting sites?

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i like the roast beef with chipotle, but i skip additional sauces and cheese. that will cut down like 200 calories right away! (the cheese is about 100, the sauce another 100). have you tried any calorie counting sites?


I really hate counting calories - that's when it feels like a diet to me. I do look at the calories but as far as keeping up with them.. not so good. The chiptole sauce is sooooo good. I always get extra - probably bad for me. But other than mayo it's the only sauce I eat on it.

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I really hate counting calories - that's when it feels like a diet to me. I do look at the calories but as far as keeping up with them.. not so good. The chiptole sauce is sooooo good. I always get extra - probably bad for me. But other than mayo it's the only sauce I eat on it.


the other option is to go ahead and have 1 'cheat day' a week, but eat super clean and healthy the rest of the week. (no fatty sauces, no cheese, mostly vegetables and fruits and lean meat).

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