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It's alot better than the A380, only because it's a lot smaller. Airbus seem to think that bigger is better, but the truth I'd that the lArgest plane currently in the air, the 747, often flies half full. I think it could turn into a disaster for airbus in the end. Anyway, sermon over

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I thought the same thing about the Airbus. 800 people on one plane just doesn't sit well with me. If it crashed, the two levels would collapse into each other and very few people would have the chance to get out. That and it's such a tank that it would sink incredibly quickly. *morbid thought* I really like the 787. For a commercial airliner, I found it to be really elegantly designed.

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The ICU wing of the hospital drove me crazy today. I had to do like 8 extra rooms over there - I usually don't get paged to clean there - but omg, they whipped my butt! L and I didn't get to talk at lunch today - MU was playing - but we did get to web cam for about 30 mins before I went to work. Granted we spent most of the time going over the wedding budget and going back and forth about the expensive photographer. I wish, just for once, we could make a decision and then out side forces not force us to change it. It always seems like we make a decision, we learn something new about this whole visa thing or they have changed something and then we have to rethink if we want to do this, this, and that. >.


My heartburn/indegestion problem went away for a few days. I had a sharp pang here or there today and now I have heart burn like mad. Ugh.


I did pretty good today as well on eating. I had 2 pancackes for breakfast - the samll like frozen kind you pop in the microwave - I only ate 1 1/2. That's all I wanted. I have been doing super well on my portion sizes. I was going to the gym tonight but in the midst of wedidng talk today I forgot to pack my gym clothes- then remembered I hadn't even cleaned them. Ew. Yeah, gotta do laundry tonight!

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We are getting the photographer though - we refuse to skimp on our wedding pictures and I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing that the pictures cost more than my dress. 0.o


It's a good thing. You really, REALLY don't want to go cheap on a wedding photographer. Some of the wedding portfolios I've seen... I don't even know how they're in business 'cause they're so god-awful! I definitely wouldn't want to look back on my wedding if my pictures were crap, especially being a photographer myself!


A good photographer will spend lots of time processing and editing the images beyond the actual shooting. Especially if you're getting a package deal with framed prints and albums and such. So if you like their portfolio, don't worry about the cost! It will probably be the best investment aside from your husband of course.

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It's a good thing. You really, REALLY don't want to go cheap on a wedding photographer. Some of the wedding portfolios I've seen... I don't even know how they're in business 'cause they're so god-awful! I definitely wouldn't want to look back on my wedding if my pictures were crap, especially being a photographer myself!


A good photographer will spend lots of time processing and editing the images beyond the actual shooting. Especially if you're getting a package deal with framed prints and albums and such.


Exactly. The pictures are going to be the only thing that lasts - that's our view on it anyway. We LOVE his work too. I'll try to post one of his wedding pictures up. I don't know if we are doing prints for the wedding itself - I know we are for my bridal portrait session, or our engagment session, I think I'd rather have some professional pictures of he and i then just me to be honest - and I don't think we are doing an album, just getting the cd.

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I hope so! lol. The photographer was telling me that was a bunch of different shots put into one since you could never get that perfect of lighting in one shot.. needless to say I was impressed with his editing skills! Of course he had this one shot of an airplane - I think that's what really sold L to be honest.

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I should be cleaning but I keep getting distracted by ENA and this Universe thing on Netflix I'm watching. At least I got one load of clothes in....


Nothing was gonna distract me earlier. I was a super cleaning machine. Sadly those days only come right before my period. I knew when I attacked the house so early in the morning that my period would be right around the corner and sure enough it started later in the afternoon.


This week I will be back to being a lazy blob. LOL

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lol! I need to get back in the gym this week soooo I need to clean so I have no excuess not to go tomorrow night after work. And I need to get in bed soon so I can get up and run errands before work. There needs to be 40 hours in a day.


45 if you ask me..

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Thanks guys. I don't know why it bothers me... oh yes I do. It's what I have always wanted, even above majoring in history. It sucks to see other people getting what you want most in life. Sherry, I'd actually take a bet YOU guys start procreating before we do!



Okay, this is why my cat is... unique.


I went to put another load of clothes on and dry the first load. As I was walking out of the kitchen I cut the light off but there is one over the stove and my brother had the tv going in the living room so there was BARELY enough light to see. I just happen to look down before I took a step and good thing I did because right there in the middle of the walkway was a mouse. To be fair at first I thought it was his catnip mouse but upon seeing the four legs struck out at the sides, I realized it was real. And screeching commensed. We live not far from a field and those little bitty mice have a habit of coming in when it gets cold - and they meet Jasper. I have to admit he's a much better mouse hunter than I thought he would be. I always thought he would run from them. Nope - he will hunt them down and even play with them. Ew.


So I wake mom - she wasn't happy about that but I wasn't touching it! She tells me to go open the front door. Well, I have to go over the flattened mouse to do so. The girly jump I did over the mouse - and Jasper who is sitting there looking at us like 'happy birthday to me!' - it's his birthday btw - was hilarious because my mom started giggling. So as I'm opening the door mom goes to pick the mouse up with a tissue paper and it MOVES. I jump over it and it doesn't flinch, mom barey touches it's tail and it takes off. And of course Jasper takes off as well. We end up cornering it behind a shelf and trying to get Jasper to kill it. He must have been in a mood because he would not kill that mouse to safe his life.


So mom had those sticky mouse traps underneath the shelf in case they ran up under there. This mouse had missed them but Jasper - in his one attempt to kill the mouse - stuck his paw in one. 0.o Have you ever had to hold a 25 lbs. cat who is meowing at you like he's dying while trying to gently take a sticky trap off his paw and fur? It's not easy!!! Eventually mom killed the mouse and threw it out and I got Jasper destickied.


He earned him some extra birthday treats for that.

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AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Happy birthday Jasper.


Poor kitty cat LOL. I hate those sticky traps because they are so rough on the animal that you might as well just shoot it or squash it.


I had to get a slug out of Moe's fur today... yes...a slug... and he howled at me like it was the end of the world. Animals are such animals!


As for the babies thing, I doubt it because I am going to talk to a doctor about IUDs tomorrow as part of our five year childless plan Don't I know it sucks to see everyone getting what they want seemingly handed to them. That's never the case though... everyone has their own issues, their own struggles. I think you're feeling it especially hard because you are likely having to change plans yet again. I don't blame you for getting frustrated. You are just going to have to stay sane until you guys can have babies and I am just going to have to stay sane until I FINALLY get engaged LOL.

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Would have been an excellent home video worthy of lots of money.


I know.. you should have heard him. You would have thought I was neutrating him again!


AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Happy birthday Jasper.


Poor kitty cat LOL. I hate those sticky traps because they are so rough on the animal that you might as well just shoot it or squash it.


I had to get a slug out of Moe's fur today... yes...a slug... and he howled at me like it was the end of the world. Animals are such animals!



As for the babies thing, I doubt it because I am going to talk to a doctor about IUDs tomorrow as part of our five year childless plan Don't I know it sucks to see everyone getting what they want seemingly handed to them. That's never the case though... everyone has their own issues, their own struggles. I think you're feeling it especially hard because you are likely having to change plans yet again. I don't blame you for getting frustrated. You are just going to have to stay sane until you guys can have babies and I am just going to have to stay sane until I FINALLY get engaged LOL.


A slug? lol It's so sad but I don't even bother giving jasper a bath. I give him one a year. It's just a chore and by the end of it I look like I have been a cutter my whole life. It takes 4 people to give him a bath.


I think that's why I feel it so much harder.. because of the nature of our relationship we constantly have to change plans, we have to bend with how the visa thing goes and our shcedules and L's work training thing. The baby thing has stayed pretty constant though. We both agree that we won't start trying until a year after I find a job - not that I move - and living in a shared house for a while will def. help us save up.

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